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spawn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by spawn (DayZ)

  1. spawn (DayZ)

    Old bandit skin

    The game isn't solo based on PVP. its based on survival in a zombie appocolyps and suposto be playes how you would play in real life. sure PVP but PVP if you need to. not for a kill count like COD or battlefield. I dont think you liked it because the zombies are harder on lingor and they can run in some buildings. meaning they are a bigger threat unlike the chern map. they are just like flies.
  2. spawn (DayZ)

    Old bandit skin

    sounds like COD is more the game for you and not this game. plenty of PVP there. if you want the old skin play lingor island
  3. spawn (DayZ)

    A new thing for DayZ?

    Done? good mod. back on topic. I think a greater variety of zombies are good. i am playing on lingor at the moments and its like a new game
  4. spawn (DayZ)

    A new thing for DayZ?

    report this guy. i think he did it in anotehr folder and the mob banned him
  5. spawn (DayZ)

    A new thing for DayZ?

    game would have to change name to dayA then. the only items they can bring in the game are items that are in arma. they cant create their own or bring in halo weapons. they need to make zombies harder, faster, stronger or bigger or something or add mutant zombies in like resident evil. but then they still cant because they not in ARMA. maybe stand alone game they can
  6. spawn (DayZ)

    Too many sniper rifles

    I think take them out of the game completely. let everyone have small arms or assault weapons. closser combat FTW
  7. your an idiot. i now play a server with a password. we have two teams and we Vs eachother. we also have some members go lonbe wolf and hunt our groups. this is what I want to play
  8. spawn (DayZ)

    riddle lingor island

    A town where animal green is the name truly within. This is the riddle found. can anyone work it out. Is it only in Arma 2 or is it in DayZ as well?
  9. spawn (DayZ)

    riddle lingor island

    so is it only in arma 2 or in dayz as well?
  10. spawn (DayZ)

    riddle lingor island

  11. spawn (DayZ)

    Players in last 24 hours dropping fast.

    seems like its a competition who is the greater alpha / mod tester here. none of you work for them. I dont think the staff give us much info on the updates or when they do the patch or update fucks something else up. and it takes another month to fix it. the game is long long off from being a beta I think
  12. spawn (DayZ)

    How about a Kill Cam?

    Ummm people who sit in chern or electro all day with a sniper rifle are playing the game like its COD. PVPing and nothing else. the main threat is suposto be zombies not players. this is why they need to make zombies much much much harder
  13. spawn (DayZ)

    Players in last 24 hours dropping fast.

    well its not really an alpha. its a mod as what has been said. its a mod to Ama2. its like an expansion to arma 2 really. go to expansions you can even turn the mod off. now as for helping noobs. ummm no. it goes like this. hi are you new? yeah i am new can you help me get a gun. I'll get you a weapon not a gun. a gun is something too big to carry or a 50 cal. anywasy follow me. So what weapons do you have? me? oh I just have an M4A3 CCO. its not bad. got me night vision and stuff. Hey you want a map I have a spare oh yeah cool yeah sure how do I use the map press M Thanks man here is a pistol pick it up and its ammo Ohh thanks man BANG!!!!!! You are dead. HAHAHA I AM LEET i AM NEW TO THE GAME AND KILLED A GUY AND NOW HAVE nvg AND A COOL GUN. I want to kill people now because zombies are no threat. I will pretend I am playing COD and snipe people all day and see how high of a kill count I can get and be boss of this server and call everyone a noob for helping others. 10 mins later he is killed. Ohhh this game sucks it took me 30 mins and now I am back to where I was when I first started the game nothing is saved and I didn;t even see who killed me. he may be a hacker. Google buy ***, download, install, HAHAHA I AM BOSS I TELEPORT AROUND ALL DAY AND KILL PEOPLE JUST LIKE I DO IN COD I am the best at the game everyone I kill is a noob
  14. spawn (DayZ)

    Players in last 24 hours dropping fast.

    ask yourself this. would you send $90 tomorrow is the stand alone game was released with all the little bug fixed and the game was kept the way it is now? I wouldn't, I don't have a problem with the bugs at the moment i mean i don't care about vehicles anymore because i have been there and done that. don't the party but I have done everything there is to do. Are you happy to still run around with all of your kit fully geared and once you have it after 14 days alive and 1000 zombie kills with the occasional murder or bandit kill. i mean sure you could just sit in chern and kill people but why not play COD that's what COD is all about. the game has no substance, purpose its like playing command and conquer with a level that jas constant waves of enemy to kill and they will never ever end. once you fill the map up with a base and units what then?
  15. spawn (DayZ)

