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DayZ Developer
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Everything posted by ImpulZ

  1. ImpulZ

    DayZ Server Files Documentation

    Server Economy - Documentation We are providing samples of relevant offline mission files on our Github
  2. ImpulZ

    DayZ Server Files Documentation

    BattlEye Configuration The config file BEServer_x64.cfg needs to be in the same folder as BEServer_x64.dll.The location of this folder can be customized via the startup parameters -bePath and -profiles. Parameters: RConPassword MyPassword - Sets the password for the connection of the RCon tool (remote connection admin tool like BEC/Dart) RestrictRCon 1 - Enables/Disables RCon functions (kick/ban/connection restrictions)
  3. ImpulZ

    DayZ Server Files Documentation

    Launch Parameters You can find a complete documentation of the launch parameters on our Community Wiki
  4. ImpulZ

    DayZ Server Files Documentation

    Config Parameters The server configuration is handled via serverDZ.cfg, a configuration file which you can use to configure various game server settings such as the player count, 3rd person view, and welcome messages. etc. The file usually is located in the root directory of the server but can be placed elsewhere with the startup parameter -config. To ensure, that Steam does not overwrite this file with an update, be sure to have a copy of this original file and rename it. You can find a complete documentation of the server configuration file and its parameters on our Community Wiki
  5. There is a 15 second logout counter when your character stays vulnerable after leaving the server. We are aware that combat in DayZ can take it's time and can be pretty nerve-wrecking, which is why many folks decide to use the coward's way out. Ghosting is a problem resulting from this. However, keep in mind that it takes several minutes for someone to log around you. If someone does not even peak his head for a minute, there might be something off. The team is keeping an eye on the situation and we hope once the database locks are working as intended to have more limitation to those exploits.
  6. ImpulZ

    Frame Rate Issues and Game Freeze

    There are still ongoing inventory optimisations, so we will work on fixing the mentioned frame issues and crashes.
  7. ImpulZ

    Been unable to play for 5 days

    We are in the process of testing new fixes to resolve the situation. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to set all affected players free as soon as possible.
  8. ImpulZ

    Friendly Fire Servers

    This will be a case for private servers with their own rule sets. Portable maps that you can find throughout the world are planned. The energy/water consumption is not realistic, but challenging, to keep players going.
  9. Can you rephrase that question please? Not sure what you mean.
  10. ImpulZ

    Xbox Update 11/09/2018

    Hello guys, we have a new update for you today (approximately 5 PM CEST). Changes: Fixed items disappearing from the containers (backpack, jacket, jeans,…) after logout from the server Fixed the free space calculation in the inventory Fixed game freezing when disconnecting the controller Improved listing of the servers in the server browser Improved the title stability Don't forget to restart your consoles! We are looking forward to your feedback!
  11. ImpulZ

    M4 suppressor

    The suppressor will return to the game very soon, as of now you can use the improvised suppressor.
  12. ImpulZ


    Not possible, as they are both separate vests.
  13. ImpulZ


    Must've been the fluffiest spawn in the game. <3 And there are goats, boars, chickens and wolves.
  14. ImpulZ

    Day/Night Cycle

    There is a day and night cycle in the game. But due to frequent server restarts the time currently gets reset, so that you will see daylight for most of the time.
  15. The tripod is not in the game yet. you can use pots with the fireplaces placed inside ovens in some houses.
  16. ImpulZ

    Why is dayz servers down on xbox?

    We just brought a new patch, restart your console to update your game.
  17. ImpulZ

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    You are not getting sick from the tactical bacon, but probably through water from rivers/ponds that you have drunk from before.
  18. ImpulZ

    It’s not cheating technically

    This system is intended so that a helicopter does not despawn while you are looting it. As the loot does not respawn, there is not even an exploit happening, as you don't have a gain and are probably an easy target to everyone.
  19. ImpulZ

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    We know you are all into wild theories, but the reason has already been explained. :) If you vomit without having a full stomach (icon should appear), you are probably suffering from Cholera or Salmonella.
  20. ImpulZ


    It is not in the scope of our game to break the immersion by just sending you server messages or having AI bandits. That said, with the enabling of the server files and modding we are pretty sure that there will be modded servers offering such airdrop and AI missions in the future.
  21. ImpulZ

    Game Update 31/8/18

    - fixed issue of server reporting incorrect max slots - fixed a crash when ending the trial version - added sorting of servers based on the number of players and server names - fixes in the server browser window - fixed micromanagement in player's inventory
  22. ImpulZ

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    Sicknesses are by far not as deadly as they have been in older versions. They show through minor symptoms, but don't do continuous damage. Try to stay as healthy/hydrated/energized as possible and the sickness should disappear by itself without any medication necessary.
  23. ImpulZ

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    Sounds like you are sick. Try to eat only small amounts of food instead of entire cans and drink a lot of fluids, but not from wild lakes/rivers.
  24. ImpulZ

    PSO scope for the A-KM not working properly

    Ah, yeah, this issue is known as well and being worked on. Thank you for clarifying. :)