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Everything posted by McGarnagle

  1. McGarnagle

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    This. Everything with a solid surface that has a reasonable chance of being visible on the body or hands, should be capable of being spray painted. Would they even really need to make new textures? I literally have no idea what's involved in this, but I would think you could basically reuse the same camo patterns for most of the items in the game. The fact that two weapons and a helmet are paintable would seem to suggest that they would go that direction, but it also seems like the kind of thing that could never quite be a priority. Also, the tactical helmet could really benefit from these things Rocket has probably used in real life called KEVLAR COVERS. These magical pieces of fabric come with camo patterns printed on them, so a military doesn't have to buy new helmets every time they go to war in a new biome. You would find more of that kind of trash lying around a military base than unsecured M4s and ACOGs. People sign for that stuff. You'd find it on a corpse or not at all. Oh, and it'd be really cool if that sun-visor on the pilot helmet could actually be lowered, maybe with a tinted god-ray reducing effect? Obviously, that kind of stuff is at the bottom of the priority list, but it would add a really nice touch.
  2. McGarnagle

    How much authenticity is too much?

    It's been awhile since I've been able to talk to any Army medics, but I'm pretty sure that with no hope of a real doctor or hospital, if a bullet fragments inside your body you're basically screwed. There'd be so much blood loss and tissue damage, not to mention bone fragments, a blood bag wouldn't be enough to keep you going during the "procedure." And this would be with, maybe, morphine and painpills.More than likely, you'd have nothing but shock to dull the pain. I don't want to say "impossible," since people have survived falling out of an airplane with no parachute, but...
  3. Well, that's an easy fix. Just add something that goes around eating a lot of the berries, like a black bear or the Gobbler from Don't Starve.
  4. McGarnagle

    Least Bandity Apparel?

    You can play your game however you want, man, but I don't see how you can tell yourself that you give people the benefit of the doubt when any encounter with yourself would result in your own death. I'd call that trigger-happy, which is an understandable mind-set in a zombie apocalypse. It's probably more "realistic" than a hero or pantsless axe maniac. About the actual topic, I don't think it "makes sense" that people equate bandits with camo clothes, but I'd be an idiot if I didn't accept that other people do it and play accordingly.
  5. McGarnagle

    Any love for the PKM ?

    I'm not sure why people keep pointing out ammo sizes for this gun, as I said "forty rounds" as an arbitrary number that someone would use in a fire fight, not to point out how many bullets it carries. But thanks? I mean, I guess I really don't know how many rounds you'd have with a Russian PKMs standard ammo belt, but it seems rather beside the point, doesn't it? Having actually fired an M249 SAW and M240b, I'd argue that you'd be hard pressed to carry much more than fifty rounds in a belt by yourself, since an ammo box implies an assistant gunner, but none of this has anything to do with OPs point. Regardless, it doesn't matter how "common" the round is (you still wouldn't find it in basements in links because people don't own LMGs) because Rocket has already stated an intent to turn down the spawn rate of military grade weapons and loot. That part is really the only thing we're sure of.
  6. McGarnagle

    How do you kill rabbits?

    I'd say that you have to use the pistol flashlight to make them vulnerable first, if someone hadn't RUINED THE FUN ON THE FIRST PAGE! Jesus, it's like no one's ever sent a sucker to find a box of grid squares or fetch the electric broom.
  7. McGarnagle

    More AK Gun Talk And Wish List Of Future Weapons

    What if said Wikipedia page has numerous sources that you can click on for verification? People like to dismiss wikipedia without actually doing any homework, and it's one of the laziest things people do online. Some wikipedia pages are crap, not all or even most.
  8. McGarnagle

    KOS HQ

    I don't do KoS (I'd rather just escape an airfield if possible, and fight on my terms if I have to), nor do I have a problem with the idea that other people do it or enjoy it (people do all kinds of things that I think are stupid). Not only that, but I think that KoS, as a playstyle, is exactly the kind of thing that is only made stronger by the amount of attention it receives. People that start threads with the intention of somehow stemming the tide, or affecting some change in game balance to stop it, are actually just making their "problem" worse.
  9. McGarnagle

    How do you dress?

    I like the pilot helmet, if I can find one, and whatever grey or black gear around that looks vaguely plausible as a flight suit. No fatigues because I feel like that almost forces people to shoot on sight. I'm not a big Role Player, but there's something satisfying about the Behind Enemy Lines crashed-pilot look, and I know I wouldn't want to shoot someone that looks that awesome, unless I had to. That's like shooting a unicorn or a Wooly Mammoth. I wish they had an all orange jumpsuit, so I could go full Star Wars. Who cares if you stand out? It's all about the Rule of Cool.
  10. McGarnagle

    This game. And the people who play it

    In before a million cries of ALPHA I do see the point of what you're saying, but i see no reason to assume nothing will change in the game in the next year. That seems ridiculous. I do understand what you mean, though, but that particular social aspect of the game just isn't developed yet. The only mechanics in place besides hunger/thirst/blood are guns and melee. It's either waste rounds on zombies or waste rounds on players, and for some people, it gets boring shooting at zombies. It'll get better. I don't judge you for feeling frustrated on a message board because I'm not a sanctimonious hypocrite.
  11. McGarnagle

    Hidden loot in Schools!

    I wonder if this is from things "disappearing" when dropped in the loot room on the 3rd floor. Sometimes it drops to the second floor, other times it disappears, remaining gone even after several minutes. It doesn't glitch every time, but often enough for me to not screw around with my inventory up there anymore. Has anyone noticed anything weird about it, like it's always full of stuff on very populated servers?
  12. I love when people get all "you're having fun wrong" about things. This thread is full of winners.
  13. McGarnagle

    Any love for the PKM ?

    Put it in (or something comparable and equally plausible), as long as the ammo is extremely rare. Linked ammo wouldn't exactly be lying around in people's basements. I'd love to see someone waste 40 rounds that they took twenty hours to find, just for some ruined tuna. Assuming a scarcity of ammo becomes the norm at some point, variety could only help this game.
  14. McGarnagle

    What Type of Bases do You Want to See in DayZ

    I picked other, but I mean "caves," like what's in the state of Indiana: http://indianacaverns.com/blog/archives/2012/08/01/indianas-longest-cave/ Realistically? I'd be happy with anything that could offer any kind of permanence (a home. A place that's ME) and temporary safety, but i don't want MinecraftZ or team deathmatch centered around base construction, or have heavily defended chokepoints all over the map. Adding little new "towns" in every pass, forest meadow, or mountain-top would ruin the solitude and peacefulness of the game. Let me board up windows and lock/fortify doors. Most keys we find shouldn't be car keys, they should be housekeys. Assuming there was no way in or out, and the windows afforded no sniping advantage due to being boarded up, I would bet most players would walk right by a player-owned house without even messing with it, which would be preferable to constant warfare over prefab structures, or constant tent destruction, and would give us better places to log out without having an unfair advantage or the danger of being shot in the face. I would have fun just looting a housekey, and traveling from house to house, town to town, trying to see which door it fits. For added "fun," it would not be surprising if more than one copy of each key existed in the world. My wife and I have our own housekeys, so if we became zombies, both keys would by lying around our town, waiting for survivors or bandits to find. I also think giving buildings an additional purpose would lower some of the need to have every building be lootable, which alpha or not, does impact the server. The more loot, and the more times the system has to check whether to spawn more, the less other content in your game, like zombies and additional players. Also, hi, all.