    Players in last 24 hours dropping fast.

    good reply there people throw that around all the time. its an alpha. pretty sure we knew that on day 1 when we clicked the download alpha button. there has been nothing to do for ever now. i mean once you got full kit what do you do. me and my mates we held the airfield on a full server for weeks. we held stary. we held electro. now places are to hard because hackers flood the servers. we has a clan war once and as soon as it was announced on the server a mate of mine saw 12 people teleport straight to chern from all over the map. we had every vehicle on the map and a huge base. there was 40 or so of us all together and now we are just bored. we need objectives, missions, quests, a purpose, restoring power to chern to get a factory going to get med supplies or weapons or something. we need something
  16. spawn (DayZ)

    New skin for -100k?

    and its people like you that would die first an such an event. its impossible to survive alone. and if you killed a few people word would get around and you would be killed. and it would be real life no respawn. so your life would end while people who band together would survive, have sex, food, children, and kill a shit load of dead and if injured they would get medical attention from another survivor. bandits would not last long. if you woke up tomorrow and the world had gone to shit do you really think you would last a week on your own? who protects you while you sleep? who covers you while your reloading. in fact where would you even find a weapon. I think they should bring the full bandit skin back and not just a towel on their head. it looked sweet and dangerous. however bandits never lasted long when the mod came out because they killed eachother and survivors banded together to kill them. so 20 mins was an average life
  17. spawn (DayZ)

    New skin for -100k?

    dayZ is about survival in a zombie appocolyps. not survival in human appocolyps or another COD game. If you just want to kill people all day go play another game.
  18. spawn (DayZ)

    Players in last 24 hours dropping fast.

    he has a point. I used to play with about 40 people. now only 5 are online. some just sitting in the teamspeak. I am not playing right now because I will most likely just get killed by a hacker who thinks he is playing COD and its all about the highest kill count. I have everything there is to have in the game appart from a radio. I have M4 SD weapon and a thermal weapon what else is there for me to do. I have a tent and veihcles I want for what? I have food and water. there needs to be some kind of goal or purpose to the game I am not interested in sitting in chern trying to play COD and kist kill people all day. I would not do that in real life because the human race would be extinct. also the graphic glitches are too bad everywhere with tents and wire and sand bags. so add some rescue missions in or something
  19. spawn (DayZ)

    FreeTown - Standalone

    this is impossible for people who are hacking and server hoppers and people who only care for a kill count and nothing more thinking they are playing COD. the game is about survival not a kill count. this is why they need to add a bigger threat then zombies. AI's or stronger faster, smarter zombies. how many times have you been killed by a zombie. I have been killed once in the last 3 months due to being KO'd after being shot by a player.
  20. spawn (DayZ)

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    ahh well yes I agree with you then. idiots. we were the ones who were given the privileged to play it
  21. spawn (DayZ)

    a little idea to help against hackers

    besides stop people from hacking. it is not COD where the highest kill count is the best. if you want to kill players all day this game is not for you.
  22. spawn (DayZ)

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    ok no one knows who your talking about lol. but i think its a bad idea as the game developers would not rip themselves off millions and millions of dolars
  23. spawn (DayZ)

    FreeTown - Standalone

    correct. gold and jerlery or money would be useless unless you need paperweights or to start a fire with the money. ammunition, tin cans for recycling to make sheets of tin for building, oil, fuel, food, water, medical supplies would all be a form of currency. now people who dont want to trade will just shoot people for all these things of shoot people for a kill count still. but if there is a requirement for people to band together to build something this maye reduce this.
  24. spawn (DayZ)

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    not sure if it was said but bad idea. there are over 1 000 000 players who have a dayz account. if we all got a CD key that means the developers would rip themselves off $99 000 000 and hell no company would do that
  25. spawn (DayZ)

    FreeTown - Standalone

    for this to hapen I think it should be a lengthy process and require maybe 5 people working together and only in specific areas. and then these buildings have to be repaired or they fall down. otherwise people would clutter the server with structures all over the map within a week and the server would glitch out and lag like my ex girfriend. and only the people that built these buildings can repair them so if they dont maintain it after a week they fall down and another group of players get to build something there