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Girth Brooks

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Everything posted by Girth Brooks

  1. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.140237

    Nothing to report really, just noticed that the topic name is an experimental build behind what the previous topics are labeled.
  2. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.140099

    My experiences so far being shot with scorpions is this: [worn/pristine jacket+vest] someone runs up on me with scorpion, lights me up, I shoot 1 sks round, they fall dead/unconscious . Generally my vest is ruined, but items are still good, I lose small amount of health but no bleeding at all. I think its a little under-powered atm . Just my two cents.
  3. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.140099

    I'd rather throw rocks then pick up a scorpion, the rocks do more damage.
  4. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.144044

    Be nice if brakes worked. Right now its basically yolo when you get in a vehicle. Still.
  5. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.140009

  6. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    Anything new this week? Spent the weekend seeing live music. Chon is a fun band to see live. Can we tan stuffs soon again?
  7. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    Developers wanna make use of every cycle they can, so the sky and things people don't/won't pay attention to all the time get a little less attention than everything else. Maybe once more optimization is done.
  8. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    There will be plenty of mods for carebears, plenty of vanilla for purists. Don't worry about the stamina system because someone will just mod it to suit them. Along with 10k vehicles, a bike in your backpack, and everything esle to make your life easier. In a game that is supposed to be hard. To each their own.
  9. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

    A sound engineer's work is never really finished. Always something to tweak.
  10. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

    Other than the odd framedrop i get here and there that requires a relog everything runs pretty good. Vehicles are still goofy but that is expected. Not a bad experience at all.
  11. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139748

    Was a arma mod. Dayz has an entirely new game engine from arma2 and arma3. New arma titles will be using it in the future. Hence the long delays in the dev cycle. They have stated several times recently that they are excited that they are "actually making a game now" . Basically just got rid of the olde tech and made new, better tech.
  12. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139653

    Driving in the woods now is extremely dangerous for vehicles. If maybe the truck and Lada were able to travel in the forest and the sedan and bus were more relegated to the road that would be fairly realistic. Trying to hide a vehicle in the woods now with so many things littering the floor makes it about impossible. I kind of like it.
  13. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Graphics changes look wonderful, though I've barely had a chance to see the West due to mongoloids not being able to use their words and wipes.
  14. Girth Brooks

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    2gb or less
  15. Girth Brooks

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    I'm curious about the fps change also (if any). Most people should do fine I think with average PCs.
  16. Girth Brooks

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    @Baty Alquawen, might as well close this thread, nothing of value here.
  17. Girth Brooks

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    *rolls eyes at all the dumb posts*
  18. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    Ah ok, I think I was having an early morning brain fart xD derp derp derpy deerrrrrp
  19. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    I thought they merged the tech from Arma3 to use as sound?
  20. Girth Brooks

    What has to be done!

    And the Come on dude, enough with the autism BS. This entire thread is recycled complaints. Honestly, this is the best you can do ?
  21. Girth Brooks

    Awful Weapon sway

    Nice first post. Complaining about stuff you know nothing about. Well done.
  22. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    Unfortunately servers will be low until something big drops.
  23. Girth Brooks

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    Awww no more double turbo
  24. Girth Brooks

    You Have got to be kidding me!

    Lulz get gud
  25. Girth Brooks

    BETA in 8 months or less.

    It's gonna take a while. New ARMA games will be using this engine, one of the many reasons it has taken so long to get things correct. I think they are moving at a good speed.