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Everything posted by Estevacio

  1. Estevacio

    Dayz Video Settings

    Post screenshots of it(upload them for exemple to imgur and post the links here)
  2. Estevacio

    Why does it take 30-45 seconds to EXIT the game?

    Yep, can confirm! i normally closed it down, thought it was na error due to me installing new Nvidia drivers!!
  3. Estevacio

    Crash to desktop help

    Hey man, i have the same problem, you have a Nvidia GTX series right? i updated the drivers and i always crash twice and need to do the "flush" command to get the game back up i believe before updating wasn't any better so, no fix yet!
  4. Estevacio

    Problem's with ALL weapons i pick up

    Check for desyinc or lag , pheraps something weird with the server, only happens with a single character or have you died and continues the same? also, you must press "space"(default) to be in fire position, if not on that stance i think you need the press the "fire" key a little bit longer (not sure about this) last option, check if the key is binded correctly
  5. Estevacio

    Sound not working through headset

    Personally on my PC, i always need to change between headphones and speakers before entering any full screen application!! But for the original poster, it seems he cannot at any time?? Like this always works!!
  6. Estevacio

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    have you guys noticed when you deal a killing blow at a zombie while he is trying to hug you?( they are so friendly) they fall of with inertia, has the physics engine been already introduced on them?? it looks awesome!!
  7. Estevacio

    Whenever you use the realism card for DayZ...

    lool i sense a battle in here in a few minutes...
  8. aha, with such words , i believe you would already have the game finished at this point! go, send your CV to them and show them how good you are...
  9. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Has this been tested out?? seems to be one of those fixes that might work!! ( The game only seems to crash if you "use" too much of the GPU, meaning, if you run around too much or turn your head too much forcing the gpu to load more graphics, can anyone confirm??)
  10. Estevacio

    out of Memory Error

    Check with task manager what is sucking up all of your Memory!! Also, i once had a strange situation with my Desktop, i have 6gb of ram yet one day i launched one game and it told me i didn't not have enough ram(4gb required minimum) i then checked that i only had 2gb( after some time figuring what it could be i disassembled the pc and clean the slots, got up to 6gb again) check if you don't have less memory than normal!!
  11. This is what bothers me, Whatever you say, even if you find the meaning of life in a sentence, someone is gonna come up and rant you because you forgot about that comma mid sentence Dayz is going to deliver what most game companies deliver , their products based on their visions, we are here just to help it become this product, not twist and shape on the likes of each of the million players that already exist One guy on the forums posted a sweet comparison that was " if you buy a car without an engine while it is being manufactured you don't throw stones at the salesman later because the car doesnt work" And it is true, i sincerely do not understand why so much of this "concern" with dayz with bugs and missing/bugged features I would love to see you guys at your jobs to see if You ever make mistakes, of course you do, we all do them And you can't judge someones job if you don't even have the slightest clue how the job is done I have one of the worst bugs currently in the game, i cannot ( normally )play for more than 30 minutes due to a graphics problem but i enjoy those minutes with all the bugs in it , just apreciate the work that has already been done as i am sure if you would switch positions with them would like!
  12. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Regarding the setting of vídeo card memory i have tried it the first times but now it doesn't seem to have any influence!! to you Guys that worked, it is still okay?? and to all people who cannot "flush" the vídeo card memory, i couldn't either, the thing is do not alt tab to desktop and if you do, make sure you choose the game again before trying, i believe the game itself has to be currently selected in order to use the "shift" + "-" and write "flush" , else it won't work! to me, it does restore the game, but i no longer see most texts in game( item quick description while hovering mouse, status text on the lower left , and even main menu letters ) altough i am able to see the description when right clicking items and selecting inspect also, color correction seems to disappear completely, the aspect of the world becomes more green instead of the greyish one! strangely i gain a boost in fps i know GTX cards are the main affected but there are some ATI's around who do it too, but i wanted to see if Windows 7 64x is common too, edit your posts with yours !!
  13. Estevacio

