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spawn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by spawn (DayZ)

  1. if you dont like it dont play on it. join another server and stop crying. now =DRN= has killed people still in self defence. we have not reported these players to the admin. however we have reported people who are logging in and out changing positions server hopping. this is exploiting. these people have been kicked. WILD as mentioned who were server hopping if you buy a car are you forced to drive it because thats what its intended. or can you just colect them. he has made the server name no pk. if you see a server that is called hardcore and you dont want to play hardore you dont have to play it. I would like to get what I pay for. if I buy a burger that is made to eat i can choose to throw it away without getting arrested
  2. lol you know that it is much easier to take a positio then hold a position. how about this. you take our barracks from us and hold it and we will take it from you. with little or no casualties. I tested this and I could have taken 3 of my guys out so it proves its much easier to take then defend. if you guys want to form like a war or something change ur tags. it could be fun who can control the airfield the longest. rules. no cheating, server hopping or anything like that. all legit
  3. then dont play on the server. your not paying for it the admin is
  4. the server admin pays for the server and he can set his rules. if you dont like the rules go change servers. its just like playing a harcore server or not playing harcore. 3rd person no 3rd person. the rull is for everyone. if they dont like it dont play on it. simple it sais it as soon as you log in. coop only
  5. Thanks deltron. the server admin we know. your going to be banned as well because you are exploiting. you Pk on the server and its no PK as it sais in the title. (isayno) i saw the server admin saying this. you should not have shot at players. this is the reason why =DRN= is on this server. if we want to kill people we will and nearly everything we get contracted we defend ourselves and win. but server hoppers and hackers and people with thermal sights make it hard because they dont play fair. I am sending this link to the admin as you can see the server admin makes the rules for that server when you log in. if you dont like it change servers.
  6. spawn (DayZ)


    I am posting this for a guy at work Was on DayZ the other night, Up to 3 days alive, having the CZ 550, G17, tool belt nearly full, alice pack, Overall feeling pretty happy with my progress as its the best kit i've had to date. Met up with a group of mates at our camp, we had to do a water run and fill all the water bottles so we jumped on 2 of our quads and headed to a nearby lake. just coming over the ridge and see the lake infront of me when we run out of fuel. My mate jumps off and starts filling the quad back up when out of no where i hear this swooshing that Boom i'm sent flying 50mtrs up summer saulting on the quad bike. My mate intantly killed. I come down jump off the quad thinking What the hell was that? Got a broken leg and pass out. I'm not bleeding out so i just wait for the hour glass to go down. Seconds before reviving i hear the smosh again and see rockets raining down from the sky and smash me to bits. Epic ending to a 3 day run but realyl pissed it was becuase of hackers. I get MSI afterburner up and jump back onto the server, turning on video capture a few minutes into my next run i get LMG fire all around me getting hit but survive, look around no one is there, suddenly another rocket strike that just misses me. I start running thinking i can make it to a building in elektro when again i got blown sky high and that ends my run. Hackers ruin the game for everyone. Now to rebuild and resupply. The server i was on when it happened was Atlanta 73
  7. well your welcome to come but play fair. we dont mind dying if its fair. but our defence is strong. you will have to find our camp
  8. There is no skill in players hopping server to server. its just like teleporting. now cars full of gear them hopping on to the server taking out all the NVG's M4 SD weapons, Range finders, 50 cals and then logging off and moving and then killing u with them. where is the skill. or victory. now if they actually team up and try to take our position finding our weekness and killing us then thats good game. now if they hold it we will all take what we have built there because we know how to. even with just a winchester
  9. spawn (DayZ)

