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Everything posted by Lupine

  1. Lupine

    Open cans without any tools

    Another video i Came across about opening cans without a can opener... Tied out the spoon one, works well even without a glove. http://youtu.be/EE3vMNwj7FQ Lupine
  2. Lupine

    ultra rare katana

    Don't worry about the H.O, go the 0 gauge brass ;) If you have a look at a few sites, you will find that there is a lot of Mideivel reinactment, knife and armour makers through out many of the ex Russian states. Russia and Japan also had a bit of a war in the early 1900s before ww1, and there are plenty of "crappy" sharp replica's out there, in better shape than machettes. Respawned players should have access to a melee weapon pretty much right off the bat, and a hacksaw or can opener doesnt really cut it ...
  3. Lupine

    DayZ actual most annoying problem

    So i took a month off.. especially with the login issues and such like. So i log in today... didnt check what was new and all that, mobbed by zombies.. dead. respawn (45 second wait after daying?? wtf) second respawn , zombie Dead again. same with the 4th and 5th time, finally find an axe in the next respawn.. then the game does some weird fault, deletes the charater save while playing and kicks me, 8th i get chased by multiple zombies, get to an axe, kill 8 zombies in less than 3 minutes.. wtf is with this respawn and even though i managed to kill them all, it used up all my bandages and i bleed to death .. Fantastic.. im really wishing i hadn't spent a cent on this game.
  4. Lupine

    Multiple Rifles

    yeah not because its the best for the soilder, but because its cheaper on weapons. Reminds me of the movie Enemy at the gates, when the russian conscripts are being given 1 gun for every 2 soliders.. the second solider gets 5 rounds and the instructions to pick up the rifle when someone dies ... Plenty of soliders in the vietnam conflict carried secondary main weapons, captured from the enemy. It wouldnt be a hard thing to have 3 main weapon slots and figure out if you wanted to go melee-melee (twin weilded machettes or hand axes anyone) and a rifle or two rifles and a pistol, (or twin pistols and a rifle).. you could have a lot of fun with it.
  5. Lupine

    Interactable "Clutter" Objects

  6. Lupine

    Please fix the problem with the buildings, etc.

    Hahahaha nice.. yeah.. im sure they will fix it one day. either that or its manditory jet packs for everyone :P
  7. Lupine

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Old New Zealand song by Fred Dag ( a dag is the dried sheeps poop hanging off the butt area ) "if it wern't for your gumboots where would you be... you would be in hospital or in the infirmary... you would have a case of the flu or even plur-a-cy.. " : :lol: Yeah i think when you can get wet and sick, everyones gonna be in gumboots and raincoats..
  8. Lupine


    Yeah im not keen on the "infection" after several hits idea. Its bad enough having to fight a zombie with your fists when you spawn as a bambi. besides, if you are stuck on a slower frame rate, sometimes the Z's find you without much warning. silly idea.
  9. Lupine

    For Next Update: Harvest Sticks

    I have died more from falling and having broken legs than KOS or Zombies >< , so yeah it would be good if we could get access to sticks to make splints (had to use a splint just yesterday when i lagged through a wall), Thank you. :thumbsup: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  10. Lupine

    lots of spray paints

    AGREEED!!!! Paint It all pretty colours : )
  11. Lupine


    Agreed, no Karma, no moral.
  12. Lupine

    Pistol Holster Idea/Pistol idea (Pics)

    Yes you would think once it had been cut down it could be equiped as a pistol.. one can hope that will be changed in the future ;)
  13. yeah... i say NO.. its hard enough trying to kill 4 zombies at once, even with an axe.. you dont hit with every strike (i find im about one in 5, even with sneaking up behind them and going for the head, you can miss over and over). Soo No i don't want a tiny hit zone ...
  14. Yeah I agree, 10 slots for meds/pills/bandages in a first aid kit. When i was back packing i absolutely packed my first aid kit with everything under the sun, from needles (sewing)ointments, antiseptics, pain meds, sizzors, gauss pads, tapes, razors scaple and sterile blades.. you name it. packed into a tiny clip lock box. it weighed heeps mind you, but it got used a lot on my travels.
  15. Lupine

    Near Death Experiences

    you could also "tack on" and extra ending after the "life snapshot" run. if you are a zombie kill, then you rise up and trundle off to eat more brains, if you were a starvation.. u turn to bones and sinue, get covered in flies.. rot away >< . You could have some serious fun with this. B)
  16. Lupine


    When Fallen Earth shuts down for Maintance, it gives you a 10 minute with 1 min count.. warning. Its all you really need is 10 mins to get to a decent place to get logged out. I think this would be a good thing. ;)
  17. Lupine

    Women Clothes

    Heh.. what if she dresses like your hated ex gf? might make it easier to go full PvP.. :D
  18. Lupine

    Start with knife

    I say no to the Knife Idea (but I do understand) .. can openers are rare for a reason, but thats cool. I find that Axes will open cans.. (46% loss of food) machettes, and the kitchen knife will.. the kitchen knife only takes up 2 slots, but will wear with each can.. still it leaves u with about 78% of the cans contents, which is better than the Axe. you can open about 7-9 cans with a Pristine knife till it hits "ruined", one of those is usally my tempoary can opener until i find an opener... Remember you can eat powdered milk, rice and cereal if u find it (found powdered milk immedately on my last respawn. I would suspect though, rice will require cooking and water eventually ingame though, and cereal and milk require water. :D
  19. Lupine

