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Everything posted by Lupine

  1. Lupine

    Just an idea for the future

    I still think there should be some reward for just playing the game and putting in the hours. A lot of players are over the 100 hour mark in this game easily, it would be a good idea to have some sort of reward for "time served" in the game, after all you are putting yourself out there to be shot and eaten, only to start again with nothing. Maybe something like.. do a hundred -500 hours game play, and you get a bonus 2 slots in your combat pants.. (hahahaha ok that sounds dirty, make it in any back pack you wear if you like) or you could offer a choice of say.. 5 options.. "2 extra slots in pants, or can carry 2 extra bullet stacks in any ammo tin, can carry hunting knife and a stack of firewood without using up any slots, a free "stash" site of 8-10 slots, etc. Technically it doesn't really give you a massive advantage in game, but it just makes life a little bit easier and a lot more resentful to dying. "ok i died, but i have some food and water stashed to help me, and if i can't find a back pack straight away, at least i can carry a couple of extra things in my pants. That way also, because you are sinking your (precious) time into the game (helping with testing) you are encouraged. A free stash site would be good anyways, at least you could dump some supplies to help yourself a leg up when you die next. It will also encourage new players to "chase the dragon". Its a simple idea, reward good behaviour (good behaviour being playing this game over others... :P ) As a result there is always an endless supply of people playing, and although its a hard hit when you die suddenly, in the long run you are ok with it because at least i get.. *reward chose* for playing.
  2. Lupine

    marriage family house farm community

    It reminds me of that Facebook joke wandering around "I decided not to have kids.... the kids are taking the news hard". But it does bring up the idea of having NPC survivors around the place (like traders, farmers baracaded up in little collectives, wanders) Personally, I am really not into the breeding game in real life, last thing i want to experience it is in cyber-zombie-land, Rybo and Lechat ... you might eat your prodigy before the Z's do.. >< .. It would make those spawning bbq sauses and gas stoves all the more useful... Yeah i say no to KIDs, but i wouldn't mind a helpful friendly (good looking) surviving NPC who could carry around some more stuff for me..
  3. Lupine

    Server Hopping and why the current doesn't work

    heh.. everyone always goes for the Your and You're thing.. honestly though, its not always lazyness that causes it, I have mild dislexia and that one catches me regularly.. Its why i like the txt shortened "UR" .. easier to just piss everyone off with that ;) As for the combat logging, it would work in a perfect world where everyone has high speed internet, a computer which isn't 2 years old and borderline requirements, with servers that are run within a km of my local exchange... but for now it doesn't work. I'm hesitant to log in after all these lag issues the last few days, because I really don't want to die over the fact the server i log into (that looks ligit on the ping screen) lags me so bad i can't even activate my weapons.... instant zombie chow. I noticed too, that before the update, i logged out where there wasn't any Zombies, but when i tried to relog multiple times, i could hear a "new zombie" near by... making my safe place within zombie detection. No where is "safe" in this game :lol:
  4. Lupine

    Logout Timer and Server Timer

    I play a lot of the MMO Fallen Earth, in PvP zones, although its a single server set up for everyone, you have 20 seconds to wait before logging out of a PvP zone, or if you have moved from a PvP zone into a safe zone, you are still "in danger" for 15 minutes or so.. the 20 second log out rule still applies. This way there is no escaping a combat situation with another player. to log out in a "safe " PvE area, its instantaneous. I find this time out wait incredibly anoying, especially since when i tried it i ended up on laggy servers, and couldnt even activate my weapons, or eat or drink anything out of my inventory. I basically get punished for a few people using it as an exploit, while trying to find a decent server to play on. after 3 logs i mysteriously loose my revolver and its speedloader.. do i dare to try again and risk loosing my toon to the 30 second death?
  5. Lupine

