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Everything posted by McGarnagle

  1. McGarnagle

    It's far to easy to survive, the challenge...

    45 minutes? Where are you running, the border? The first inland town with a piano house is usually good enough to get a melee, some food, and water. Sometimes even a gun. I would classify the current not-yet-a-game as ridiculously easy once you learn the basics of navigation. Why couldn't this have been a general "how to feasibly make the game more challenging" thread, since this side of the game is yet to be overhauled/finished? Isn't this literally the best time to be hashing out ideas? I say, put in some form of authentic weapon zeroing (horizontal and vertical adjustments, and you have to waste a few rounds to do it), at least on the MILSPEC stuff. That should separate the lazy, over-equipped and bored bandits from people that actually make the game more fun, without making handguns and shotgun even weaker. With promised rarer ammo and weapon spawns, this would completely break the rapid ascent up the gear ladder. Also, it'd be hilarious to see people stream onto the forums to whine about the "broken" accuracy on their favorite weapon. At least, the first couple of times...
  2. This game isn't a real zombie outbreak, either. Besides, assuming that animals roam and spook easily and realistically, waiting around might be our only option. Why assume it's going to be lazy and crappy? Go on Reddit and suggest realistic behavior for animals, and you might actually prevent the very thing you're scoffing at.
  3. McGarnagle

    Fewer Sewing Kits, Please!

    I really feel like this should be added to the intro disclaimer that no one reads, and come up in the server chat every 60 seconds on every server.. Also, at all times the screen should be bordered by the words "ALPHA!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!" in neon, headache inducing green. That should thoroughly satisfy just about everyone.
  4. But you'd have a disproportionately high chance of running into other people with NVGs, so it seems like a self-defeating problem to me. No matter what, like every other piece of gear, you'll eventually adopt the "this isn't mine, I'm just borrowing it for awhile" mentality.
  5. McGarnagle

    Has Rocket set an ETA when tent spawns will be fixed?

    Hangars. It's low frequency, but hangars will eventually yield a pristine LRS. I think ATCs have them as well, but hangars can be cleared much more quickly and safely if solo. Shooting someone with one works, but frankly, that's entirely dependent on a number of factors that could very well be out of your control, and is always harder than people make it sound or look. PvP can be a rush and a lot of fun, but it certainly isn't a sure thing for loot for everyone that tries it. Until they get around to server stability and balance LoD effects for most possible graphics settings, I honestly don't see how people have the patience to be long-range snipers, but I wish you the best of luck with yours when you find it. And how are people still spamming about ammo frequency? They want us to test out new guns as they come out. Other commonly spawning ammo and mags (M4) just haven't been adjusted since being introduced because that's not really quite as much of a focus during Alpha phase. I'm even retyping here to try and not sound condescending and crass, but that one is really obvious, and the fact that it's almost invariably brought up off-topic just kind of pisses me off personally.
  6. I don't give a good god ---- how anyone plays their game, but people like this make me sad for the human race. "Ooh, I drink your tears." Whatever, you friggin' dork. You certainly don't scare me, and don't build any more tension in my game than any other player, but if telling yourself this stuff makes you feel cool and special, have at it. People that break into houses certainly help sales at gun stores, but you wouldn't see the burglar trying to convince the owner that it's helpful as he's robbing him. Well, maybe if you were the burglar... As to the OP: Obviously, deranged abuse victims aside, as they add more content to the game, the rate of KoS will drop as players will be spending more time building bases, making friends and alliances, and otherwise exploring the world of Chernarus. Boredom and overreaction are the leading causes of death in Chernarus, not try hards like this guy. Most people I've talked to outside of the airfields have been totally friendly. I certainly wouldn't trust any of them, but you don't have to trust someone to not murder them or be murdered by them. Granted, I don't take any crap and have been known to waste a person for only replying with a middle-finger, but I would say it's more like a third of players will attempt some kind of betrayal, given the opportunity, and usually it's not a very skilled attempt. I never want to say "I'm not having this problem ergo it must not exist," but it's kind of instinctive for me to assume that people claiming ridiculous statistics like 90% OF EVERYONE KoS ROKET PLZ are simply doing something, or more likely several things, horribly wrong. Balota, on the other hand, is a sucker's bet and will remain so until vehicles and server-side storage become reliable, which should move most of the better equipped PvP seekers and clans out into the rest of the map. If you don't like being shot, GO NORTH. If that gets boring, and it almost certainly will eventually, go and RISK GETTING SHOT. At this stage of development, that really is all there is to it. TL;DR quoted person is a tool. To the OP: 1.0 build will not have this problem to the point that (non-idiotic) bandits really will build tension. ALPHA! :p
  7. McGarnagle

    I've got it. The reason bandits wear military gear!

