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Everything posted by mgc

  1. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    You want bases to be defenseless for 23 hours a day so you can rape them at your leisure. I've spelled it out for you on numerous occasions and I see no need for further insult. I mean discussion. Like people taking your stuff when you're comatosed. Like a bunch of cheapskate cowards. I think we've covered this. It's logistics, mate. Make a realistic schedule and see what you need. yeah, likewise. Where is the dawn when you need it, ey?
  2. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    If you don't solve it, you get all the problems I already mentioned. Do you want bases accessible only to groups of 20 or more?
  3. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    How else would you solve it? Imo the "fortresses" should stay as scenery btw, not disappear. You should be able to spot a base whether the owner is online or not.
  4. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    Another grind fest? What other horrors do you have in store? What I need is a rope and some tarp to stay dry and a "crate" for permanent storage. After finishing that I could work on defenses like camouflaged walls and subtle tricks to guide players away from my base. Then maybe I can think of a way to get a fire going without everybody in a 3 km radius knowing about it. The minimalistic approach calls for plenty of grind already. ""You honestly think they are going to make base building doable for a lone person?"" Yes. It's an essential part of survival. Also for lone wolves. ""These bases with multiple people will be defended at all times."" Lol, you would need 8 members (preferably from different timezones) on 3 hour shifts doing nothing but standing guard to get a 1 man round the clock defense. That is life. DayZ is not.
  5. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    Again, get real. You're the one who's asking for empty bases. Where's the challenge in that? Grinding the explosives?
  6. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    The character should be at risk at all times the player is actively playing the game. When the player is not playing the game, he / she should not be considered an active player and the character and its accumulated efforts should not exist. You're asking for 24/7 Get real or get out.
  7. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    ""If you want to be able to defend your base, you need people manning it."" If DayZ was real, you would always be there to man it. As there are other things in life than DayZ (shocking, I know), we must somehow compensate for that.
  8. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    When I sleep in the real world, I can wake up. And I don't sleep for 23 hours a day. You want danger? Come attack my base with me in it.
  9. mgc

    Respawning Loot Prototype

    Because items still spawn at specific locations. There might not be a "next house" for miles.
  10. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    If you want to take my base, you should do it from under my nose. Not when my character is comatosed because there's nobody home to animate it. It's cheap and unrealistic.
  11. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    Only cowards would want this level of persistence. You just want to raid bases the easy way. Dare taking a risk scouting for activity. If you want to wait in the bush until I leave for supplies, that's cool. Nothing against that. It will be my responsibility to ensure you won't get that opportunity. ""and because your base is either defended or god mode it is essentially safe forever."" Base assault should be hard but not impossible. ""the rest of the world would stop checking the magic carebear unicorn force field bases that are invincible 21 hours a day after the sixth or seventh time."" Guess how often I check barracks for loot. Even if nothing of interest has spawned there for 10 times in a row. Always. ""the overwhelming response to it will be entirely negative."" Did I mention the cause of kos and combat logging? Should I care what the overwhelming response will be? Have a biblical flood for all I care. Sleeping for 23 hours a day is not realistic.
  12. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    ""the reason why combat logging and kos is so prevalent."" It's because the average player age is 12. Kos has nothing to do with discontinuing the game. ""exit in a safe area"" No such thing should exist while playing DayZ ""team up with players to keep each other safe."" That will happen anyway. You screw the lone wolves if you force it.
  13. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    ""The world exists while your character is away, other players are free to come and go as they please."" Yes, and I'm saying the same should apply to bases so the world can't affect you when you're not playing the game. As far as consequences for your character / base go, the world might as well not exist when you're doing something other than play DayZ. ""key features like all persistent world objects being interactable for all people playing in the world "" Apart from character owned objects, you mean. ""Why? You can defend your base when you're on"" I don't see anything wrong with that. Sounds very realistic to me. ""nobody would check bases all the time"" Why not? It's currently all I'm doing. Usually there's nothing of interest. """without the players permission.""" ""(logging in)"" Fair enough. Yes, that's what I want. ""take away the option of busting a players base for the 21 hours"" That base being undefended for 21 hours a day is the unrealistic part. You want to take over an enemy base? Bleed for it. ""I told you what DayZ is, and what it isn't."" While were on this mountain, you may want to dictate some commandments? I've got a chisel right here...
  14. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    ""The have your player instantly disappear mechanic is idiotic."" So is sleeping for 23 hours a day. ""Raiding a house or a base requires insane resources often times its not worth it."" All you need is a sledgehammer (professionals use vehicles these days), pliers, a crowbar and maybe a blowtorch. No need to be unrealistic in that department.
  15. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    ""But the world does keep playing when you're not around."" Currently the world can not affect you 30 seconds after logging off. ""Vehicles can be taken, tents can be raided, spots you camp can be looted. This is how DayZ is"" That's what the mods are / have become. ""many people play this game specifically to hunt down hidden caches"" It would still be wise to hide your base well. There will be plenty opportunity for those players. ""why even hide your cache well if it is magic and can't be broken into."" Because it can be broken into when you're online and up to 5 minutes after you log. ""bases that just can't be interacted with by anyone"" That's not what I proposed. Better read, is better. ""They might add locks that require lock picks or explosives. They might make it generally very complex to bust someones base."" Can't be done unless you have a timer for using tools on a base. No way you can protect an undefended base for more than a couple of minutes. Let alone 2 weeks. ""they will never ever in a million years add anything you can't carry on your survivor that will be safe from other players when you log out."" Why stop there? You call that dedication to realism? You know you want to be naked in the dark every time you log on. lol
  16. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    I don't want to be vulnerable when logged off because I can't afford to have a game rule my life.
  17. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    If you're that uptight about it, would you also advocate leaving players that log out on the server? You'd want to be able to steal my gear, also when I'm asleep, right? Or maybe even preferably when I'm asleep. An easy fix would be setting a limit to how long you can stay away from DayZ before the magic disappears. Assuming you've at least heard of holidays, I think you'll agree on 2 weeks of 0 activity. ""But their immortal fortress gets to sit right in the middle of town"" Good luck building that. ""the world keeps playing when you aren't around."" The world doesn't exist when you're not around. I'd like to keep it that way.
  18. I don't like the sound of that last bit. No involuntary info on fellow players please.
  19. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    We can't play DayZ 24 / 7 so concessions to realism are allowed and imo in this case necessary. If this was real life, I'd have my base guarded 24 /7. Wouldn't you?
  20. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    I mean you shouldn't be able to interact with bases if there's nobody around to defend it. This solves the "Some kid blew up my base while I was at work" problem. To prevent abuse, I proposed a 5 minute grace zone in which the assailants can break and enter.
  21. mgc

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    Imo bases should be untouchable 5 minutes after the last base member logs off. It should take less than 5 minutes to break and enter provided you have the right tools.
  22. mgc

    Inventory system

    Time to bump this puppy.
  23. mgc

    Clothes should have splitted slots

    Found it: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172875-inventory-system/?hl=%2Bvolume+%2Bweight
  24. mgc

    Clothes should have splitted slots

    We need a weight / volume based system. I proposed 1 a while back. It also covers maximum slot size.
  25. mgc

    I the game doing it on purpose?

    A new character should not have access to it's old base. Unless the base is clan owned and you can register your new character, you will have to break into your old base to make it yours again. Any loot inside that belongs to your previous character should be relocated to an unknown location and a map with the new location should spawn on your corpse.