    Blood Test Kit

    Since blood type tests are so rare, then potentially your initial "character build" (restarting toon) could be the same blood type for ever..you test once and you know exactly their type. My last one was type O+ this present one is type O- , technically i could make a living trading my blood to other toons ingame. I have found more 91/30's than i have found blood test kits... so why not make my blood a tradable (hence less presure to K.O.S, or capture, milk all my blood then K.O.S) item. Its a good idea as well (as mentioned above) to include a blood test kit with a blood bag collection setup in a particular med kit, (or 2, one for you, one for your trade partner). A couple of different "med-kits" is a good idea too. the saline one could have a bag of saline, a morphine pen, a couple of bandages and antiseptic, a basic med-kit (found near beginner spawn points) could be the water purification tabs, charcoal tabs, bandages, penicillian, vitamins.. It would also be good to make these stackable.. if 100% is 10 or a 12 tabs, then i can stack 2 or 3 packets up to 12 tabs (you know room in the pack is going to be a big issue as more items are added to the game). Its kind of a joke that you have to keep individual slots for sterile bandages, but you can stack rags 6 high. Why not make sterile bandages stack 3 high? Aditionally, if you are going to make it more likely to break limbs, then a person is going to need to be able to carry more than one morphine pen, or splint, or at least be able to harvest the "sticks" from particular trees in the bush rather than have to find them spawned in houses.. i break something, i can crawl into the bush, find some sticks, use up 3 rags to bandage my limb up, chomp down some pain killers... back to killing zombies.
  6. Lupine

    Backpack spawns

    I have been playing other games (with massive amounts of items and crafting) and what becomes a problem is Backpack and vehicle, and eventually vault space. As they implement more things (such as the crafting of a camp fire, to cook food on) you will want more pack space to put everything in, or places to stash stuff. 35 slots are not enough room now.. even with using containers to expand the slots. Also, when you are a new spawn, you really need storage space, even a tiny school sized pack is better than nothing..
  7. I like this idea. Split it from "3 types" into 5 and then mix it into zones and you will get a much more fun game. Its going to stop everyone racing off to the best spawns. Military stuff spawns are lvl 5, so u get a mix of lvl 5 and lvl 4 zombies around those areas, and more of them (combined with that dinner bell effect from gunshots would make it real scary). The fact that i could survive a zombie encounter after being a new spawn (usually i just let myself die now, when new respawn and encounter a zombie without a melee weapon, or walk away and go get a drink or go to the toilet.. encountering one without a melee weapon is at best a slow death sentence. Its only experience (dying in a spawning area many times before) to know how many zombies are in the area, and if i am able to sneak around them or get at spawn points that allows for any survival at the present.
  8. Lupine

    SA-Suggestion: Introduction of Microskills

    What would be better, is some sort of set of skills that increase by the length of your game play (excluding your present character), more as some sort of reward for sticking to the game, and rebuilding new characters after death instead of throwing in the towel and going to play something else, there needs to be a better reward for game loyalty . Steam records how long we do play any game, so its easy enough to "reward" someone in little ways .. We know for example , in the future they will be penalties for drinking pond water, or not sanatizing wounds, or using rags instead of sterile bandages.. how about if someone has played for a 100 hours, they don't get long term infections from using rags? if they cut a can open with a knife, they dont drop 25%.. they only drop 15% of the cans contents... Making some kind of reward system for time played in the game.. perhaps unlocking some options, like only those who have played 500 hours can have "stashes" for storing stuff. .. I can see this dieing and starting again from scratch thing getting old after a while, especially if i die over and over in a days playing. besides, you want people to play the game, so, reward good behaviour, keep them playing with rewards.
  9. Lupine


    Yes, I like this idea. The "creepy russian dolls" in the kitchen cupboard get old fast. I am looking forward to more additional (and lets say, area specific") rubble, baracades, piles of empty bean and 'getti cans, human bones, etc. Lots of time to add these though, and you could keep adding little nick nacks around the place.. there is entirely no litter in places where there would be wind blown litter (like chain link fences in the city). I am also a big railroad fan, I would like to see more derilict rail cars and engines around the stations and rail lines, so far there is only the 4 wheeled freight wagon and a smal B0-B0 diesel.. Those who played S.T.A.L.K.E.R series will remember there was a lot of variation of rail carrages, wagons and engines. I also think there needs to be small "bunker" type structures as well.. the kind you can shoot from, or at least hide from a zombie (nothing gives me the shits than the zombie attack through the walls and closed doors.. ) If you are watching whats happening with the Riots and protesting in Kiev at the moment (that have been going on for about 12 months or so) the people have built up areas in the streets to keep the police and military from effectively getting at them. good example of what could be done..
  10. Lupine