    Most bandits don't shoot with military accuracy, but I admire the attempt at levity. It's funny how normal people like you stand out here.
  8. The second part of this interview is encouraging on the weapon-variety front, so I'm actually pretty excited about this year for DayZ. I like the idea of reduced weapon drop, and I don't think it will result in one or two people "ruling" a server, but my biggest concern was that they would be lazy and just put one of each weapon archetype (sniper, assualt, shotgun, battle rifle, revolver, semi-auto handgun, etc) After reading through that Q&A, I'm no longer that worried about it. The devs seem to want variety in the game as much as we do, and have a better understanding of what is and is not possible.
  9. McGarnagle

    1PP servers and the occasional Run mode bug

    Might still be a bug, in that it could be unintended. Seems like kind of a stupid feature, as no one in real life would find themselves walking slowly because they don't realize they're pretending to hold a rifle. Certainly not when being chased by zombies or shot at. Bad controls might be part of the DayZ charm right now, but they don't have to be forever.
  10. McGarnagle

    Creepy Animal Masks Please

    Alpha is the best time to ask for new content, so only a moron would respond with that here, but personally, I'd like more "normal" headgear and clothes before we flesh out even more stuff for the aspiring psychopaths out there. Hopefully, we can all get what we want, and go tip-toeing through the tulips together, hand-in-hand.
  11. McGarnagle

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    I agree about the TTsko camo. If a game's fatigues or hunting clothes make me think "I wish I had some ACUs, instead," that's a pretty good sign that your camo sucks and isn't breaking up the profile. And again, I don't expect any of it to hide me in plain sight, because that's not what camo does. It just breaks up your "man-shape," and really works best when you're partially concealed. The TTsko stuff doesn't even do that. It's too clean when "pristine," and I don't think a single shade on it matches any of the plants or dirt in Chernarus. It really stands out in a game where the guns textures are so pretty they literally turn people on, or that actually models earth's gravitational pull on bullets.
  12. I don't care for safe zones, but I wouldn't mind a LITTLE more streamlined trading. We don't need to have an auction house, or any gamey crap like that, but only a moron wouldn't want better UI in this game. Crap, clunk controls =/= hardcore game design
  13. McGarnagle

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    The Berezino muscle-jock is way funnier than you, fyi.
  14. McGarnagle

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    It's amazing to me how many people can have an elitist attitude about gaming. I mean, it's cute when Rocket talks like that because he's a big kid in an adult body, but when dozens of fans start circle-jerking about how hardcore the game is, and how if you don't play it a certain way, you just don't understand the spirit of DayZ, it reaches the point of absurdity and shame. And even Rocket pointed out that 3PP is in the game because real life field-of-view doesn't correspond well to 1st person view on computer screens. Maybe you like to play the game in FISHVISION, with a high FOV, but I can see how some people would just rather have 3rd-person view. Punishing yourself or making your game look like crap isn't "hardcore," but real-life is. Go do some of that if you want to be hardcore.
  15. McGarnagle

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    You guys know that black makes piss-poor camo, right? I mean, it looks cool, and I see how the backpack might screw that part up, but I wouldn't worry about the green backpack giving away your position. Your all black, human-shaped outline does that quite nicely. Might as well be wearing the yellow raincoat, depending on where you're standing.
  16. McGarnagle

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    People are still getting stuck on the "You are dead" screen, too, so I don't think they're expecting to have eradicated those problems. These hotfixes are because MOST users were having these issues, as far as I could tell. None of it has affected me so far, aside from the last "oops lol, we didn't really kill off or wipe your characters, but if you happened to click respawn thinking that we did, you're fucked." I'm sure that's not encouraging in the least.
  17. McGarnagle

    You are Dead/Unconscious TOPIC.

