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Girth Brooks

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Everything posted by Girth Brooks

  1. Girth Brooks

    SKS ammo in 0.55?

    I've been dropping them in the woods. Sorries.
  2. Girth Brooks

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    I own a mosin myself, it shoots great for a nearly 100 yr old weapon. Now I will agree not all ammo, especially old surplus, is created equal. I had a broken arm yesterday I didn't realize, and the sway was awful. Splint and I was all good. It seems to me you get less sway at a crouch than standing, but I've just started to really pay attention to it recently again.
  3. Girth Brooks

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    I'd buy that for a dollar
  4. Girth Brooks

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    KoS will always be there to some extent. The sniper on top of a building has nothing to fear from zeds on the ground. So you will still die and cry on the forums. This is the anti-game. Remember? Brutal. Painful. Die a lot. Frustrating. Rage quits. Plenty of games out there that you can reload your save when you die. Stay hidden and quiet if you don't wanna die.
  5. Girth Brooks

    FPS increase by?

    Un-optimized maybe? Honestly I think the arma engines have been gimp since the get go, but the way they are open to mods makes them bearable. Since this engine is a mash of different stuff, I hope it will perform as intended.
  6. Apparently I may be dyslexic, but yes, moar rams. Good build, the ssd at least for gaming is heavenly. Buy as big as you can. You won't regret it. I can't believe I wasted so much time looking at loading screens all these years. One of the best upgrades IMO for a pc these days.
  7. He wants video to do editing. And fast ram makes a diff
  8. Girth Brooks

    this game just isn't the same anymore

    How do you revive an unfinished game? A good ol search would net you a bunch of similar threads that everyone has read and facepalmed already.
  9. Girth Brooks

    this game just isn't the same anymore

    That other game updates every other day. You can have lots of fun playing it. Or you can magically shat out a finished game. Cause that's how game development works. Right?
  10. Girth Brooks

    v3s climbing (even more) nerfed in 0.54?

    Been driving off-road pretty much exclusively lately and they climb hills just fine for me. The drivers perspective is a bit wonky though. And the trucks can bounce and splat you as you walk up . I've been super careful lately walking up to them.
  11. Girth Brooks

    Anyone else getting this?

    Haven't noticed the tick, and I run dayz balls out, everything on highest besides blur.
  12. Girth Brooks

    High end PC with low FPS

    I7,16gb ram, evga 970 . 70+ countryside,35-50 in bigger cities. Everything cranked full except blur
  13. I still rock this game almost every day. I'm guessing most people think games are magically pasted together and take only 6 months to make. Probably because CoD shats out a new game every year. It wasn't built from the ground up every year, just some tweaks and new models and textures get added. Gimme gimme now!! I wants it! Mad baby mad because it bought a game that wasn't finished.
  14. Girth Brooks

    The story of a sinking truck

    I ran by a truck earlier today, and I guess i bumped it because the rear end flew up in the air and I got the good 'ol black screen.
  15. Start up options are considered badness now since the last patch. iirc from a tweet
  16. Girth Brooks

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Holy necro, batman
  17. Girth Brooks

    Rude language .. and BattlEye

    That's sad really. Bad word police mad at bad words. (overheard during firefight) "Gol dangit, we're getting lit up by some poo poo face on the hospital !!" "Gee willikers, what should we do now?" "Lets shoot that meanie!" "I agree! Lets kill that son of a biscuit!" "Jimeny christmas, that stupid-head broke my fricken legs!"
  18. i7 and a 970 and have it running balls out. Very few frame dips in cities. \\m//
  19. Maybe its just the "I want it now" mentality of youth these days, or maybe its because things are more transparent now. 10 years ago very few if any developers let you participate the way we get to now. I like it. But I'm also not a child ranting because things aren't going my way. Be happy you actually get to be a part of this. Don't hate. Participate.
  20. Girth Brooks

    Deathmap discussion

    I see streamers drown themselves constantly for better spawns, pretty sure that's what the water deaths are from.
  21. Girth Brooks


  22. Girth Brooks

    High Capacity Vest in .51?

    Found one last night in a barrack
  23. Girth Brooks

    Cannibalism Discussion

    ya'll gots the mad cow
  24. Girth Brooks

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    There are plenty of scopes for the mosin, I hope they don't nerf it totally. Make them hard to find, same for other rifles and guns in the game. Gun= easy, ammo/clips = difficult, scopes= hard to find.