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DayZ Developer
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Everything posted by ImpulZ

  1. ImpulZ

    Guns / items wear and cleaning / repair

    At this stage a final warning to refrain from escalating personal conflicts and picking fights on our forums. We see this, and will apply further penalization if you aren't able to keep it calm by yourselves.
  2. ImpulZ

    Create server from Xbox

    Hi, a server from Steam will only be accessible to users on the PC version. It is currently not possible for private users to host their own console servers, Nitrado is our exclusive partner for this.
  3. ImpulZ

    Stable Update 1.15

    What do you have set for hitDirectionOverrideEnabled (see documentation)?
  4. ImpulZ

    Stable Update 1.15

    Good spot. No, Linux is not on stable yet. Adjusted the changelog. There was no wipe with the 1.15 update.
  5. ImpulZ

    My steam account was stolen

    DayZ Staff can not and do not have access to BattlEye global or VAC bans, and can not revoke them in any way possible. You MUST contact the BattlEye (in case of game ban) or STEAM support (in case of VAC bans) about any bans issued on you. If you have a verification from Steam that your account was hacked in this time frame, you can forward that mail exchange to Battleye to prove your innocence. Closing the topic.
  6. A video would be appreciated indeed. With "locked", do you mean you used a lock pick, or did you just close the door? Do you know if the door was just locked before the infected passed through, or if there might've been a server restart in between?
  7. ImpulZ

    Game crush

    As mentioned in the error message, ideally write a ticket on our feedback tracker at feedback.dayz.com and include your crash dumps there.
  8. ImpulZ

    1.15 Experimental Release

    If you are skeptical about directional hit indicators, I highly recommend to download the Experimental branch, try it out, and then give us feedback. 🙂
  9. ImpulZ

    Blocked in Dayz for some reason

    DayZ Staff can not and do not have access to BattlEye global or VAC bans, and can not revoke them in any way possible. You MUST contact the BattlEye (in case of game ban) or STEAM support (in case of VAC bans) about any bans issued on you. Closing the topic.
  10. ImpulZ

    Stable Update 1.14

    A minor change to the Halloween event so that the flies don't appear that frequently any more.
  11. ImpulZ

    Character looks sick...but isn't

    This is part of the Halloween event, you will be fine 🙂
  12. ImpulZ

    0x00040073 fix ? please ?

    Apparently you don't have the trader mod installed that the server requires. I assume you are already trying to join the server through the launcher, which should display you the state of all required mods, and if you have downloaded/activated them? You can also try to repair the mods that have been flagged to you in the game via the launcher options.
  13. ImpulZ

    is favoring of donors ethic ?

    A general warning to keep this topic civilized and free from personal conflict.
  14. ImpulZ

    Cannot Find Specific Servers

    Hi, I understand correctly that it's multiple servers that you cannot see? And your friend can see them, while none of you are hosting them locally? Ideally share with us the IP/name of the servers, so that our team can have a look at them (you can also run this through a private ticket on our feedback tracker if you don't want to highlight the servers here).
  15. ImpulZ

    is favoring of donors ethic ?

    Server restarts are announced in advance (at least on our official servers and any server has the possibilities to do so), and server restarts happen maybe every 8 hours. Considering these circumstances, being in a position where you engage in PVP knowing a server restart is coming in the next minutes and the restart happening while both of you are alive and the opposing player knows your quite exact position, we consider this an edge case. And even if the priority queue wasn't paid, you still would probably never know if the user who just got the jump on you actually was in priority queue, or just got an earlier slot in the queue.
  16. ImpulZ

    [email protected]

    It might take a couple days for the infringement team to reply to your mail, they are the only contact who will be able to help you.
  17. ImpulZ

    banned for no reason

    DayZ Staff can not and do not have access to BattlEye global or VAC bans, and can not revoke them in any way possible. You MUST contact the BattlEye (in case of game ban) or STEAM support (in case of VAC bans) about any bans issued on you. Closing the topic.
  18. ImpulZ

    is favoring of donors ethic ?

    I suspect strongly that this is against our monetization rules (unfair advantage of high slots for paying users) and recommend to report the server via the contact form at https://www.bohemia.net/monetization. However, the team over there will make the final decision. General rule is: If you encounter a server offering monetization, that is not listed here, report it to us. They are breaking the rules, any monetization needs to be approved by us. Even if a server is listed as approved, if you are under the impression that the monetization is against our rules, you can still report it. They might've changed their monetization system after being approved. This is allowed under "Charging players to access your server", and gameplay cannot be affected if a player is not on the server.
  19. ImpulZ

    How can I stealth kill a zombie ?

    Just use a regular attack with a knife while standing behind an infected. The infected must not have noticed you.
  20. ImpulZ

    [PS4 Slim] Game freezes at start screen

    Hi, we are aware of this issue and currently looking into it.
  21. ImpulZ

    How do I turn off contaminated areas?

    Yes, that should do the trick.
  22. ImpulZ

    How do I turn off contaminated areas?

    Hi, you should now have access to the cfgEffectArea.json in your server manager. There you can adjust areas according to our documentation here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ_Contaminated_Areas_Configuration
  23. ImpulZ

    DAYZ Linx server HOWTO ?

    The DayZ server files for Linux are currently not available for the stable version yet. They are undergoing further testing/bug fixing on the Experimental branch.
  24. ImpulZ

    Stable Update 1.14

    No, in this case we are referring to heli crashes. Will happen, though probably with a bit of delay with this update.
  25. ImpulZ

    Low fps in dayz rx 5700 xt + Ryzen 5 3600

    Hi, we are aware of this performance issue on AMD cards, and looking into it.