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3 Neutral

About RoriZ

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. RoriZ

    Haha! This game is fun!

    I panicked and ran off a ladder.
  2. RoriZ

    Haha! This game is fun!

    Hehe, yeah I figured. I'm kind of annoyed that we can't pick the peaches on the trees! Oh wait, I just realized your name is my favorite food 8D
  3. RoriZ

    Haha! This game is fun!

    I'm definitely not attached to gear... because I haven't found anything! XD I'm really bad at this game.
  4. Haha, hello! I've spent the past couple of hours getting lost in a forest, singing Disney songs to myself when things get creepy and freezing! Haha! I've been dying a lot, but I guess that's what ya' gotta do when you're trying out such a cool and complex game right? Right? Please say yes so I don't feel like I'm just hopeless with this game : D I've been running around the more populated servers, but I haven't actually ran into anyone... Huh. Maybe I'm scaring them off with my bad singing eh? Any who, I've been reading all the tips and stuff, but I still find myself stuck not being able to even open doors! Haha! I'm good at avoiding zombies though. I've only died from hunger and acid rain so far... oh and falling off tall things. So, uh, if anyone wants to help a girl out, give me the secret magical codex required to open doors please!