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Everything posted by alexcorkery83@live.co.uk

  1. alexcorkery83@live.co.uk

    Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002

    So i thought i would show you guys what a glitcher looks like. I always go friendly so dont get pissed about me killing unfairly as i have only killed when people acted shady or fired at me first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3EqT_ph5rw I hope this gets fixed soon because of the people who take advantage of this bug.
  2. alexcorkery83@live.co.uk

    Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002

    In the current stable i get low FPS of about 15fps but in exp i get about 25-30 fps i dont know what was done in this exp build but it has made my gaming much more enjoyable. Thank You Rocket :D
  3. alexcorkery83@live.co.uk

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So you guy's can call BS if you want but i know what happend.... and it was this...... I had just started playing dayz-sa it must have been about my 13th spawn because of zombies killing me and and bandits so i was getting pissed an thinking about rage quitting but i had a change of heart an thought what the hell 1 last go before i go to sleep and start running in land from east side of electro. I had been running about 10 mins an it was starting to get dark just as i hit a small town by this time it was just me an 1 guy on the server (I feel safe face :D). Now this is where it got me sweating. After looting some food and some can's of drink i was heading to a house and by now i have my flash light out when i see another light so thinking it was the only other guy on the server i went prone then a mesage came up "you are being watched" . I opend the com an said "hey dude i am friendly" no response. Now the light started to flicker on and off quite fast then stopped on. I thought i got nothing to lose an ran to the light sourse witch when i got closer was in a log house with the door shut so i ran to it an went inside saying "Dude dont shoot i am friendly an unarmed". I shat bricks when i seen there was just a gas lamp on the floor so i checked and i was alone on the server . I picked up the lamp and the doors started opening and shutting (still alone on the server and needed a change of underware). Then another message "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" (WTF you dont have to tell me twice) i manage to get past the doors and start running to the coast again because i am now cold sweating like niagra falls. I dont know if it was Devs or a bug or what but no game has made me so on edge like i was that night and i have never found the log cabin again. "TLDR" Many Bricks Where Shat.
  4. alexcorkery83@live.co.uk

    spawn delay is nice, but 300 seconds is way too long

    If i had my way you would only be able to join 1 server untill you died then you can pick another one and if you do join another server whith a fully geard char then it gets insta-killed if its been less than 24hrs. Peniltys should be harsh in this game it makes playing more fun and survival more real. Any way thats my opinion. Also if you get the 300's cooldown your char should be stripped of all weapons.