    many players are quitting

    post is an accident
  10. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    I have seen people posting about how bandits or PKers all say they kill people for a reason in the forums here. It seems that every bandit or PKer has justification for killing anyone they want. if its for beans or a makorov mag. Now PKers dont usually need any of these things or a shitty winchester or anything that is in any town. 97% of the people that killed me or people I know have all been snipers. here is a video of a PKer killing for no reason. why? what is he killing them for. isn;t the aim of the game to survive and not PK as if its COD or BF3? these PKers are turning this game in to one of those games except with zombies in it. you see hi with a few other players but guess what I bet they all kill anyone they see that is not them not caring if bandit or not. is this any difference to COD or BF3 playing with your team and vs another team? link you can not disagree with anything I say here. Now what is the aim this player which is one of many. what is he trying to do except for kill anyone he sights. is he exploring? is he trying to survive clearing towns or trying to get a car together while he defends himself from other players who are trying to do the same or is he just killing for no reason. killing anyone he has in his sights changes nothing except for a number or kill count. how is this for a suggestion. Go back a few versions to when there was bandit skins based on your humanity. bandits want to be bandits so let them they add to the fun, but when they kill other bandits they should gain humanity because they are killing one of their own. same for survivors but when they kill a bandit let them gain humanity. this means that people are not killing anyone they see for no reason because people will want to wither stay a survifor or bandit. many of the other updates and fixed can stay in place. But remember the day when there were bandit skins and how different playing was. you would see people you dont want to kill and see others you want to kill. I forget what version it was I think version 1.4 where you couldnlt climb ladders with a pistol. back then the game play was so much different. also a suggestion a counter of how many kills you have in total would be nice, one that rolles over when you die
  11. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    god damn nerds i dont even know this trolling shit. clearly i had an idea and stated my idea. now thats what this part of the forum is for am i correct? so who is trolling in in reality? people like you who make comments that have 0 relivance to the forum? does this mean your breaking the rules and should be banned? are you going to put up a for sale advert for your car next? now this post points out my intent for suggestion and is also thinking about the rules. looks like I am the better person here and not you
  12. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    Zwans I have never played COD and but as I understand its full of players killing other players. which seems to be the big thing in this game. clearly the bandits who dont like the Idea of less ability to PK are not liking my post. why? because they have to start playing toe game as its intended to survive and not just camp around a tent PKing people. and come up with your own come backs dont use mine show some maturity. are you playing the game to just PK or to survive you killing people for no reason is just you PKing. Now I know rocket does not want to stop the PKing I have said this before and even suppoted the bandits. hell why do we even call the bandits they dont exist anymore they are just like survivors killing because they dont want to be shot first (deathmatch) Bandits play a roll in the game and create a greater threat then a few stupid Z'ds but people who play the game just to PK once again why not play COD or BF3. thats full of PKing and plenty of it for you. if you kill someone for a reason other then oh i thought the new spawn on the beach might have NVG's i can use your playing it wrong. rocket wanted people to band a little bit more together so to survive a little co op is required. as for the sniper sure I could go server hopping at stary tents with my DMR and get my kill count up but really what is the fun? As to the reference to the soldiers I think thats rubbish. every day I deal with thousands of them and am one myself. As for realism there is nothing real about the game or the mod. simumations are not fun to play thats why people dont play them. Arma is not a simulation as for matacks comments. I just had an Idea. Poeple who kill more and more people end nup becomming mentaly scared. These people often make mistakes. how about random weapon discharges. Trigger happy. this could give your position away to players and zombies. People with compat action have mental issues usually so this could be a realistic mod. which is what rocket is intedning to do as I read hence the increased heart rate and pannic. people with a phsyc problem tend not to make the right decisions. and have less focus or patience and fuck i cant spell
  13. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    your jelly of my bestest english. yes i cant spell to save my life everyone i know knows that old news if you read the replies from myself and others and watch the video you will clearly see bandits dont kill for supplies. what does a bandit want when he has full health and cans of food and drink and a BMR or SVD or a 50 cal. what doe he want when he is sittin at stary sobar or chern in a tree line server hopping or camping for players. what does he want from them Lady Kyrah you dont read the notes to you. a few releases ago in a fucked up log change it was or it was a post from himelf as the staff in here
  14. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    how about you learn to play. if your all about PVP then this is not the game for you and you should move on. I am playing as rocket has intended and your not. he tried to make it so people will have to work togethr to survive in 1.7.1 I am pretty sure it was. did you not read the notes? souds like u need to go back to COD cos your not playing this game as intended.
  15. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    well a few months ago it was different. you would see people and say ahh he is friendly and 90% of the survivors you see were friendly and would help you. the other 10% were bandits that havent killed anyone in a while or have given someone a blood pack and regained their humanity. then you saw bandits and straight away you would know they want to kill you so you would run or hunt them. I prefer to run i dont gain anything from killing anyone only risk losing my zombie kill and gear i have spend the last 40 hours collecting. since they took skins away its been a shoot first ask questions later or say sorry. people got sick of this very very qucik and started doing the same and now play like its COD shoot anything and anyone and gain nothing. Then the poeple that only kill the game to survive and try help people how the game the wau is is to be played (survive) they get the shits and say fuck it i am not helping anyone no more but that have a contience and humanity kicks in and basic survical instincs for Males is to protect especially females.
  16. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    the thing is they wouldn;lt have even looted your bodies. they wouldn;t have needed any gear only there camping for a kill.
  17. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    and why would you kill him? in real life do u not know that he would most likely collect food and weapons and maybe you would see him again and he might have better gear for you. he might even save you or you could kill him then. but no u kill him for a mak mag? clearly in real life you would be one of the first to die because you would kill someone who knows how to repair your firing pin or trigger mech in your weapon or knows how to clean and repair the gass system. now people in groups you know are just as easy to kill as long as your in a safe hidden position. join the defence force and mature your thinking a little but then again this is not real life. the aim is to survive as long as you can. not kill as many people as you can then when you die do it again, so learn to play
  18. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    Lady Kyrah I assure you in real life you would want people with you even strangers. why? because who will watch you while you sleep. who will watch your left, right flanks and as well as the front and rear. you can not compare this to real life. in real life there is no respawn button in the game its about survival. people clearly are not killing for survival so killing to feed your kids is irrelivant. do you only kill to loot the guy for his beans when your already at 12k? and have a tin of food on you? or will you kill a guy who is an easy target for the kill. I guarantee you have killed someone for no reason at all.
  19. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    once again there is nothing realistic about the game. or the mod. simulators are not fun which is why people dont play them its has been said before. what is a bit anoying is you can play for 4 months and die 40 times. the 41st time you are killed you are no further in the game then you were 4 months ago when you first logged in on the shore. this is where I think a total kill counts could be put in place. or like an RPG style. if you kill 100 bandits you get 100 points granting you 100 more blood. if you kill 3 survivors you lose 3 of those points if your a survivour. and tha same for bandits. if bandits kill survivors they get a point towars theur next 100 blood stack. now head shots still take 1 shot to kill. I feel the game needs to have a purpose or a gain after 100 hours of playing instead of no progress and your back on the shore
  20. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    the thing is if they make ammo or weapons less available it wont make a difference. peple will kill other people with only 2 shots and when they kill them they have a chance to get an extra 30 rounds. even a mak can kill you in 2 well aimed shots. people will want to kill eachother just as much as with no weapons or good or lots of weapons or food. the point is people are not killing for the loot but for the kill. if there is less loot around its more of a reason to kill someone because you want his loot. even his 2 mak mags will help you. now as for teaming up with low ammo around there is less chance of people wanting to do that because they dont want to waste their ammo on a stranger helping him ok the way the game is going there is nothing about realism about it. in real life u can do soooooooo much more basic things. like move and shoot at the same time, change weapons on the move. there is nothing real about the game. if they wanted to make it more real they would realise people need to band together to survvive. people solo have no chance. so they need to make an attraction for people to band together. the walking dead, falling skies for example
  21. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    why do the bandits need food? to heal? no. how often do you need to eat food to heal yourself unless you have been shot by another player. and bandits usually have a high powered weapon that kill in 1 or two shots so food is useless to bandits. as you can see bandits are mostly snipers who shoot from 200 3 or 400m away or more and dont need any supplies because their health is full because they dont get attacked by zombies. all they need is food and water to survive which means they can get that in nearly any building and the way they play sitting there waiting to kill they only need a few cans of food or water to last them a whole day. 1 every hour or so. they dont kill for medical suplies either becuase theydont get attacked because they are hidden and waiting. I play with 1 bandit who kills for no reason. he changes his name for the rolle he plays but he agrees he kills players just for a kill count he needs nothing from their bodies
  22. spawn (DayZ)

