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About T4hiti

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Brussels, Belgium
  1. T4hiti


    Oh well... Thank you for the constructive participation in this topic, saying out loud what someone already said before!
  2. T4hiti


    @Geckofrog7 Thanks for your feedback. I guess the vision of what is a zombie differs from one player to another. I believe that a zombie is a dead infected human corpe, which somehow is controlled by the brain only. In that sense you are true that the lack of blood feeding the brain should kill the zombie at the end, but maybe should it die after some time when shot in the legs/arms/chest? Particularly for the chest topic, zombie's hearth is not beating, so shooting it in the chest shouldn't kill it instantly.
  3. T4hiti


    Perfect zombies system imho: 1. they're fast, that's good 2. they have to respawn somewhere far the player (out of aggro zone) when killed OR at the same place after a longer time 3. their strengh is OK 4. obviously they shouldn't clip into walls/climb ladders 5. when a player dies, his corpes should be replaced by a spawning zombie 6. how come they die when shot in the chest/arms/legs? my request: - when shot in the leg, they crawl - when shot in one arm they attack with less strengh, when shot in the two arms they should be armless or attack with teeth - when shot in the chest, well you missed your shot... - when shot in the head: success!
  4. Perfect zombies system imho: 1. they're fast, that's good 2. they have to respawn somewhere far the player (out of aggro zone) when killed OR at the same place after a longer time 3. their strengh is OK 4. obviously they shouldn't clip into walls/climb ladders 5. when a player dies, his corpes should be replaced by a spawning zombie 6. how come they die when shot in the chest/arms/legs? my request: - when shot in the leg, they crawl - when shot in one arm they attack with less strengh, when shot in the two arms they should be armless or attack with teeth - when shot in the chest, well you missed your shot... - when shot in the head: success!
  5. It seems that they are playing with non legit games (cracked) On their forum they give download links on everything needed to join their public servers. And they do update the servers with the new patches.
  6. What to think about that : <snip>
  7. Just wanted to share a good video made from experimental yesterday. (I am not the youtuber) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83Y7id-HXN4&list=UU5S-O4Y-Jd-Y8CjekLXHYSg&feature=share
  8. T4hiti

    Just an idea for the future

    I thought it would be a good idea, just because ppl are already complaining about how "easy" is this game when you're full geared. It would be like switching the game from normal difficulty to hard. And they would also appreciate to play with "more experimented" players. But as I said this is just my opinion. Furthermore, building giant walls doesn't seems so silly when it comes to zombies invasion. When you say that NPCs have no place in this game, i think you're right, but what about dead NPCs ? :) In fact i guess that for the mod, they had to add more maps just to renew players interest in the game, I don't see any difference with my suggestion, except that it may add more background to the game (more than easter eggs imo).
  9. T4hiti

    Just an idea for the future

    I just had an idea which could imho be interesting: A lot of people are wondering about rewards, and it seems that the majority thinks that there shouldn't be any kind of skills rewards, exept for a growing beard. I agree. But if we think on a longer term, my idea is the following: What if the game gets some kind of counters (days survived, zombies killed, healed survivors, and so on...[add any idea here]). And let's say after x days survived, x zombies killed, ... you get an access to the rest of Chernarus' story and map? There would be somewhere upnorth a new zone surrounded by huge walls (imagine something like the wall in Game of Thrones) reserved for long surviving player with less food, less animals, more zombies, less weapons, [add any idea here] where surviving becomes harder. A new background storyline is possible with (for exemple) the development of a militia, any kind of new government, [add any idea here] would have grown. This is just an idea, anyone feel free to input other suggestion. It sounds like a reward, but is it really?? (sorry for my english)