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Everything posted by darth_vaizard

  1. darth_vaizard

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    I think you should have to physically move the body out of sight but I understand that limitations of the engine can't allow this quite yet.
  2. darth_vaizard

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Thank you very much. Try reading the post before commenting. I said that I've seen those.
  3. darth_vaizard

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Ok, let me lay out the situation. I was perusing the NWAF in complete darkness, save my head torch and portable gas lamp. I climbed the firestation tower after methodically clearing the bottom and when I reached the top, I see a fully geared player with a Mosin pointed directly at me. He didn't shoot me so I proceeded to surrender on top of the tower. He still hadn't shot me. Hadn't even moved... After about 30 seconds, I kill him only to hear him on direct chat. "Whoa, what the f***?! Yo, you invisible? Hacker!" I was tempted to message him on steam to apologize for my supposed invisibility but I never heard from him again. This got me thinking. I have experienced temporary invisibility when playing with friends on occasion, how many players out there do we NOT see... If I was truly invisible to him, I wonder how many other hacking accusations are true. I've seen videos of legitimate hackers but I've NEVER personally seen any in game... Could all the complaints of hacking simply be invisible players? I apologize if this is old news but I haven't seen any threads even remotely concerning this problem... inb4 alpher
  4. I believe we are trying to make it more complicated than it is. We have a common enemy, just not nearly enough. More zombies are already on the way though so at least that problem is on the teams mind. In order to interact with players on a deeper level than just killing them, weapons, food, and EVERYTHING else a player needs to survive need to be almost impossible to find. Also, on that note, lets make starvation more of an actual process of wasting away instead of just falling unconscious because the character hasn't had a morsel for an hour... Same with thirst. Constant, persistent debuffs (who knows, maybe even some visual changes) that last for as long as a human can survive without food or water (a few weeks and a few days respectively) would do nicely. It should also be a serious decision to take your own life. We have entirely too many people jumping off the nearest factory building or lighthouse and for what, to spawn somewhere else? Just let us spawn in the area we want. There's no need to be completely random unless you don't have friends to play with at the time, but that's a different topic... I believe there is already a lot of risk in interacting with people but for the wrong reasons. Sure if you stand out in the open, you're asking to be shot but, if another player hears your casual conversation from 40m away, you're basically asking to get shot later. Reduce the distance in which you can hear players to a more reasonable distance OR implement some kind of system where that distance depends on the volume of the players voice coming into the mic so we can whisper and yell at people. A hostile environment that can kill you just as easily as any player or zombie will only further push players together. We should all FEAR the environment, not just each other.
  5. darth_vaizard

    Game strives for realism; fists better than an axe

    I'll carry a machete just in case. Teleports into hands (no animation for drawing it) just as effective as fists against a zombie (if not slightly more so) more likely to cause bleeding on players (a problem for them obviously) AND it can open cans... what's not to love? Also, it's a machete :P
  6. darth_vaizard

    11 sodas - still not fully hydrated

    I agree, the amount of water that soda gives should be buffed. Energy is about right though.
  7. darth_vaizard

    Easy Way To Chamber Weapons

    Could just have a different animation that takes longer. I see no need to over-complicate something as crucial as reloading. This would still make it too easy to chamber the weapon rapidly though... +10% chance to accidentally drop the bullet after each subsequent chambering (up to 50%) for 20 seconds. Adrenaline does many things, increase finger dexterity it does not.
  8. darth_vaizard

    Dead players turn to zombies?

    It would if It was attached. Players can't have the melee weapon AND the primary weapon out at the same time so at least one of them has to be on the backpack or invisibly strapped to the back. I imagine it would be fairly complicated to keep track of which weapons they had out when they died so it would probably wind up thinking that the player had both weapons holstered upon death.
  9. darth_vaizard

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    I really hope shooting me isn't peoples way of sharing themselves with me but yeah, that sounds about right :P May your beans forever be pristine, sir.
  10. darth_vaizard

