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spawn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by spawn (DayZ)

  1. spawn (DayZ)

    Buyable shit And military bases

    i actually think if these was a suggestion pole including all the players that play now maybe 50% whould say yes and 50% would say no. then you would get a few thousand votes from all the people who have quit dayZ and dont play anymore because there is nothing to do. they would all vote yes so there is something to do
  2. spawn (DayZ)

    Buyable shit And military bases

    like a dungeon. but then you would get these losers waiting at the entrance killing people when they come out saying hahaha you suck noob i killed you I am leet. I am leet cos i sat here and hit in the bush like a bitch weaiting for someone to walk past and i shot him. i am leet hahaha leet. and bag you out in forums. but this would be fixed if you were invisible to every player around the entrance for like a minute or so and could not attack others
  3. spawn (DayZ)

    Buyable shit And military bases

    hmm thats why i made my post about invisibility so that cant happen. and the DMR is shit. well its good but its the same ass the lee enfield without a scope. 107 and I would be a little more worried
  4. spawn (DayZ)

    Buyable shit And military bases

    well what else is there to do in the game. dont u want more then getting a zombie kill count or a PVP kill count that gets reset every time you die
  5. spawn (DayZ)

    Buyable shit And military bases

    its a good suggestion but instead of money i suggest recycling tin cans, whiskey bottles or something useless we all find. we get a token for these and when we get enough we can buy something. i suggest not weapons. but the you think bandits will wait outside these NPC areas and fam players coming out because they think they are playing COD or battlefield. maybe once they enter the area they become invisible to eveyone and 200m radius they cant be seen so people are not watching someone come out of the safe zone till he gets to the 200m mark and then shoot him and no one say invisibility is not realistic because for 1 zombies are not real and can not be real, 2 soldiers would outlive any civilian in an apocalypse due to weapons, training, medical supplies, tanks, choppers, numbers and so much more. dont say it cant be implemented because its not realistic because in real life you can run or wank and shoot at the same time or hold an assault weapon 1 handed or hold two assault weapons. so much more about this game is not realistic so realistically thinking more can be in play so at least the game has a purpose or goal
  6. spawn (DayZ)

    Bit more hardcore

    agree. this is where we need objectives. quests. repairing a powerplant that will refine a factory to equip us with weapons or something. team play. or say we get a message on the screen saying an outpost is under attack by sombies. its for survivor or bandits to save the AI survivor. if you succeed the faction earns honour or something
  7. spawn (DayZ)

    Bit more hardcore

    this is were its flawed. people have too much ammo. if they made less amo people still only need 1 round to kill a zombie. so killing somone for a kill count and not even looting hit body would be worth it for someone in cherno who attracts a heap of zombies, runs away to a building and lays downa and crawls away losing all agro
  8. spawn (DayZ)

    Bit more hardcore

    in a real zombie Apocalypse people with a flashlight would not outlive soldiers with training, medical supplies and thousands in numbers. the problem is people are not playing to survive in this game. people are not killing players for food. they are playing to PK (kill players) thats all people want to do now. if they wanted to survive the longest they would not take the risk of killing someone when they could get shot themselves.
  9. spawn (DayZ)

    A new element of difficulty.

    agree that people would rage if an AI killed them but say the AI weapons were half as powerful. but this would mean that people would want to work together to raid an airfield instead of going solo. if someone was shot in the airfield by an AI then why go there with such shitty weapons and alone. Agree it could be made in to another thread as well which iI have done in the past. but reading people say in real life just annoys me. nothing in this game is realistic really. the reason why I did post it here was because it would be a new element of difficulty. cheers for the mature reply no average jo
  10. spawn (DayZ)

    Bit more hardcore

    this wouldnot make people want to trade more. instead it would make someone think ohhh i need need food bad. Oh i see a survivor i will kill him and take all his food and gear. it would not make them think, ohhh a survivor, i will trade my pistol for 1 can of food with him. then do the trade and the guy with the new pistol shots him and takes everything. but eating every 2 hours is important for building muscle. :) but for these guys running around everywhere all day will require energy. wil make them hungry as wel but they would need plenty of sleep
  11. you were having fun killing people. so your trying to play COD or BF3, PKing in a zombie Apocalypse?? why not play the game as intended iof not go play COD
  12. spawn (DayZ)

    A new element of difficulty.

    i read again this saying "in real life" if it was real life there would be soldiers running around long after survivors. they need to introduce AI Arma 2 soldiers in to military areas. If you think that the entire defence force would be wiped out and a bunch of civilians survived with a torch and a bandage, think again. people need to stop saying they cant implement something because in real life it doesn't happen because in real life soldiers with medical training and weapons would be protecting whats valuable to them and everyone else killing any survivor that could possibly carry the disease. Bring AI soldiers in to high value areas. this will stop farmers farming places as well as a great risk as well as make it more real
  13. spawn (DayZ)

