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Girth Brooks

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Everything posted by Girth Brooks

  1. Girth Brooks

    wake up mods

    Doo ur jerbs
  2. Girth Brooks

    wake up mods

    I am intrigued how they got around it.
  3. Girth Brooks

    wake up mods

    I win
  4. Girth Brooks

    wake up mods

    I'm sure there is a mouth breather that is slacking watching pron instead of dealing with the spammage
  5. Girth Brooks

    Wow, just wow.

    Stupid smartphones. Berenzino, not bartending.
  6. Girth Brooks

    Wow, just wow.

    Run from bartending to balota= 20ish minutes, 20 mins to hit tent and airstrip, 20 to run back. So if you take hrs and hrs to get geared, you're doin in wrong
  7. Girth Brooks

    Will DayZ work on my pc ?

    It will, my old box was a dual core@ 2.5 and a 8800gt for the gpu. Its choppy sometimes, and frame rate will suffer around cities. Just know everyone else with newer pc will have a big advantage
  8. Sneaking around hordes of zombies , and armpit farts . You can flip the bird, so why not.
  9. I'm not gonna spend that much time talking to a sausage-fingered mouth-breather when i can surprise them, cuff them, and take their weapons away. OP sounds like he should work in Guantanamo Bay detention camp instead.
  10. Girth Brooks

    I Actually like The Kick They Gave The Mosin

    I own a mosin, and it does NOT kick like Dayz. Not sure where they want the realism to be, but it doesn't kick much harder than smaller rifles. And attaching a LRS like in the game is near impossible, bolt will get in the way. But I will still snipe you through a window with it .
  11. Girth Brooks


    Consoles = old tech . So I doubt it. And in 3-4 years there will be a new video game craze, people may not even care about dayz anymore. I gave up my console, Xbox live member for over 8 years. I just got tired of the pc having all the cool shit, and playing ports on console is laughable at best.
  12. It will be like playing battlefield on the consoles. Dumbed down. I doubt the casual 12 yr old with a ps4 would be interested in a game as brutal as this one.
  13. Girth Brooks

    People who KoS on strict PvE-No KoS Servers.

    Define strict
  14. Girth Brooks

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    I almost always have a mate with me to spot when sniping, that takes a lot of pressure off of the shooter, especially with the kick the mosin has. All the pristine LRS i've found have been spot on. Maybe try not sprinting everywhere and let your breath slow down. Or just practice.
  15. Girth Brooks

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Military weapons are made by the lowest bidder. Remember that.
  16. Girth Brooks


    Old style AK models are indestructable. They work too good almost. I would figure they would be more plentiful in Russia. M4 is a decent gun irl, but the AK calls it a girly-man as every tiny piece of grit is a possible jam opportunity for it.
  17. Girth Brooks

    Poll: How many people would survive the apocalypse?

    The bulk of the population is in east asia. And I dunno how they would act. Now, the fatties in 'mericuh (I'm a U.S citizen) would kill each other for twinkies. Not being a fat sausage fingered slob myself, I would just camp out in the wilderness, maybe scoot up to Canada. They gots good smoke up there anyways.
  18. Girth Brooks

    Dean Hall on You Tube tonight

    WTH, youtube won't load the stream, but will load the thousands of idiotic comments perfectly....
  19. I have morphine I would like to donate
  20. Girth Brooks

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    There does not seem to be any doppler effect on gunfire right now. But damn, in vicintity the SKS is crazy loud.
  21. Girth Brooks

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    P.S SKS shots are loud as a mofo' , so be wary shooting that thing. At least twice as loud as a m4 . \\m//
  22. Girth Brooks

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    Depends on how close, but the adrenaline starts flowing for sure, heart rate goes up, I start checking every sniper spot i can sthink while getting a huge boner in the process. Sometimes i seek it out, sometimes I wait and see what happens. I tend to shadow people much more than I actually kill these days, so my curiosity sometimes gets me killed. But then I respawn and make a live a new adventure. Not mad at that guy who shot me. I probably looked shady, even though I would rather observe more than actually have to defend myself.
  23. Girth Brooks

    DayZ's Missed Connections (Find Your Combat Logger!)

    NWAF, I shot you in the ass with my M4 hoping for some broke legs. Instead all I got was a control tower devoid of items, and nary a soul to be found.
  24. Girth Brooks

    The kneecapping pandemic

    I lurv this game, even when i get knee-capped and it fucking sucks ass. If you listen carefully you can hear me screaming profanities in vicinity, or maybe rapping the themesong from Fresh Prince of Bel Air to attract someone to mercy kill me. But if you hear a Ah-nold voice, you gonna die.