    justify your actions

    in accordance with the human rights legislation and the 1st ammendments you are entitled to your opinion I take it your a bandit who kills people for nothing more then the kill count
  23. Sandy State Phantom your clearly not Aistralian. hence why we have the most well trained army in the world. The brits are pretty bloody good too.
  24. well i think dead bodies should attrack zombies i mean in every movie they sit there and eat away untill gone
  25. telling someone to grow up does not mean your grown up yourself. so let me tell you a story yesterday. a guy was looking a bulding. guys pretended to be friendly and noob like. my mate said come over here there is a DMR and some AK's here if you wnat. they went over and looked at him looked at the lot and shot him. Hmmmm maing friends is easy isn't it. playing like an idiot? so you tell me you have not been killed yet? if you have been shot by someone I guess you were playing like a total idiot. now in case you dont know. If is much easier to take a position then to defend the position. In games especially. Sounds like some years in the service could do you some good your reply makes it look like your trying to show some kind of superiority. guess what your not. having someone as overwatch. hmmm now do you think that maybe the guy your looking at already has a guy in overwatch and is looking at you and those two guys are talking to eachothern saying I dont think this guy is going to kill us. then BAM he kills your mate. then his mate sais ahh fuck and scroles back over to where he saw you because he was looking at other potential sniper spots and you have moved. is that bad game play or is that playing like a person who is not a bandit. if they had of shot you right at the start that makes them bandits and you the idiot. come replies I read in these forums I hope the world never goes to shit because you guys will be the first to be comming to survivors begging for help to give you a new trigger mech or firing pin for your weapon. but it seems that you killed the only armoursmith in the survivour camp who fixes weapons while he was collecting wood and kiled him for no reason. idiots And lex.ikon. correct you are. but hey maybe we could all hide down the corner of the map because they would all kill eachother they are fucking idiots