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    aggree. this weapon is just for spotting. I mean have you tried to shoot something 500m away with this thing. sure you can zero it but iakes about 5 seconds for the round to get there meaning you have to aim like 10m in front of someone to hit him. and if you hit himk it wont kill him. its for spotting. I have one in my backpack and i swap it for my M4 CCO SD
  14. spawn (DayZ)

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    yeah you just cant see your humanity anymore but its still in play. which is why you still get bandit kills and murders. every murder is a hero and every bandit is a bandit kill. thing is that you get so many hero kills now because there are so many hackers online killing everyone so now its pretty much mostly hackers killing people and not legit players killing other legit players. meaning the hackers are all bandits
  15. spawn (DayZ)

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    in a battlegroup there may be 120 men. not 1 sniper. there are attachments for these people and there are not many
  16. spawn (DayZ)

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    hmmm. the thing with snipers is all they want to do is PK people. just like COD or battlefield which is all PK. dayZ is not about PKing its about survival against zombies. however the zombies are too damn week. now its just like COD or battlefield with annoying zombies
  17. spawn (DayZ)

    Character Build

    yeah i get the points you are making and I think it would be a good idea. i mean a sniper would rather be a smaller/medium character who can only carry 1 weapon such as a 50cal. this would make him not able to run very far or fast but hide well. snipers dont need to move fast or travel far. their job is boring and allot of waiting in overwatch a smaller character with 1 assault weapon would be able to move fast and have endurance but be best with assault weapons bigger guys would be a bigger target and more visible if he was a sniper. he would be able to carry maybe a m240 as well as an m4 and use both defectively but move slower
  18. spawn (DayZ)

    Character Build

    well realisticaly the bigger the body the more blood the body has.
  19. spawn (DayZ)

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    more common??? this can not be true. tell me how many times have you been killed by a sniper. myself about 80% of the time. 2% bu zombies and about 18% light arms fire or glitch every fucker has a sniper rifle
  20. spawn (DayZ)

    Idea: NPC Survivors or Military (A

    the AI idea is a great Idea. However i dont think they should be companions. if it was real life the solkdiers would not want anyone else near them in case they pass the infection on. I think military areas should have AI soldiers like in arma 2 single player. the lot for these guys should be low value so people dont sit back and farm them all day. the biggest threat in the game is other players. zombies are like flies. add AI's in to it and its a whole new threat. but as said this has been brought up before. i even made a thread on it and many many people supported it
  21. spawn (DayZ)

    Character Build

    hey mate just like to add this in. if the character build is heavey they should have less endurance nor more. unless your talking about hit points. the heavier the person the more energy it takes to move that big body around. maybe they can carry an extra weapon or more ammo like a M240 and instead of the magazines taking 2 slots they take 1 slot.
  22. spawn (DayZ)

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    there is so so much more that is unrealistic. example shoot a zombie 100m away. you shoot and look away and you see where the round falls. in real life even with a 5.56 the round travels much faster then it does in the game. it hits nearly instantly after you shoot. 300m away you dont have to aim off as much as you do in the game if the weapon is zeroed for 100m. in real life you can walk and shoot or run and shoot. you dont have to taking a sight picture to shoot and move at the same time. doing room clearances you use the battlesight for example. so so much more 5 or 6 months ago the servers were still full. there was just not as many of them but at times you would wait for ages to join
  23. spawn (DayZ)

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    did you play the game 5 or 6 months ago??? if so you will see how much difference there is. as for realistic forget ab out the word. there is hardly anything realistic about the game
  24. spawn (DayZ)

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    i aggree with what your saying and understand i think. if this was real life the people who run off on their own would die in a day or two. the people who survive would be the people in groups. yes people in dayz complain about getting killed all the time because they have no friends. but how can they make friends when everyone that see's them thinks they are a threat or wants to kil them for a PVP kill count. if bandits are playing as a group and not cheating and they are hunting players I think this is great and my group welcomes the fight knowing we all may die. but thats if they not hacking. now the way we all play if we see a bandit we will kill on sight. if we see a hero or whatever we will think twice or not kill him. if he approaches us and we see he is not a bandit we will watch him and communicate with him and maybe give him a weapon or blood pack
  25. spawn (DayZ)

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    this guy is an idiot who cant read. i didn;t say i want COD. if i wangt to just kill players i will play battlefield. if i want to survive with others against bandits and zombies i will play dayZ. but while dayz is a death match game its pointless. also think about the guys who dont have a group to play with. how are they suposto play as a group when they cant communicate with others because people are affrade he will shoot them. clearly a selfish person who has no idea. thank god people like this dont make games