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About earion

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. earion

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Oh, well, Yes, I would be pissed by having some random guy shooting at me while DC'ing, but if I pick up the right spot, I really can't see this happenning if I dc in the middle of the forest under a pine tree. Plus, I never said you were to be out of game when the timer is on. The solution of locking the character in mouse look, so that he can scan for threats during 3 minutes, is IMHO a good one. Any use of the keyboard to move would cancel the timer. You can of course skip the ingame timer, in which case your character will still remain in-game for 3 minutes. 3 minutes is just an example, I think it could be configured by the server admin, so that it can choose leaving bodies in their sleeping bag for 30 seconds, 3 minutes, and so on (btw I never said your sleeping bag idea was bad at all, I totally support it). Even set the timer to forever if he wishes to enforce that kind of hardcore gameplay. Actually, if it was up to me, I would play on a server with my character bound to it, and no body despawn at all.
  2. Oh, I can always use a blood job behind the church, ya know :P Well, I noticed as well. Nevertheless, I think my post was plain useless, as people won't stop raging just by asking them to behave. However, I'd really like having a slashdot like comment system, with comment ranking + category (funny, insightful, informative, interesting, carebear, codkiddie, ruthless bandit, friendly moron, etc), that would also hide those comments with a too low ranking unless you explicitly unfold them. Maybe that would improve that awful noise-to-signal ratio... Maybe not.
  3. earion

    Experimental test patch

    This is so true. In a former post I said you could tune a bit your realease lifecycle to have something like Debian ("stable", "testing" and "unstable" distributions). Except, Dayz is not stable yet, and we are all testing ! So these name would make no sense. So this could be, for example, "GENERAL" and "LIMITED" releases. Only "LIMITED" releases with sufficient positive feedback would make it to "GENERAL". It should be up to the server admin to have a "GENERAL" or "LIMITED" distribution server, but they should have to be clear about it (e.g. standard server tag : DEXX - LIMITED or USYY - GENERAL) You could of course still have a couple of DEVTESTS servers with crazy stuff, such as zombies/items not de-spawning, etc ! In every testing community some people are willing to take more risks than others :) I'm not saying you SHOULD/HAVE TO do this, but maybe you COULD :) Always up to you ! Keep up the good work anyway !
  4. earion

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Totally support this idea, Given the average distance of engagement and the average length of a gunfight in dayz, a 30 seconds timer doesn't make any sense. The gunfights that go on for less than 30 seconds and at a distance of less than 50 meters always result in the death of someone within less than 30 seconds. Unless the two or more players are able to break the Line of Sight by finding concealement/cover before one of them goes down. And, if such a thing happen, the gunfight can then go on for a long time - definitely more than 30 seconds.
  5. But' date=' you'll loose the global persistency feature ! ... Oh, wait, how is that feature even useful ? Oh, yeah. Server-hopping for loot. Besides ? Nada. [/quote'] Continuing your character when the server you last played on is full or suffering downtime? Running a group of bandit hunters across servers? Yes, that was a TL;DR answer. My more detailed and answer is, that the cross server persistency currently does more harm than good. As you said, it adds more resilience in case of server problems, and opens up some nice gameplay features. But overall, I think this is just an open door to abuse. Currently, server hoping for loot/backstabbing is the main use of global persistency. For example, with my group, I even had the idea of exploiting the infinite tent glitch + server persistency to setup a cross-server network of "tent loot dropboxes" to buff our loot farming process... This is just anti-gaming the anti-game, as are : 1. server hoping for loot 2. server hoping to backstab 3. disconnecting to avoid death 4. loot spawn camping All server hopping issues can be adressed very simply by having a single character per server, the other two by finding subtle ways of putting people at risk when they disconnect so that they don't disconnect or spawn in dangerous areas - I guess what we are talking about here are the two latter issues, so I didn't believe it was the place to write a long explanation.
  6. earion

    Shacktac collision???

