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DayZ Developer
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Everything posted by ImpulZ

  1. ImpulZ

    MOD subforum

    You mean like this one? We will expand this section as soon as we support modding officially.
  2. ImpulZ

    Servers don’t show

    Have you downloaded the Xbox update from Wednesday and have you checked your filter settings?
  3. We have a small update today, it is focused on fixes for the general stability of the game. The update for the server files is available as well.
  4. ImpulZ

    Night time

    Currently we have a 3x time acceleration. Because it's winter the days are probably already shorter than nights (yeah, we have an authentic day and night cycle), it's between 4,5 and 5 hours night and 3 to 3.5 hours of day, 8 hours for an entire day.
  5. ImpulZ

    DayZ and its future

    This is only normal, especially after years of development and our very open communication about the hopeful future and glimpses at everything in our pipeline. Sadly, with everyone having their image of the future (and I think many have been projecting this future at 1.0), this is the time where reality comes back to bite all of us. It is normal in development, that there's always more planned. We dream big as well. In early access development (and especially under our circumstances of long times between updates while trying to keep communication going) we have shared those dreams with our community, as you have shared your dreams for the game with us. This leads eventually to days like last Tuesday when we have to clarify what's realistic and what will have to stay a dream to work on post 1.0. So do we, and we still intend to deliver it. Remember, post 1.0 development begins in just shortly over 2 months from now.
  6. ImpulZ

    DayZ and its future

    I do not want to be the guy to stomp dreams, but just to clarify some misconceptions around here: We know every single one of you has their favourite feature or piece of content out there. But just because you like something, it does not automatically become a core gameplay element. And that's exactly why it is called flavour, because it is not part of the core gameplay loop, but only adds to it. I don't want to go into discussions about every single piece of content, but for example the bow is essentially just one weapon and fishing is essentially just one way to get food, no matter how relaxing, atmospheric or fitting to the setting they are (and we on the team love them as well). I'm not aware that something like "complex cooking recipes" was mentioned in any way by us as a planned feature for 1.0. Could you please point me a link to where we talked about that? It was definitely not part of our content and feature list published a year ago. This might be because you are still playing on the Experimental or Stress Test branch without a persistent gameplay loop such as vehicles and base building. BETA is already judged as not sufficient by many, even though nobody is able to play it yet.
  7. ImpulZ

    Experimental database wipe?

    Only official servers are affected by the database wipe.
  8. ImpulZ

    Crosshair completely unaligned with gun

    This issue is known and we are looking into it.
  9. ImpulZ

    New reload bug

    Thank you, we are looking into it. :)
  10. ImpulZ

    New reload bug

    Hi, can you give us detailed reproduction steps on this issue? With which weapons does it happen, in which part of clothing did you have the magazine, in which conditions were they etc?
  11. Hello Survivors, today we are releasing the Content Update for 0.63 Experimental. You can find more details on what's in the update in this article. And we have not forgotten about our promise to bring a community server switch, so you can bring your servers to the 0.63 version. We will announce more on this feature in today's Status Report. See you in Chernarus!
  12. ImpulZ

    Xbox Update 12/10/2018

    Hello survivors! We have a new Xbox Update for you today, servers are going offline until then. Fix: Desync problem with quick reload and heavy melee attack causing(e.g.): Desync between characters when aiming with a gun Weapons don't do any damage after reloading while aiming in iron sight If player kills himself with the suicide gesture, his char is dead on the ground but the game doesn't allow him to respawn, forcing him to exit the server Fix: Crash when spamming RT trying to suicide with an item that isn't eligible for doing that Fix: Gamercard mute state does not save correctly Improved terminology in Options Fix: Inventory capacity of items Don't forget to restart your consoles. We are looking forward to your feedback!
  13. ImpulZ

    Idear to make duplication fix (restart)

    A proper server restart will save all items as they are, so this should not be required. Duping issues results from a flawed/rushed server restart, which is the issue we need to tackle.
  14. ImpulZ

    Status Report - 9 October 2018

    Just to clarify on that a bit, we've shown gifs of the new Flashlight animation in our Status Report from September. This is the regular way light sources are carried without having to raise your hands. This is also important so that a raised light source is not confused with an aggressive stance.
  15. ImpulZ

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    Hello survivors! We have a new Xbox Update for you today (~5 PM CEST), servers are going offline until then. Fix for Options: Options button is skipped while moving down in main menu Update of details window Field of view discard and reset button should work now Server messages disable should work now Fix for VoIP: Mute of online players now stays Replugged device is refreshed if needed Fix: Menu button does not respond after respawn while being unconscious Fix: Online tab on server can't be scrolled through Added character ID into MainMenu Don't forget to restart your consoles. We are looking forward to your feedback!
  16. ImpulZ

    Unconscious state

    As you mentioned, the unconsciousness appears not that often, as bullets are intended to kill people, especially if you shoot at vital body parts. Restraint will be part of the next major content update. We hope this will bring more variety to player interactions. :)
  17. ImpulZ


    Servers have been offline for a short update. We announce offline times on our twitter channel. They are back by now. Don't panic. :)
  18. ImpulZ

    Not able to join servers

    So if I understand you right, you are able to connect to all servers, but your character gets wiped every time?
  19. ImpulZ

    Smersh Vest

    The smersh vest is not in the game yet, it is being prepared to come in the game with 1.0.
  20. Hello Survivors, we are using the weekly maintenance to bring some fixes to the Experimental servers. This is what's included: fixed AI respawn on community servers Server messages disable should work now For more information on the next major update, have a look at yesterday's Status Report. See you in Chernarus!
  21. ImpulZ

    Game is unplayable!

    First of all thank you for reporting the issue and submitting relevant data to our Feedback Tracker. This is the first important step to fix these issues. there is a lot of work going on with the inventory right now as it is one of the core menus of the game and it has to work well. We are aware of the current issues and the team is working hard to resolve them.
  22. ImpulZ

    Dayz menu

    Are you talking about the inventory or the menu to leave the game?
  23. ImpulZ

    Unplayable frame drops in bigger cities (OneX)

    thank you guys for the information. We are aware of an issue with the game lagging while viewing through a scope. Also it can happen when you just logged into the game. Now we are looking if the game lags even appear when you are already in the game for a longer time and not watching through a scope. If you have any information on that, let us know. :)
  24. ImpulZ

    Character locked in database

    In case of character locked in database: Wait at least 20 seconds when reconnecting to a server In case of a server crash, characters can be locked for longer periods Locked characters are freed every hour if your character lock is persistent for multiple hours or days, report to our Feedback Tracker with your player ID which is displayed in the main menu of your game.
  25. ImpulZ

    Unplayable frame drops in bigger cities (OneX)

    Can you please give us some more details on the problem? In which cities do the lags appear? Screenshots of your location when this happens might be useful as well. How long have you been playing in this session before the first lags appear? Do you play with friends or are you for other reasons certain lags occur when other players log in nearby?