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spawn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by spawn (DayZ)

  1. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    yes this would be a good idea. but it also works VS. if would be very unwise for a friendly to go to a knows bandit area. if each had their own controled areas it would be better and more realistic
  2. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    wholey fuck that is too long for me to read lol. I am sure there are some good point. obviouse points and points that are pointless. end of the day it seems the only way you can play this game and get anywehre is if you are on vent or TS with others. because its impossible to make freinds when you are shot on sight all the time for a flash light even
  3. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    thats all it is. suggestions. the people who dont like the suggestions are the people that will find the game harder to play. if people are playing the game to PVP and not survive which is the intent and there is a change implenented that makes it harder for them to PVP all day long then they will winge. say man up you pussy or some crap. if they want to spend their time playing like that play COD. this game is about survival not PVP count
  4. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    if you played months ago you would know how much difference it makes trust me. it actually gave you more of a thrill. you would see a bandit and knew he would kill you. you would help people who were not a bandit if you wanted to. unlike now where you see someone you know he will want to kill you for sure and there is no oh he is friendly skin he might not kill me so i wont kill him, I wont kill him cos I dont want to have bandit skin. It made so much difference
  5. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    not a bandit mask a bandit skin. months ago this was in place and you knew who were feiendly 70% of the time. some friendlys would still kill you because they wanted to be a bandit. once humanity went - they get a camo skin. Humanity is still in place in the game. if you get a murder you killed a friendly. if you get a bandit kill you killed a bandit. you just cant tell them apart anymore
  6. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    he does have a point if you know what he means. I mean everyone looks the same so how do you know if they are friendly or not. how many times have you been killed without someone asking you if your friendly. how many people have you killed without asking if he is friendly. its just the same as COD but with zombies and you got to spend ages running around looking for people to kill. for no reason
  7. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    the thing is people in a hero skin wont kill a friendly person because he has chosen not to be a PKer and play the game as more a survival game with other survivors. not playing the game like its COD or battlefield
  8. this is why all server admins need to get the names of the people using hacks. download the logs and ban their CD ket or ID number from the server. our admin does it we have banned maybe 100 hackers or more. we tell they are hacking because we see their name spawning all over the map. we see their name in a helicopter over and over when the only server helicopter isn't in game will next week on respawn. we see the guy and we cant kill him. we see his name and he is invisible killing us. we see his name putting tank tracks around everywhere while we are driving. so so much more
  9. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    choice in skins should be for clan members I think
  10. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    depending on the size of a round. I mean a 9mm pistol round is bigger then a 7.62 but weapons like an AK47 which is 7.72. who do you think will die forst in a fire fight? 9mm is accurate for 25m, AK is for 300. most 5.56 100 standard zeroing. size of the chell makes the diference.
  11. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    the people who winge about being indicated as a bandit are people who are bandits themselves. they dont want to be labled because if they are then people know if they want to kill them or not. you see a bandit and you think ahh yes i want to kill this guy. you see a survivor and you think nah i wont kill him cos i will become a bandit then. if there is a change like this bandits lose the advantage which they have now. now they kill anyone and they are happy. survivors only want to kill bandits. if its changed bandits will lose the advantage for a useless kill count
  12. spawn (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    it is a good idea. there is no trust building in the game anymore its kill everyone. except for the people in your TS or vent. Back in the day when there was bandidts you knew who you could trust or not trust. however some times people would become a bandit due to self defence. if so they would tell people they were friendly so this is building trust. some times you would see a survivor who was a bandit but no longer a bandit and he would trick people in to meeting them and kill them till he became bandit skin again. as for people adding real life indicators in the game and it shouldn;t be done because its no realistic. Ummmm zombies are not real. a m1911 would fucking near kill you if hit. 7.62 can pierce kevlar body armour so you think it would really take 6 rounds to kill someone? in real life you can run and shoot on the move, nothing about arma is realistic. try playing americas army 3 for a more realistic. simulators are not fun thats why people dont play them. just like VBS
  13. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    once you guys have about 50 weapon wualifications then you can coment. once you guys erve in the defence force the you will know how real it is. some of you think legit. some of you are complete dickheads who have no idea
  14. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    you have no idea clearly
  15. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    unknownuser BAM! just as he said. now snipers often have a team mate who has a raneg finder telling him where to aim with the wind and everything. all you have in Arma is fall of shot which is unrealistic. if you fired basic assault weapons you would agree fuck my spelling sucks but i lift weights and am drunk so dont need to spelll now as for the US and buying a barret. we will see what happens in a few years after the shooting of the dark knight. it will be hard and dificult but we will see how easy it is. plus in russua is it just as easy?
