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About stimulus_response

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. stimulus_response

    Correcting SA ballistics

    Why is ArmA's ballistics so off? I mean its considered a military simulator they wouldn't haphazardly add false values for muzzle velocites and whatnot would they? I'm sure there must be some reason maybe for scaling or something I wouldn't know but I don't think its safe to assume 100m in virtual Chernarus is a 100m in real Chernarus.
  2. stimulus_response

    Couple questions

    Thanks for the speedy reply. I can play at ease now with that confirmed but one more question can you cut eyes out of a burlap sack and re-enact the scene from Django Unchained?
  3. stimulus_response

    Couple questions

    Been rocking this game for a few nights now pretty cool. Finally managed to break away from the coast and find some decent stuff but I have a couple questions before I can go any further. 1. Are zombies lootable? I read in the wiki about diff zombies producing diff loot but their bodies disappear within seconds so I can't be sure. I haven't been bothering killing them unless its somewhere I want to go. Find a lot of them unresponsive anyways (Just stand there and take blows to the head). Those zombies seem to be stuck in walls and stairs and whatnot. 2. Is the user interface still being improved? I find it particularly challenging organizing my inventory. Some items just refuse to go into my bag even if there is enough slots and moving things around is somewhat arduous. You would expect to be able to drag a single slot item by clicking it and dragging your mouse over the slot you want to move it to but it seems you gotta drag it a slot over than the actual slot you want it on its very confusing.