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About Goll

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    Yorkshire. UK.
  • Interests
    Music, Movies, Smoking, Drinking, Guitars, Drums, Basses, Dogs, Pussy.

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    I am a mole and I live in a hole.
  1. Goll

    DayZ is dead to me..

  2. Yeah just get loads of food down your characters neck. This confused me when I first started as well.
  3. Goll

    Spawning in ...... seconds

    Yeah I crashed last night and had to wait for teh timer to finish to reconnect to the same server. A simple check to see if it was the same server would surely help matters on this one.
  4. I found 2 in a hangar last night at the NWAF. One was badly damaged but the other was pristine. Just thought I'd share that.
  5. Goll

    Feeling remorseful...

    It's behaviour such as this that makes those of us who would like to help others turn into KOS'ers. I have learned quite quickly to not trust anyone in this game unless you know who they are IRL.
  6. Neither did I? I have always gone on the impression when posting and reading forums though, that the title should at least be pertinent to the topic of conversation within the thread itself. Or perhaps I am just a sandwich short of a picnic? However, I digress; I can honestly say that the issue has not arose for me. I've not been kicked from any server (at least knowingly) as of yet so I wasn't aware it was so rife. Admin abuse is part of the territory with online gaming though; every time there's a game, there's an endless thread of players complaining about server abuse. I agree it would be good to know where you were playing so you could give that server a black mark in your head and know to never go there again.
  7. Still looking for the answer as to why the server browser is to blame as the subject title reads?
  8. Goll

    Bambis not so poor and innocent..

    Aye, that's what my mates on TS thought too when it happened lol
  9. Goll

    Bambis not so poor and innocent..

    Yep, new guy or not, the one thing I have learned in this game is to not trust anyone. I spawned a while back in Kamyshovo, did some mooching about and dropped on a Taloon backpack. Nice find for a bambi. I set off along the coast and then was followed by another player, I stopped briefly to say whats up; and he pulled out his fists. I carried on running, but he was sprinting after me, and then the next thing I knew I was unconcious. I came to about 30 seconds later and he was running back down towards Elektro with my backpack on.
  10. Falling off ladders it would seem. I've done it like 3 times now after spending ages getting geared up.
  11. Gotta be the pub. Not seen this piano house yet though?
  12. Goll

    A bag

    Hahaha, this thread cheered me up no end. I've not come across any bags other than the burlap sacks so far.