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Girth Brooks

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Everything posted by Girth Brooks

  1. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I found a Amphibia mag in a random house last night. Still no luck on a Hunting scope though
  2. Are you talking about the mod?
  3. Girth Brooks

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Winchester is a good gun with good stopping power. I could see them toning down the recoil time hopefully. I'm not for removing it and I apologize for the thread derail.
  4. Girth Brooks

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Yes sir, I also own a mosin and 300 win mag, also several pistols. The only gun I've shot that has recoil similar to the game is a 50 cal Barrett at my local gun range. Recoil on ALL guns ingame larger than a .22 is not even in the realm of realistic. Go check some youtube vids of people shooting from standing and prone and you will see what I mean.
  5. Girth Brooks

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Recoil is ridiculous on the winchester. Very tired of that game mechanic being so far off base.
  6. Girth Brooks

    Can someone confirm zombies are gone ATM?

    Very loud zeds on experimental. Seems like a gaggle of them are chasing you but it just ends up being one really mouthy zed instead.
  7. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Found a SVD but no scope.... high-cap vests for everyone, loot splosions in almost every town i visited. Found lots of food. Gunshots really piss off zeds.
  8. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Seems like using ladders has a good chance of making weapons on your back disappear
  9. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Everytime I try to play, servers are down or I just can't connect. sadface
  10. Girth Brooks

    How to Auto Run, very simple

    Good old fashioned american nickel coin has been my go to for over a year
  11. I'm for the 3pp camera being adjusted, as I go between both view modes as I play. Being able to see without exposing your braincase to a bullet is pretty gimp. Also, right now Zs don't make noises as they should, and it makes 1pp a bit of a pain.
  12. Girth Brooks

    Shooting the Mosin...

    From housing bloc in Chap to Cherno grain towers are 750+ meters away. Even further for firestation. Even further for coast and docks. I play the game just like everyone else. Try not to use that suckbot so much and you won't die. Plenty of other people make these shots everyday. All I've done here is just give my two cents on sway. It's ok. I've dealt with your kind before. I love all ya'll.
  13. Girth Brooks

    Shooting the Mosin...

    I'm not mad that the scope is leaving the mosin, plenty of other weapons to use. I am looking forward to the SVD . I'm sure you will complain about that too.
  14. Girth Brooks

    Shooting the Mosin...

    Not my prob you can't shoot broseph. People seem to have such a hard time with it.
  15. I've noticed that firing a gun in towns isn't really that bad, seems like there is a limited range that the Z's can actually hear. Only on a handful of times have I ever really had to deal with more zombies running over even though they were ( I thought at least) within earshot.
  16. Girth Brooks

    Shooting the Mosin...

    You only have a second maybe when you zoom and hold breath before the sway kicks in. I've made several 900+ meter kills in Cherno that way. Patience is key here. Also splint up if you've had recent zombie contact. Also if you get cold you will get the shakes, which is a biotch until you make a fire.
  17. Girth Brooks

    The Great CLE Loot Experiment (Starving Players)

    Fruit and veggies are invisible right now unless you tab for them. Loot IS spawing but tends to find a weird out of the way place to show up. Just how it is until next patch. Low pop servers will have more stuff on the coast, high pops have been picked over and now most decent stuff spawns inland.
  18. Girth Brooks

    exploding propane tanks.

    It used to crash servers when you blew a pump up in previous builds, but I'm pretty sure that has been fixed. The idea about using big gas tanks to fuel a house etc is kinda coo
  19. Girth Brooks

    Proffesional Alpha/beta tester

    With the advent of early access we are all beta testers so to speak. And we pay them to test. Game companies are loving it right now. No more paying people to find bugs. We pay them, they profit.
  20. Hmmm... renderer so my gfx card will actually be pushed to its limits, and also flashlights being relevant again. Instead of being a beacon of death. So yeah. Renderer.
  21. Girth Brooks

    Massivly unplayable

    I've been killed by ladders and stairs more than I've ever starved. I may have starved 2 times i think since I started playing this game back in the early .40's builds. I'm sure EA has an easy-mode survival game in the works that will be right up the OP's alley.
  22. Girth Brooks

    Broken .49 saved my life

    Your old ass OS probably has been part of a botnet since april of last year. So when the forums get DDoS attacked you are partially to blame.
  23. Girth Brooks

    SKS ammo in 0.55?

    I've been dropping them in the woods. Sorries.
  24. Girth Brooks

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    I own a mosin myself, it shoots great for a nearly 100 yr old weapon. Now I will agree not all ammo, especially old surplus, is created equal. I had a broken arm yesterday I didn't realize, and the sway was awful. Splint and I was all good. It seems to me you get less sway at a crouch than standing, but I've just started to really pay attention to it recently again.