  16. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    wait so your telling me in at least 20 years or however old you are you have never seen a sniper rifle. and you expect them to be in buildings all over the world in a zombie apocolyps? I mean really? you think it would be realistic to find any sniper rifle in a barn or barracks. let me tell you something the only time you will find a 50cal is in an armoury 1 or 2 feet thick full of reinforced steel. or when a grunt is on a sniper course sleeping next to it cuddling it lie a girlfriend if he gets to sleep at all. or on ops in afghan or iraqu and they are secure with the soldier who singned it out no further then 1m away from him. in other words if its not within 1m from somone its locked away good or on a ship, plane in transit to operations. same goes for the SR25 or any other high powered weapon. Now as for assault rifles they will be seen by civilion on exercises, transit or rarely during PT with no magazine and at action unload. you want realistic? how about you learn what it is
  17. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    tell me. how many sniper rifles have you seen in real life. I am in the army and I have seen very view.
  18. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    sounds like your tring to play COD or battlefield. tell me is the game goal to stay alive or to get the highest amount of murders
  19. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    read the thread name. if we were talking about exploits and duplicates that would be the thread name. yes there is bugs for duplicates but that have been talked about to death. and even if they are duplicates and everyone has one that would give even more reason to nerf them so people dont want them
  20. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    for all those who think the M14 or the DMR wont kill you 1 hit. I would like to see anyone get shot with a 7.62 and walk away from it. they pierce body armour at times so you think they wont kill you?. But 45s and shotguns do need to be a 1 shot kill or at least the shotgun
  21. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    osirish this page is for suggestions. thats what people are doing thats what its intended for. posts like yours serve no purpose. yes we all know its al alpha the very first time we played. alpha's change and thats what we are saying in here. changes that should or could be made to make the game better when released
  22. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    good point Duckman404 I mean scopes can be baught anywhere without a weapon. go on e-bay u can buy one.it just depends on the type of weapon. military grade weapons should be much more rare. Actually all military weapons should be rare and I think they should only spawn in military areas and not a fire station even. I know if I lost my weapon I would be charged in an appocolyps or not. and if a mate is killed we do not leave weapons behind we take it with us and all military equipment is accounted for
  23. spawn (DayZ)

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    you think realistic. How many sniper rifles are there in a Platoon of soldiers on patrol. Platoon may be 32 soldiers excluding SGT's and PL comanders. not one of them will have a sniper rifle in a company. tehre should be maybe 3 sniper rifles on one server at a time or per clan
  24. spawn (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    we all know zombies pose no threat to players really. How about adding in some AI soldiers that patrol these areas. Soldiers just like in Arma and just as good of shots. airfields would be a much more hostile area and face it the army would out live civilians. If you think that civilians with no protection would live longer then soldiers with weapons and in numbers and medical services your wrong. The arm of these soldeirs is to protect and kill anyone and anything. This means people would want to go to an airfield in groups and gear would be much harder to get
  25. firstly the game is far too easy. The only thing you have to worry about is players in the game, not zombies. players seem to hunt other players. Now I am not winging about PVP as I usually have a group with me from 5-20 players so anyone that attacks us dies and we run back to our bodies. now real life it would be suicidal for someone to attack us so why do it in the game? We onlky get wiped out when hackers are in the game and then we ban them so our server is becomming much more safe. I suggest maing the zombies harder maybe 4 head shots to kill them and maybe at least 8 5.56 rounds instead of 2. Alt F4 should not work if you have agro, or if it does work your character will not leave the game unless he is clear of agro so yes the game can close but your character cant leave. People are buying hacks now so they can change the way they play the game. they spend 3 hors running around finaly getting a decent weapon then they get hunted by someone who just wants a kill count or a hacker. They think screw it i will just buy a hack and hack myself in full gear every time so when I do die it doesn't matter People are getting bored once they get all the gear they need and there is none better so they go killing players for no reason. maybe if there was a goal of some kind people would not get bored I mean surviving is easy. just lay down all day and eat and drink every two hours.