    Server Hopping Master Thread to End All Threads

    Yeah... sorry, doesn't matter what you put in to "stop" server hopping, you will never stop it, and neither should you. Nothing wrong with jumping around servers to gather loot when you have respawned, have no weapon, starving and have endless zombies to deal with, its only fair that you find something to drink and eat, a back pack of some sort, some rags and something to belt the crap out of the Zeek's.. Only once have i had "everything" i needed after dying and respawning, the last respawn. I found a damaged ax right away, tore up my tshirt and had killed all 7 zombies in town (used up both bandages from the tshirt) but i got enough to eat and headed off to the nearest pond. If i hadn't , i would have respawned onto an empty server and kept it up until i got a weapon and a backpack and enough food. Its hard enough to survive at the begining of a respawn without it. when i first started playing i never understood why i couldnt take 20 steps before being attacked.. i spent the first 7 hours of game playing dying, figuring out gear spawns near player spawns and how close could i sneak near a Z before it spotted me... before i figured out that i should just log out, and then log back in and loot the same houses over till i had the gear i needed.. (mainly a melee weapon). I went all the way to Polana one spawn WITHOUT A WEAPON.. just sneaking and watching for Z's. is it dooable? yes. is it advisable.. No.. Am i using server jumping to hunt and player kill/ambush? No.. attacking other players doesn't interest me. are others using it like that? yes they are.. and the counter being used at the moment is enough of a trip-up to stop Player hunters ghosting through another server and respawning to player kill on their old one. the question is.. why are you still there? Sniping protocol dictates.. take shot (or two) then change position, change cover, dont move in straight lines, follow cover stay below ridges, use natural formations to mask your shape. Stop being butt-hurt about it.. everyone paid for the game, so they get to play it the way they like. Heck.. i have been killed more from falling than other players.. if anything needs to be adressed its that. Besides, a lot of players (who paid ) suffer from lag and connection issues, are still penalized for changing off unstable servers, because of the actions of player hunters. No more penalties please. "safe logout zones" should be implemented until the server restarts are addressed either. I have dropped out a couple of times in the middle of doing things. My best drop out was in the middle of 4 zombie spawns.. I had to get ready for full on Zeek blood bath when i logged back into another server.. ;) *gripe program complete*
  20. Lupine

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    Im still kind of astounded that someone hasn't played ANY of the FALLOUT series...considering its been around since windows 98...>< and was kind of the first survival game I ever played.. Stim pack and Geko skin anyone? :lol:
  21. Lupine

    Information Vs. Immersion

    I would still like more understanding of the actual controls... this is going to sound funny, but i have been playing more than 70 hours.. and the 3 times i have gotten rifles with scopes.. i still dont know how to LOOK through and use the scope to shoot or view things with it >< .. its just not intuitive.. i activate the weapon, i press space to arm it, i press mouse 2.. and im eyeballing the gun from the side like i am hip shooting.. I can't find anything on the wiki site actually telling me how to use the scope.. i don't know if my game client is at fault, or i am just not pressing the right controls.. I never played Arma series or Rust so.. in other games as soon as you mouse 2 the Zoom comes up (or Z for zoom) .. am i doing something wrong? can someone enlighten me please? :huh:
  22. Lupine

    [poll] days alive count

    I think "hours alive" would be useful as well.. I am not sure how the "in game clock" runs at what speed, but hours become days , becomes weeks, etc. it could even tell you how long when u die.. "you have died.. existance 1day 9hr 28 mins.."
  23. Lupine

    Non intrusive item bundles.

    Sorry hethwill ; ) i get excited and inspired and before i realize i have spewed out a mountain of words.. as for collectables.. i still cant get those damn'd russian doll's out of those kitchen cupboards! :lol:
  24. Lupine

    Shopping cart/trolley!

    There is an interesting video you can see (for free) off the net, called "carts of darkness" (you can also find this on youtube im told) about homeless dudes who race their carts.. I really thought this was a cool story. The guy who filmed it is in a wheel chair (snowboarding accident i think) but he does a good job. These guys collect bottles and cans from the wealthy areas using their "aquired" carts (goes into depth about what makes a good "racing cart") then with a full cart ride them back to the recycling centres to sell. Here in Adelaide its not uncomon to see people doing it here too, I have seen some modifications to carts.. adding stronger wheels (for cross country ability) another positive is that if a Zombie does come at you, you could use your cart as a bit of a shield until you can draw your weapon and deal with it.. likely too that if you get bandit jumped, they shoot you all your loot is damaged, but your trolly loot remains in good condition.. (unless it gets shot as well).. ok enough fantasy time ... enjoy the movie.
  25. Lupine

    Rain water collection

    Yeah about a week before this water implementation im gonna start collecting them. I think the rain water collection has a lot of merret. A tarp and a bucket and ducktape would do it for a "water tent" (dont have a picture, but they have been used on rafts at sea, or water collection in the outback). Australia is basically a desert, so you tend to get very water concious, people out in the country collect rainwater (usually large enough amounts to water the vege garden, shower, washing, etc) and often have 30,000 - 50,000 + storage easily, because bush fires are a problem here, and 20,000 ltrs of water could save your house and the area around it in some instances. I don't think that it would ever be implemented (but it would be kind of cool) to have a town raised to the ground via a firestorm of some sort or the odd area. (and have it grow back at server restart). Its another kind of overwelming situational awareness when you are in the path of a wall of fire.... The other possible "water purification" that could be used are solar or fire powered stills... drop in a bucket of tainted pump/pond water and you get a cantine full out. you could add a "condensing copper coil" to a cooking pot (over the fire you have made) to produce enough clean water.. the challenge of course is how long can u keep a fire going without attracting Zeeks or bandits ;)