    Yes, a lot of people do. At least Dyslecxi knows, so Rocket should know. Of course, it is a very very good idea. Nobody will be sad of not being stupidly blocked in doorways. The problem is, if you want to make that suggestion and being heard, as the DayZ community is not really about other ArmA2 mods and subtle changes to gameplay, I guess nobody will answer so nobody will ever read - you ain't gonna get 100 pages of trolls, so it will not be considered important enough to read by the modo/dev team. Or will it ? Perhaps you could make a feature request on the tracker, I'm sure they will read it there.
  7. But, you'll loose the global persistency feature ! ... Oh, wait, how is that feature even useful ? Oh, yeah. Server-hopping for loot. Besides ? Nada.
  8. This is complete and absolute hogwash! I'm effected in a variety of ways personally, some very severe from a game play standpoint: First, it exponentially increases the rates of player logins near high value loot. So while I'm playing - legitimately moving from town-to-town to find loot - I am constantly under threat from people popping into existence behind me because they find it more efficient to server-hop to loot the same location over and over. This has a huge impact on tactical game play mechanics. If I approach a high-value loot location, carefully scouting every possible approach and then "clearing" the building, I should have some assurances that I'm not going to be ambushed by someone logging in behind me. Yes, this will still happen randomly from "fresh" spawns, but the rates will go down by orders of magnitude if we make it less profitable to server hop for loot. See this thread for an in-depth discussion on the many issues caused by frequent logins. Second, server-hopping detracts from the persistence in the world. Instead of a 225km^2 map where people are traveling from place-to-place to vye for limited resources, you have ~6 "hot spots" in the game where people spend all day constantly server hopping in an attempt to gather loot or murder those who are. Once towns or camps are "looted out" and players know they can't simply swap servers to loot the whole place again, they will be forced to travel to another location. This creates a more interesting world, and a more fluid game experience. Players tend to stay on the same server longer, and you can track enemies, be tracked, and engage in more long-term interactions than you can in a world where ~50% of any given server population are just "popping in for a quick visit don't mind me I'll just grab my loot and be off." Likewise, players who camp hotspots waiting for loot farmers to login only to snipe them before their client finishes loading would find far fewer targets - and they might actually have to get up and move around a bit and use their brains to find targets instead of just sitting AFK with their sniper scope trained on the Stary Sobor military tents while they watch Netflix and eat cocoa puffs. Incidentally this also adds more value to vehicles. Once you actually need to travel to effectively gather loot, vehicles will be even higher value assets. Third, in this game's extremely competitive environment it is important to understand the flow of high-value loot and the impact it has on the prevalance of certain items, weapon types, etc. I am personally effected if design decisions are being made about spawn rates and item rarity based on the game when it allows for such a watered-down, cheap and largely challenge-free method for collecting large amounts of loot in a repetitive manner. Don't over-simplify a rather complex issue in order to dismiss a solution that isn't that much of a "penalty" for anyone who is not specifically and directly abusing the system on a regular basis. Again, a 1500m jog is not too much to ask. Just enough to make it annoying for exploiters without really inconveniencing legitimate players much in the process. I laughed. A lot. But I'm a bit scared at the idea that people may not realize to what extent the guy you were answering to ridiculously failed to make a point. IT'S NOT FAAAAAAIR !!! HAHA ! GOTCHA ! Really... Do you seriously believe you made any kind of point there ? It's so cute. I found that line very moving. I'm even thinking about starting a thread in the suggestion forum titled "Please' date=' rocket, for the sake of realism, give Hendrix a canopener". HAHA ! The difficult questions now. Well, how come you know for sure that same person has no prior experience of shooting, reparing, flying ... ? Who said that ? Oh' date=' after 10 lines of BS, now you're having legitimate concerns. Too bad they're still totally off-topic. Topic : server hoping. For loot. To backstab. To avoid death. Bad. Has to go. I won't even continue commenting on the rest of your rubbish except this particular piece, which I'll never forget : That is a really, really cute way of understanding probabilities ! I suggest you find a position ASAP as a risk analyst in a major financial institution, they definitely need more people like you.
  9. Great list of suggestions. Before going over yours, I believe the few given by your bandit admirator deserve some attention : I think that could equally be achieved at an hospital. Full care for bullet wounds for example. At least two to operate on a wound properly or carry someone without being too exhausted or slowed down. That depend on the tools. Looks silly if you can't have a map, a compass, a box of matches and a GPS at the same time. But choosing between a toolbox and a hatchet seems appropriate. Now yours. Will comment mostly on those I disagree with (a few, really) IMHO, would make the game worse, by increasing loot camping at NWAF, as it is the only place to find NVGs and highest tier loot. My alternative : * Don't see why Balota AF, Stary, Berezino, NEAF AND deerstands couldn't hold that same high end stuff. The probability should remain the same overall, but distributed across several places. Also still don't see why tents at balota never spawn anything. Would force players to move around and take more risks. "Today's menu : empty tin cans at NWAF, NVGs at Balota. Take a hike." * I don't think the overall probability to find a weapon should be lowered, but I think the probability to find ammo for it should be dramatically reduced. Assault Rifles shouldn't spawn with 2/3 full mags as they do right now. And AK-74, AKM and AKsu-kobra aren't really that weaker than their US couterparts, so I don't really see how increasing their spawn rate would make things any better. I do agree however to have a small chance of military loot in residential areas (gun nut house, or dead soldier last stand, plenty of reasons for that) Best idea i've read so far. Ever. Think it should give 200 blood/player, not split. This cans look big and I don't think you can keep an open, half-eaten can of sardines in your backpack without any risk of sickness (--> food decays over time, especially raw meat ?) People are loudly saying they will still shoot you ; I doubt they will ever help you in any way. But what I have no doubt about is that, if they have a DMR with 1 half empty mag instead of 5 full clips, and that the risk of dying to zombies after shooting is a lot higher... They will certainly hesitate to pull the trigger, whatever they might say. And this will certainly going to be a lot more interesting for them, whatever they might say :) I have antibiotics at home when I'm ill... I don't own a makarov. Not likely if I have no prescription, but still possible. So, small chance to spawn in residential areas. My meta-suggestions : try sorting out priorities out of this list. Sharing a can of beans seems very possible. Adding minor wounds with no bleeding as well. Things like atmospheric effects and hallucinations are maybe more complicated. I can PM you a draft of such a ranking based on importance / perceived feasability if you want. My two cents on the whole PvP/coop/PvE/TeamPermaDeathMatch discussion : Put players in Chernarus with : - No weapons at all. They leave. - Weapons and ammo for all as a default equipment. They shoot each other - Scarce weapons, ammo and hostile environment : now that's interesting. That's DayZ. This is not PvP, not coop, not PvE, not Team Deathmatch. It's much more... complicated. So far, I see different kinds of people playing the game you still all have to satisfy : 1. dedicated players playing lonewolves, "bandits" and "nice guys". The only difference between those two subkinds, is that "bandits" will shoot on sight 99% the time whereas for "nice guys", that drops to... 98% now that side channel is disabled on most servers ? 2. dedicated players playing in organized groups. Most groups always shoot, some MIGHT ignore you. But the really interesting things is that *for groups, bandits are just the other guys* 3. casual players that have no choice but playing on their own, as there is lack of incentive for teaming up *with randoms*, but instead a big incentive for shooting on sight as the reward is the same - minus the risk of backstabbing. I think you can't change the 1st and 2nd categories (I belong to those as a bandit, depending on my mood). But I think the third category deserves more attention, that would add something more interesting to the other two as well. There is plenty of people looking to play casually and team up with total randoms. It was totally possible with the side channel, but immersion breaking. It was also possible with the bandit skin, but made no sense at all. Without those two, it is now nearly impossible, so new authentic mechanics and a bit of tweaking are needed to address that. And a lot of your suggestions may just do exactly that.
  10. earion

