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spawn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by spawn (DayZ)

  1. spawn (DayZ)

    game is too easy and getting boring and more

    we are only in a group of maybe 20 on a weekend when we do a raid. otherwise we are all talking on TS and in groups of 3-5 spead out all over. we now only have hackers come in once a day or once every two days if that
  2. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    yeah now we are talking. hope rocket reads these. maybe make the soldiers less powerfull or not very accurate otherwise it may be very hard to survive without a sniper rifle. but it will add an extra threat that no1 will expect or want
  3. spawn (DayZ)

    Notebooks. Bandit confirmed kill logs.

    they have to have something but having counters where everyone can see them like when you press I will make people want to be better. If your counter is personal I dont see a problem
  4. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    exactly what I think would be a great addition.
  5. spawn (DayZ)

    Notebooks. Bandit confirmed kill logs.

    everythingthing is reset on server resets except tents and wire and sandbags. If I kileld you yesterday your body would not be there anymore or your notebook today. then if you kileld me today and it showed on my body that I killed you yesterday you would be like yessss I got that fucker. If the notebooks are kept on the players body it would be best. think if the notebooks got saved on the server and 100 people were killed every day on that server thats 3000 notebooks a month. thats alot and will slow the servers
  6. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    they would still be too easy to kill but. I mean you just run away from then and run down a kill and they break their legs and die. If not then you run to a barn. If AI soldiers were there you would have not to worry about the zombies 1m away from you but the AI soldiers who are hunting you as well as the players. if there are any players but you dont see other players all that often unless you look for them
  7. spawn (DayZ)

    Notebooks. Bandit confirmed kill logs.

    if you did that then the servers would be full of notebooks. if there is a grave stone or something when the body is hidden that would be cool but it would be reset on player reset. Thats why if when you examin the player you kill you could see his whole log and if he kiled you
  8. the only people that wil flame you or kick up a stick about cracking down on hackers are people who are hackers themselves. We all want to play the game fair as it it to be played. no one wants hackers comming in off the beach fully geared and killing you every 3 seconds. no fun. my server we are banning hackers and we have all the proof they are hacking. if staff want to question us then why are they questioning people who do the right thing and play by the rules. make sure the people you ban are actually hackers as we have by banning people who spawn in a weapon that is not allowed or someone who teleports from 1 side of the map to the other. to find these people it can be done. Improvise, addapt and overcome
  9. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    good post Combine
  10. Yes I think having a killed by this person will get rid of hackers quickly. the server admin downloads the logs and bans the members number from his server. All justivication for banning that player is right there in the logs.
  11. spawn (DayZ)

    game is too easy and getting boring and more

    Carl's Sr. exactly as you just said. Then people want more to the game and they buy hacks. After the first 2000 people that were banned some people came in to the forums and said yes I hacked but I did it because it just got boring. there is only so much you can do and I hacked to make the game more fun but that got boring. Rocket said thanks for your honesty wish more people were the same
  12. spawn (DayZ)

    Im scared... but not of the Zombies

    the zombies are weak as piss and are like flies in this game. just annoying. Elite zombies would be ok but just mean they take a few more rounds to kill. I made a suggestion about bringing in some AI arma 2 soldiers in to the game that either patrol or are at high value areas such as the airfield. Like I said if you think survivors with a bandage and a torch are the only ones to survive an appocolyps then the counrties defence force must be horrible. They would be the main people to survive in the end for 1 they are armed,
  13. spawn (DayZ)

    dayz clan clothes

    people argued the fact with bandits and survivors that if it was real life people are not singled out by clothing as soon as they kill someone. people are not singled out good or bad guys. but then you mention an idea which is real life and they say no you cant implement that because its not real life. However I cant see any problem with clan clothing.
  14. spawn (DayZ)

    Notebooks. Bandit confirmed kill logs.

    Yeah agree with Yoko. maybe if the log was seen by you and bount to your character. people can examin a body and see who shot him however. This means people can kill 100 people and have their own useless count that no one else can see except the owner of that character
  15. spawn (DayZ)

    game is too easy and getting boring and more

    well 4 rounds to the head at 50m is pretty easy with a CCO or Cobra. Maybe make it two. The first shot hits and attracts them then they come running. you either need a friend with you or you need lots of ammo. This means you cant run from the beach straight to the NW Airfield in to the fire station and take them down with an axe. then gear up. Maybe more then two shots from a 5.56 to the body becuase I mean a human can survive that in the body. Not a great chance but zombies dont need their organs to survive
  16. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    yeah that could work too ThatGuyCalledReptile but then if they have good loot on them that is rare the only people that will be able to ikill them will be people with sniper rifles who will sit back and camp their bodies picking off players trying to loot them. If the AI's had nothing attractive for people to kill they would be one anoying obstical no one will want to see
  17. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    its a thought and i think a good thought. as long as there is another threat. i mean the could increase the number of players on a server but more AI's that pose a threat is different because players usually play smart or will leave when being shot at. AI's will hunt you while they can see you but then stop maybe.
  18. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    Zombies are no more of a threat then a cow. how many people have died from an actual zombie. I mean becides a glitch where they run through a wall and KO you and you bleed out. I know I have never actually died from one becides something like that. now patroles of AI soldiers would work as well. to think that a civilian with a bandage and a torch would out live the entire defence force is just stupid. Throw in another threat or make the zombies much harder to kill
  19. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    Imagine all the hackers porting in and getting killed by these NPC's who can shoot just as well as players. but there is no gain for the hackers to kill them except a zombie kill count or something. these guys are just like the arma 2 AI Soldiers. then you have a group and you say lets go to the airfield. in real life you wouldn;t go alone. at least then you cant be a fresh spawn who runs to the airfield with an axe and get fully geared in minutes
  20. spawn (DayZ)

    Notebooks. Bandit confirmed kill logs.

    this would be cool imagine getting shot one day then 4 days later you kill someone and read his log and read that he killed you 4 days ago and all the other people. or you could studdy their body and read a og. just a very basic log. this person killed this person on this day
  21. it will be in place in Arma 3. not in arma 2 but
  22. I have tried all combinations of my graphic setting, restarted the game and computer and still qhite/ gray / black shit everywhere. I am near no wire only trees. I move to an open field and still the same. I used to get it some graphic glitches before patch but they were fixed with a restart of the game.
  23. spawn (DayZ)

    game is too easy and getting boring and more

    i need a pen to write stuff down. I need to be in contact with the group to pass info on. excuses are not made up. unless you dont know how to PM people.
  24. but note if you are caught using a hack for any reason you will be banned
  25. the only way you can counter that is if you yourself has a hack and use it to police this. this way you can see the hackers teleporting. Server admins cant see who kills who which would solve this problem. but you still cant use he killed me as a justification to ban someone.