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Girth Brooks

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Everything posted by Girth Brooks

  1. Girth Brooks

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    That and to reset loot economy to whatever changes they have made in 1.13
  2. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    Not much different than a flatearther twitter page. Speculation at best.
  3. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    Rumors aren't the best source homie
  4. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    Arma and Dayz work differently as far a vehicles are concerned. Not the same.
  5. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I've heard those booms too, like distant thunder or something. Also most of the wolf packs I've encountered have been silent up to the point they attack. Not sure if this has been an issue for a bit.
  6. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    I had infected blink in and out of existance on experimental last night. Had 3 follow me to a house, they milled around for about a minute and then poof!! Gone. 1 second they were grunting and groaning at the door next no zombies in the area. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this or not.
  7. Girth Brooks

    Stable Update 1.12

    Not sure why console peeps post in this thread.
  8. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Ran around NWA for a bit. Zombies fell easily with a hatchet. Tac Bac was readily available from zeds and barracks etc. and opening doors had limited effect on zeds in the area. Several zeds were on roofs milling around also.
  9. Girth Brooks

    Stable Update 1.11

    Kinda surprised the mods haven't lost their shit with someone posting a dupe video with instructions. They must have jumped ship too.
  10. Girth Brooks

    Stable Update 1.11

    There is a reason all the original devs ( and the second and third wave) all bailed on this game and studio.
  11. Girth Brooks

    Lost interest

    Problem is you're on a console. And BI is in the business to make money. Dayz was just a way to fund A4 development.
  12. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    6 years later and no working vehicles. And this is probably the last major update of 2020. Y'all are dead set on killing this game. Arma 4 will be out before this game is even close to finished. And the population will move there for A4 Dayz mod. At least the vehicles will work. Right? Right?!?
  13. Girth Brooks

    Public (and press) reception of DayZ in 2020

    Just wait for Arma4 dayz mod. Complete with working vehicles. We're getting on a star citizen time frame at this point.
  14. Girth Brooks

    Will there be AI survivors

    If the devs give headless client support then modders will definitely do it.
  15. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Most of the original devs have long distanced themselves from this game. That's why it takes so long for barely anything to happen here. After they "finish" the game 99% of you will be playing on a modded server in some shape or fashion. Star Citizen and Dayz have a lot in common unfortunately.
  16. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.08

    No bones, bikes, a gimp metabolism system, basically zero info on vehicles. Bug fixes are great. Still no delivery on some of the basic promised systems. Dayz expansion mod has planes and choppers for fuck sakes. Unpaid people using their free time. Smh
  17. Girth Brooks

    DayZ in 2020

    I can understand that they still have positions open. No sane person wants the Dayz stain on their resume.
  18. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.07

    I think they are hoping Arma4 will take the heat off of them.
  19. Girth Brooks

    General direction and bitter thoughts

    Dayz expansion mod is more than a few months out. It won't be released until AFTER 1.8 hits and breaks a bunch of stuff that the modders will have to fix. It's gonna be a minute. I really don't see what the big deal is. Play a modded server with the COD requirements you desire. If that's your thing. Or go vanilla.
  20. Girth Brooks

    DayZ in 2020

  21. Girth Brooks

    Stable Update 1.07

    https://www.pcgamer.com/dayz-veterans-dean-hall-and-brian-hicks-are-working-together-on-a-massive-survival-game/ I wonder if this will pan out.
  22. Girth Brooks

    Stable Update 1.07

    Don't worry. It will be done when Arma4 ships.
  23. Girth Brooks

    Moving into 2020

    You need to make a mod then. I bet you'd be good at it. Come back and report when it's done. I believe in you, champ. We all do.
  24. Girth Brooks

    Experimental Update 1.06

    I played for a bit earlier, infected aggro is random AF still. Desync kept me from using melee to kill infected (they could still hit me). Nearly died and bandaged until my 3 rags decided to stop working. Used a fresh roll of bandages instead to stop bleeding. Smh