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Girth Brooks

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Everything posted by Girth Brooks

  1. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Helps keep the KoS plebes at bay
  2. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    fps are still nice and high for me
  3. Girth Brooks

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Sweet, sweet nerd rage. Gives me strength.
  4. Girth Brooks

    Where has the military loot gone?

    High end weapons are on a spawn timer. After an AK is picked up there is timer until another will spawn in that location. The devs can adjust said spawn time at will and without our knowledge.
  5. Girth Brooks

    (how) does oil barrel persistence work?

    Hoard at your own risk as of now
  6. Surprisingly I found my Winchester within an hour. Found 2 amphibias very early on and a mosin in svet where I spawned in.
  7. Girth Brooks

    (how) does oil barrel persistence work?

    It doesn't. Server hosts are wiping persistence since its a tad busted atm. Persistence works.... but is lagging servers to death because of hoarders.
  8. Girth Brooks

    Is it time for single player mode yet?

    I'm sure there will be a carebear mode for the women and children. My boot time is similar to Grimeys. Non-potato machine on my my end.
  9. Girth Brooks

    How is the AKM in 58?

    Mosin compensator is worthless with the kick the gun has.
  10. Girth Brooks

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    There will be a lot of tears from ppl wanting mil gear . It's a bit of a chore now to find. :D
  11. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I've seen .308 in residential fairly often, 7.62x54 boxes I've only found 2 in over a week. Found a mosin fairly easily, but haven't seen a winchester in probably 2 weeks :/
  12. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Most people keep their mil weps on their person it seems. I find loads of civ weps and some mil mags but no AK or M4's or Augs in camps.
  13. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I've been wondering if the huge stashes I've been finding are hurting item spawns on the server. I'll find 2 or 3 on every server I go, and it makes me wonder if thats why I can't find any military loot etc. I know there is a spawn timer, but eventually I should find something right ?
  14. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I've been raiding camps, loading up trucks with gear and driving them into the ocean. Sorries.
  15. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    New exp ? Excellent. Time to kill hoarders.
  16. Girth Brooks

    Do you even like PVP?

    I generally just defend myself and eat beans. They are, in fact, the magical fruit.
  17. Girth Brooks

    Found an M4, now what...

    Beautiful thing is.... they can adjust spawn rates now behind the scenes with no patch...................... so you will never really know how much or where or when.
  18. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I just ran around electro on a full UK server and things seems the same. Decent fps, a few dips but always goes back to the low 40's. Question is, where are the other servers now ?
  19. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Servers have been too full for me to play much last few days, but my fps hasn't dropped one iota, still mid 40's in cities and 60 to 80+ in the woods. I don't use config tweaks, and I run the games gfx full blast. I7 4770k, GTX970, 16g ram, game installed on SSD. I find it odd how the performance varies so widely between different rigs.
  20. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I have a feeling some people would be better off playing an offline single player game.
  21. Girth Brooks

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    You can force the win10 upgrade through the control panel, you don't have to wait. Just MS trying to keep their servers from melting.
  22. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Good. I'd like to find something other than civ weapons, since everyone has been hording everything. After multiple play sessions it has takien me forever to just find a damn battery for truck. Haven't seen any plugs.
  23. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Been in the game for months now, also they are everywhere and clips are easier to find then plugs.
  24. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Been all over since wipe, found 3 trucks and 1 tire. No batteries or plugs :/