    Saving Gear: welcoming solution

    Yes, the Idea of Stashes around the country side is a good idea. you could require several items to make it happen though.. like (as suggested) a shovel (but how about a collasable military one that fits in the pack) a yellow box or ammo can, maybe the burlap sack and plastic bags and duct tape can add a month or two to its life. you would have to have a limit on how many "stashes" a player could bury (so that they are technically "nodes) so.. 40 players on a server are aloud 5-10 reserved stashes for a maximiun of 400 "reserved" on any server at one time. If someone finds your stash.. (you could possibley "craft a stash" of some sort.. out of stumps or logs or rocks in the forest) then when you log in or when someone discovers it you get a message saying "stash number 4 found" or some such thing... at least letting you know that you dont have to waste your time with trying to recover it. even better if you could short name each stash ie: stash number 4 "first-aid & food" ... "found". you could potentially have a window that opens up from your Inventory. I feel it is important to make this game to anialistic.. the fact u die, you restart with nothing really really really becomes "old" quickly. There needs to be some sort of insurance or benifit from being a vetran player, else people will get bored and move on.
  11. A ghilli suit (you can do winter/summer/spring/autum versions), perhaps a "home made" craftable one, and a "proffesional" found one. Also.. how about a "pistol Crossbow" that you can quietly shoot zombies with.. without drawing in every other zombie in the area like the guns do.... ? My other thought was, that if you cut down the Shotgun into a "sawn off" (i was playing with one of these the other day , they are great fun) how about making the "sawn off" go into the pistol slot, after all its technically a "pistol". considering this is one of the first guns you find, might it be useful to have say .. a sawn off pistol and 9130 or a 22 ruger combo?
  12. Lupine

    More Loot would be rad !

    yeah.. after 60 hours playing, i can suggest that you live and die a bunch of times to "learn" where things spawn, so that you know where the nearest water and food supplies (and weapon spawn) are to each respawning site. I honestly would suggest doing nothing but dying and respawning for the first 10 hours, just to explore the various random spawn sites. Doesn't hurt to print out a copy of the map either, and break it down into 8 A4 sections, so that you can figure out exactly where you are, hence know your options better. If you need more gear, i suggest that you play the less populated servers (at day time) to find yourself the basic Pack, Axe, food and water (and a mountain of rag bandages). After that point you really only have to worry about other players. :rolleyes:
  13. Lupine

    A better more fair logout system

    There should be no penalties for logging out or re logging trying to find a server with good connectivity.. after 3 bad servers (couldnt activate weapons or eat or drink, inventory was constantly "recieving" with 270-300 seconds each, and some how i managed to drop my revolver during one of those loggins (not sure how that managed to happen, considering i couldnt activate them) ... surely its possible to "dismiss" the penalty by looking at the connectivity level of the player? :huh:
  14. Lupine

    Login Timeout Needs Fixing

    O.K, this log-in timer made me so anoyed I went and played something else. This is how it went... first log in.. can't crouch, can't activate a weapon, everything in my inventory goes into "recieving"... obviously this server is lagging, so i log to find another one.. 300 second wait. fine.. i will sit here and read a book for 300 seconds..finally logs in.. server yet again, lags, i can crouch this time, but still no weapons,..not liking this (can hear a Zombie near by and i can't kill it ) so i re log.. 270 seconds.... back to reading the book... finally log in on this server.. realize that somehow my revolver with attached speed loader has been dropped on the other server.. (oh great...) so im down to my axe and 9130.. can crouch, can't activate any weapons.. still can hear the near by zombie.. im not dying out here (and it looks llike im going to need to go back and find another revolver) I can't eat, I can't drink.. so i log out and go play Fallen Earth for 6 hours.. Seriously guys, this is supposed to be an ALPHA development..save this time countdown penalty B.S for the Beta. If my connectivity sucks then i need to server hop to find one that i can actually deploy a weapon.
  15. Lupine

    Remove Atmospheric Sound of Chain Link Fence

    I get nervous with the Zombie sound(I'm playing the stand alone), but then u can't actually track and find the Zombie (though the sound lets you know there is one near) that chain link drives me nuts, because im not sure if its actually a zombie near by shaking a fence.. >< , might be nice to address that one eventually.. relivent noises to relivent enviromental situations.