    I just ran into a cat on steam having this issue tonight. I thought "respawn bug" was the whole point of the last emergency hotfix. Obviously, these things happen, but is the dev team aware that it wasn't really resolved for everyone?
  18. Someone posted a link to Rocket's twitter, which had other conversations with idiots about medical equipment. I can see how I lost you.
  19. McGarnagle

    CCSD, Investigation request.

    Clever girl.... lol
  20. See that's scary. Someone on that Twitter link was like, "Dean, I restarted a guy's stopped heart with a defibrillator at work." This is why healthcare is so dangerous. This guy didn't feel a heartbeat in his friend, used the defib and got lucky, so he just assumes it's a "heart starting device." All the training and powerpoint in the world aren't going to convince that guy otherwise.
  21. If nothing else, it does answer the question of "can the current map be expanded without instancing/load screens?" Way, way down the line, I'd shell out some dough to see what city is east of Cherno, if the devs decide to go that way.
  22. McGarnagle

    How much authenticity is too much?

    I wouldn't mind if, at some point in the future, they totally reworked melee and gunshot damage, and really like the idea of hit-location being a lot more important, but some of the stuff suggested isn't any more authentic than what we have now. Gunshot wounds to the limbs completely non-fatal? The femoral artery would beg to differ. Stabbing wound to the head, non-fatal??? Yeah, sometimes you read in the news about the guy that got an x-ray and found out he had a nail in his head, but that's not the NORM for extreme brain trauma. Aside from all of that, some stabbing wounds are only fatal WHEN you try and treat them by removing the object. Let's see them put that game-mechanic in. Die of infection, or good-intentions? I really think that would be cool, actually. I like where it's going, but someone that's at least taken Anatomy and Physiology would be invaluable in putting together ideas for this, and for making something comprehensible and quickly explainable to a dev, say during a reddit Q & A. Maybe even a nurse on these boards, or a med student?
  23. Alpha, alpha, blah blah. This being a "discussion forum" for suggestions, I'll discuss what I think about bullet damage on items because I can tell conversation and complaints apart, and I have more to do with my life than complain while contributing absolutely nothing. What's the point of having hundreds of posts if you never actually talk to people about whatever they want to talk about? It's the real-life social version of hiding in the north, never interacting with other players but to shoot at them. Anyway, idiocy aside, bullets should damage gear, but only have a chance of hitting one or two items. Of course, a bullet to the compass is going to completely ruin it, but would it also ruin half of your ammo, two cans of beans, and a canteen? Would a hit from a zombie or axe do that, either? I say, low chance of hitting any item per se, but with a huge amount of damage if it "rolls" a hit. Some stuff shouldn't even really take bullet damage, like weapons on your back. EDIT: ALSO, THIS SHOULD BE MOVED TO THE STANDALONE SUGGESTIONS
  24. McGarnagle

    Spawned at three valleys...

    See, and this honestly doesn't even look anything like my route, which is based more on convenience and familiarity than efficiency. I don't even hit most of what's on your list, and I find just about everything that I'm aware of as being in the game, and with little "hopping." I'd hardly even switch servers if they didn't restart every couple of hours, with no warning whatsoever. If someone is so bad at the game that they just stay in one spot and hop from server to server, they're probably not much of a threat to a player that knows how to stalk and wait, or not silhouette themselves on ridges, or knows that a ditch is better concealment than a forest with no overgrowth, and understands the difference between cover and concealment. It kinda reminds me of the videos on YouTube of hackers from the mod spawning choppers, and then immediately crashing them because they hadn't learned how to fly. This game punishes cheaters on its own, and will do a better job of it as it reaches completion. A noob with an M4 and an ACOG is still a noob. If anything, they should be looked at as mobile ammo depots or elusive, shy curiosities.
  25. McGarnagle

    Spawned at three valleys...

    Bull crap. You can cross the map and back in two hours, once you start remembering specific woods and hills, and there are plenty of weapon and ammo spawning buildings scattered across the interior. They're called barns. They're called construction sites. Even the handful of nice houses spawn ammo. I love how "server-hopper" and "combat-logger" are just basically synonyms for "jerk I disagree with," instead of describing actually behavior. Maybe you can't go from fresh spawn to badass in two or three hours, but that doesn't mean other people haven't figured out the system, WITHOUT having to hop servers. Or is anyone that doesn't join the nearest 39/40 server, and stay on it all day, a server hopper?