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spawn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by spawn (DayZ)

  1. spawn (DayZ)

    Beans Motherducker

    confusion has taken its place with opeople using a word that maes no sence to its origin. its like saying onion instead of taxi. derp's meaning today has no relevance to its origin
  2. spawn (DayZ)

    Beans Motherducker

    great shitters? runners? watch the origin. in its place you could fit run shit fuck sorry shame yuck noooo but stupid doesn't work. who was this moron that decided derp means stupid. you cant just make your own meanings to words lol
  3. spawn (DayZ)

    Electro Deathmatch

    how do you explain the crashed plane? there is no crashed plane in electro unless its hacked in
  4. spawn (DayZ)

    Beans Motherducker

    found it BEHOLD, THE DERP THAT STARTED ALL DERPS! According to IMDB this derp occurred in 1998 in the movie BASEketball. I took the liberty of recording it so as to share with the world the wonderment that is DERP! Soon after this first derp, the creators of Southpark, BASEketball, and now DERP, released the second derp, Mr. Derp. a year later on April 21st 1999 on episode 3 of season 3 of their hit cartoon show Southpark derp makes no relation to stupid. check out when he sais it. you could say derp means shit or run which has more of a meaning and suits its origin
  5. spawn (DayZ)

    Beans Motherducker

    ok i dont get this quack quack thing. is it like derp derp. something that means nothing that someone stupid made up?
  6. spawn (DayZ)

    Beans Motherducker

    lol puny beans. sounds like my testicles
  7. spawn (DayZ)

    Beans Motherducker

    i'll hold him, you punch him, no wait i am bigger and stronger, i'll punch him i will do more damage then you, no wait lets both punch him
  8. spawn (DayZ)

    Beans Motherducker

  9. spawn (DayZ)

    Electro Deathmatch

    lol look how bad that server was hacked. building blown up everywhere and choppers and planes. I am sure the legit spawn choppers have not respawned yet they would have been destroyed
  10. spawn (DayZ)

    Electro Deathmatch

    its almost liek you know where they are on the map.
  11. spawn (DayZ)

    DayZ German Bandit Skin

    what do you call a guy who sits in chern camping in 1 spot killing players / new spawns and not looting their bodies? then when they get the bandit skin what do you call them?. what do you call people who play the game only to kill players like this?
  12. spawn (DayZ)

    what the hell happened to me?

    yeah its a glitch. hs happened a few times to a few mates of mine. just bad luck bro
  13. spawn (DayZ)


    yeah u see i have no idea about gun laws in the US. australia every wepons is registered even crossbows you need a licence and have it stored in a specific safe. except in the NT where I live. automatic weapons are illegal. semi is legal but then not eveyone can get a licence. you cant even have a BB gun here or a training weapon without a licence. air rifles the same. but thats prob why our crime / murder rate is nothing like it is over there. plus many other factors. thank god I live in Australia
  14. spawn (DayZ)

    DayZ German Bandit Skin

    nah it used to be like that. if a hero had 2500 humanity the bandit would get - that. not sure how a survivor worked as i never tried to kill anyone and didn;t take notice of my humanity at the time cos to me it meant nothing
  15. spawn (DayZ)


    have my beans for that
  16. spawn (DayZ)


    ok bored of this now. cya buddy. tll next time if the mod doesn't close this down
  17. spawn (DayZ)


    ok. lol that was prob the best trolling comment you have made. i will give you that one but still didn't get to me
  18. spawn (DayZ)


    hmm i get drug tested in the forces. no steroids or rage here. you just fail so bad at trolling and your not getting to me its pathetic
  19. spawn (DayZ)


    fail troll
  20. spawn (DayZ)


    or i never cared as I had no interest. do you have interest in every little part of history and know the dates of everything? no, is that cos your ignorant? fail troll
  21. spawn (DayZ)


    fact. I never cared to find out what they used for NVG's in the 1930's again fail at trolling
  22. spawn (DayZ)


    cum at me bro makes no sense. you fail at trolling
  23. spawn (DayZ)

    DayZ German Bandit Skin

    also i dont think any bandit has looted my gear or kileld me for my gear. they shoose sniper rifles I dont. and food and water is not a problem in dayz
  24. spawn (DayZ)


    hmm also called reality. a reality is that of something of real or actual events. as someone said the other day. in here. haters gonna hate
  25. spawn (DayZ)


    before my time. what you talking about. a fire lol. seriouse