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    It's definitely more than just a simple game. It's pretty interesting to wonder if the things people do in this game are done simply because they can, or something deeper... I find myself so immersed in this game at times (when it decides to work semi decently), that I hesitate to do things that I would refrain from doing in real life unless absolutely necessary for my survival. Like killing everybody I see. Then again, I'm the only person I know personally who enjoys playing the game, bugs and all, without being able to effectively articulate 'why' when someone asks me, "what's the point?" Beans to ANYBODY who can answer that question for me so the other two copies I bought can finally see some use!
  11. darth_vaizard

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    I don't understand why we can't have both. Sure, you can't go add zombies to something like The Road and expect it to turn out better but why is it completely out of the question to have humanity at it's own throat WITH the threat of a zombie apocalypse? Only reason I see people complaining about zombies is because they're glitchy as hell and don't work as they should yet. I'd like a threat with another, larger threat looming over everything.
  12. darth_vaizard

    Would You Support A Gun Shop Loot Location?

    I always assumed it was part of Russia... Don't know where I got that from.
  13. darth_vaizard

    Would You Support A Gun Shop Loot Location?

    This would be cool if they were super rare, but I don't think there are even any gun shops in Russia (can someone confirm?)... They're badass enough on their own.
  14. darth_vaizard

    StandAlone Easet Egg?

    I think the pyramid has to be SOMETHING...
  15. darth_vaizard

    When do you think the first vehicle will be introduced?

    Dear Rocket, All I want for my Birthday (7/26) is a bike... signed, a loyal fan who paid for 3 copies
  16. darth_vaizard

    mosin bullet-travel-time

    I've tested this on an empty server when my ping was barely above 20 with no desynch. After a point blank shot with a Mosin, the zombie drops instantly as expected. 200 meters away, the zombie drops a full 2 to 3 seconds to drop after shooting. Unless our characters see more and more into the past as distance increases, lag is not a very likely answer to this problem. That and you can see bullet hits at that distance and even they don't appear until a few seconds after a shot.
  17. darth_vaizard

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    I only play at night if the sun goes down. I don't go into a server that starts at night because more often than not, I lose my flashlight from glitches (having to drop my backpack because the pockets don't work and then loosing EVERYTHING in it because it disappeared). Also, the flashlight is treated as a gun and players can't effectively move around while using it. I would play at night a LOT more if the flashlight was held over the shoulder like a normal person would, attached to something, or otherwise in some other configuration that doesn't allow the light itself to veer off the center of the screen, even while sprinting. Otherwise, I really enjoy the atmosphere when walking around at night.
  18. darth_vaizard

    Zombies can hit while sprinting?

    Zombies SHOULD be able to catch up to players and hit them... Especially when we are all cross country sprinters. What's the point if all you have to do is run?
  19. My noodle legs just decided my day needed an impromptu fracture in the factory just north of Solnichney. I crawled all the way to the medical center only to find out that there is NO possible way for the crippled to enter the building. Also, before somebody says it, I'm aware that you can sometimes roll up stairs but the hand rails do NOT allow that on this building.
  20. darth_vaizard

    Shitting confirmed.

    Pretty sure whoever takes a dump that looks like that needs a medic...
  21. darth_vaizard

    Alright, I am finally concerned about the standalone

    I don't really notice many new bugs popping up. When I first got the game (shortly after they removed the circular crosshair) It's always been things like loosing items that are dropped on the ground, zombies hitting me from way too far away, inability to switch weapons or even pull one out when I need it most, etc. So far, I think they are making stable builds relatively clean of any 'new' bugs. I remain voluntarily optimistic.
  22. darth_vaizard

    Who likes the login timer?

    I hate it. There has to be another way to discourage ghosting.
  23. darth_vaizard

    Recent rubber-banding?

    I searched for recent posts about rubber-banding in the experimental bulid (.45) and only found posts saying that it's been fixed and or greatly reduced. Is anybody else experiencing absolutely hellacious rubber-banding in this build? Not sure if it's just me and it doesn't seem to be lag or desynch because my status doesn't say I have anything like that when it happens. I don't think my game has ever been this close to being completely unplayable...
  24. This is EXACTLY what happened to me... I tried to get one of my friends to come get the morphine that was surely in there but I decided to suicide instead.
  25. Definitely... It wouldn't be that difficult to hop a short fence with a broken leg.