    Remove the confirmation

    Please go play the Sims or Minecraft or some other game where PvP isn't an integral part of the game. Then please go play some other PvP game where such a kill counter and such kill confirmations belong. Don't get me wrong, I murdered quite a "few" people and can be considered as a "bandit". I'm just bored - bored of being asked "Did you score a murder ?" all the times by my clanmates after a firefight. This is just the most childish, silly way to confirm a kill in a game that is supposed to be about fear and paranoia. This is just too comfy. We are just "gaming the game" now. I bet kill confirmation are regular server side settings for ArmA2 ; at least there is a parameter who looks like it, and it is disabled in higher difficulty settings. deathMessages = 0; That doesn't solve the problem of the debug monitor, which definitely has to go at some point. I believe the disconnect message is now gone in the "system channel" that seems to be disabled in most, if not all, servers running latest ArmA 2 beta ? That is IMO a mistake, as long as we can't prevent people from disconnecting to avoid death / server hop to backstab, we need to know if the guy we are fighting with *may* have disconnected or not. Of course, since on "real" servers, name tags are disabled, we just can't know for sure. Thus : - remove confirmations messages on all servers (it is going to take some admin discipline...). - remove the debug monitor (or at least remove the murder count) - bring back the disconnection messages until a viable solution is found. I don't think all this is going to diminish the numbers of PvPers like me, but I do think that it's going to make things interesting for us. And investigating a possible victim will take more time, so may lead to less killings overall.