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About Ten24-SweepNClear

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Got a new server

    Just got a new server up and going. The name is NCZN-North Central Zombie Nation http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  2. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Dayz RP Private Shard Server

    Private Shard Server whitelist access. North Central Zombie Nation Server. We were a public whitelist server, but they did away with Public Whitelist and now we're private. Simple non-kos with PVP zones in place. Visit our facebook page theNCZN or @nocezona on twitter to get guid access or email [email protected] the IP is port: 2602
  3. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Public RP Whitelist

    Hello everyone. Our server is whitelisted and access through GUID access. Drop us your GUID at our facebook theNCZN. This is our server IP for anyone interested in joining. Port: 2602
  4. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Jack Boon Diary of a survivor on youtube

    This is a list of dayz videos on youtube from our community making Dayz Videos. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCp6t2RTMov2fertUHNfkL3173V1d4Xgb
  5. Ten24-SweepNClear

    NCZN Pranked by Friendly In Cherno

    A little prank on one of my members by Friendly In Cherno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QraQu_miNUU&list=UUwBLMEKHwmx_9AgNhKt4Hcg
  6. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Jack Boon Series

  7. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Try to trick me? Sorry

    Came across a couple guys trying to lure people. I think i've played dayz standalone long enough to recognize people trying to be tricky. It was a good ploy though, i'll hand them that because I don't know how the guy came up behind us when we just went through those trees. My buddy who died came back to our location and was killed again. So he came back AGAIN and watched them for a bit and they were shooting up the area at bambis. The area was too hot for just little ol me trying to clean up the Berenzino streets. I forgot to hide the body though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKssE6_f--c
  8. Ten24-SweepNClear

    North Central Zombie Nation

    Hello Just got our 30 player 2 hour restart server going! North Central Zombie Nation - NCZN - 2 hr restarts. Also announcing restarts by global chat/voice. Stop in. We're friendly! Unless you try and shoot at us. also tweet @nocezona for other information. Facebook at North Central Zombie Nation server page for upcoming events and contests! We are attempting to try filming some episodes for the community through Youtube. We also have a Ventrilo that the public is welcome to use and maybe coordinate with our admins in-game to avoid confrontations. Ventrilo info: chi.ventriloservers.biz port: 3798
  9. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Yeah I'm trying to find a different weapon to retire the Mosin/Long Range Scope. I use a PU Scope but there's more drift on that too. I think it's back to the M4 for me.
  10. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I was at the NW Airfield watching zeds respawn. I stood by the ATC and used my axe and then there would be another that would pop into view standing there. A zombie horde would be intense if they would add something like that!
  11. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Killing Bandits for fun

    Sounds like a plan...
  12. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Killing Bandits for fun

    There's a technique involved that's apparently above your understanding.
  13. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Killing Bandits for fun

    They were bandits and my teammates found out the hard way. End of story.
  14. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Killing Bandits for fun

    It shouldn't take a genius to see what the video entails especially with the depth of explaining my intent from the moment I got killed for being friendly.
  15. Ten24-SweepNClear

    Killing Bandits for fun

    Back story that my friend got killed in the school. These guys admitted they were bandits, but wanted to care for her which was weird and they handcuffed her and beat her. We were south on the coast trying to get to her after another bandit attack in Elektro. I don't kill indiscriminately, but I do shoot bandits without prejudice. They were lured out and killed righteously. Didn't you watch the video?