    Despite all

    i have been absent here in the forums because much of the topics are trolling or speaking about what has been done so far in the game is not a good job! I just wanted to share with everyone( there has to be someone with the same feeling around here somewhere ) if i was a dev and saw half the posts around here i would lose interest on working with such a community that is always pointing all the flaws that exist ( ignoring at the same time the already great features the game has ) for example the last patch i immediately thought that the rant posts would begin, talking about the lack of content in the patch ( because only the adding of new content is regarded here, and not the overall work with stabilizing the game itself ) i do not seek to create a keyboard battle here, only to show some appreciation to the devs themselves because i have seen great promising games being brought down by hordes of trolls in the forums ( i believe that the forums actually influence the perspective of the devs about their games but they should not influence, after all, there are millions of players on the game and the forums have some hundred active??) and the problem is that people that actually like the game and like the way it is going do not write in the forums, therefore giving more voice to the negative feedback anyway, just wanted to point out everyone that actually help for a healthy fórum, the admins in the fórums and of course the devs Keep it up!!
  14. Estevacio

    Despite all

    I understand man, i too was a bit disapointed, but they must have caught something bad in the developing or they would have delivered everything discussed( but also remember it's still day 24, april has not ended and they do have a special talent for also delivering content not posted, the easter eggs, i wouldn't be surprised to see quite a few ingame already) well, let us wait for it then, and much more content to come with the wait!! and believe me i have more frustration than you while playing, i can't play for more than half hour(or sometimes 1 hour) due to a bug!!
  15. Estevacio

    Despite all

    Of course bugs appear, there are millions of pc combinations out there, each with their own "mood" to a certain problem, yes there are mistakes as you so call it but we are here to identify them , the more we fight each other over something we know nothing about will only create more problems( yes most of us know nothing about programming and how to create a video game, at least i know i dont) In my field of work i can teach and tell you where you are wrong, not in this!! As said, i do not seek keyboard war, only understanding and apreciation of the games current path
  16. Estevacio

    Third Person Fix

    The thing is, implementing this in the engine is almost impossible, think for a second there!!! and as it was said , rest your head if you get headaches or noxious from 1st person, you shouldn't play too much of it!! I am a 1st person fan and i despise the "corner guy with a shotgun waiting for you to appear in order to shoot you in the face", but i don't want to terminate the 3rd person, i sometimes play on it, yes it is unfair but you gotta learn to be a damn ninja and not a rambo going in with an axe and stop posting more of these things!!!
  17. aha, i will crap my pants if i ever hear the sound of one in the woods
  18. Estevacio

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    there are already 2919128071 topics on these....
  19. Estevacio

    Can't start game

    But is it solved now?? also, try to change the branch in: Right clicking dayz and select properties go to a tab where is testing i believe??(not on a pc with steam right now can't say) and try to go to experimental branch,click ok, if it doesn't work, try to go back to stable branch to see if it corrects it??
  20. Estevacio

    Can't start game

    Where is the update happening? Steam??
  21. Estevacio

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    He has done his job as he said, The game will not die without him, he is leaving it in the hands of BI because he knows its going to be well taken care off "...i will remain until bohemia wants/needs me..." His job is already done, he will follow up until the end of the year but as he also said BI doesn't need me shouting at everything that its done And regarding the comment that the game is flawed, its flawed in his vision, doesnt mean the game itself is bad, i personally think its gonna be awesome in a few more months But i do understand the confusion it creates, people might think he is turning down what he in the first place created and even saying that it will never be a good product All in all, they are comments on a personal voyage, about him moving on to more personal projects, not abandoning something that he Thinks it as no future
  22. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Hey guys, i have a topic about this too on troubleshooting it seems related to GTX 200 series but i have heard cases of ATI's having the issue too there is currently no solution!!! (i tweaked in the vídeo options, what seemed to stabilize the game more was changing resolutions to lower, still crahes but before i couldn't play more than 10 minutes , now i can go from 10 to a full hour, but in the end it just depends on the area you are and how much stress you are causing to the GPU)
  23. Estevacio

    How the heck do i play this?

    Youtube Search: how to play dayz or noob tips dayz or dayz standalone gameplay
  24. Female Gamer on Voice Chat: "omg, i am dying of starvation" "Big wave of players coming down a Hill with beans on their hands" ahaha but seriously, why treat everyone diferently depending on who they are??treat them according on how you would like to be are treated, and if being badly treated Ignore(or shoot him/her ---> seems better!!) you catch assholes everywhere, either in a game or real life, if they do, they should ignore them, simple as that!! but I do like to see diversity on videogamers genders!!
  25. Estevacio

    Purge them all

    i understand the rage but just don't topic rage about it!! this is like ping pong, you rage they, rage, everybody rages find someone pleasant to play with, run like hell north,gear yourselves up, and let the hunt begin as you want it!!!