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Everything posted by Estevacio

  1. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Hey man have you tried disabling post processing and anti aliasing as well?? i am running without that and low graphics aswell and almost no crashes(sometimes once a month or something) but for now it is the best i can do man
  2. Pheraps someone else got there first and left those for the next guy to pass by
  3. Estevacio

    Main Menu lagging

    Hey everyone i have been noticing a small issue with the main menu(i have noticed it only from .49 but i have not been very active on the game lately) if i exit a server and wait a few seconds on the main menu it gets very slow, the mouse itself is normal but it takes a very long time to highlight the menu options and i cannot rotate the char because it is very slow, so far no effect on the gameplay itself, all runing smooth and this does not affect me at all but just wanted to know if it happens to someone else!!
  4. Estevacio


    does the game keep running on background?
  5. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    bitching??mate f*ck off, turn on the brain,and yes it has been posted on the bugreporter
  6. Estevacio

    September Rant Topic.

    ahhh the dumb consumer never ceases to amaze me!!
  7. Estevacio

    September Rant Topic.

    sorry guys, gonna give a non-constructive feedback ====> lol to the op,and lol to some of the replies
  8. Estevacio

    ALL bandanas able to be tied around face

    at the moment the "old" ones cannot be untied,only has option to craft rags
  9. Estevacio


    What kind of crash?? "Dayz has stopped working" crash or going to desktop?? More info
  10. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    I might try exp tonight and give it a shot!!
  11. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Dear Diary,lol on a side note, the game does not crash as often as it used to do, altough, i have had no player interactions(i have been on all major city's, and can't find anyone lool server population is always from 10 to 20)i bring up the player interactions because some crashes would happen when near one, but the game does look much more stable after reinstalling the drivers and turning off anti alising!! anyway , not permanent solution but much better!!
  12. Estevacio

    Just stop..

    Running while doing "S"'s is rewarding, loose them,turn around and pickaxe them to death like a true warrior
  13. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    well, good to hear that mate,apart from the disconected bug, but that will be fixed eventually but right now, i just had another crash out of the blue after 4 days without one lool damn this man
  14. Estevacio

    Where the hell am i ?

    The under construction is a new town added, search the last update notes, i believe the location is there!! No luck in finding a compass?? If you do just head south!!
  15. Estevacio

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Aha, nailed it right there!!
  16. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Come on, so many people with this problem...did you guys quit?? I had no crash in 4 days of gameplay either 1pp or 3pp
  17. Estevacio

    Where the hell am i ?

    Hello mate Dont trust anyone... If you are in a town, try to look for road signs, usually on the outskirts of them, if you never saw one then google dayz road signs, should give you an idea for what to look for If you are not in a town..well good luck on finding one lool
  18. Estevacio

    random gear wipes based on server?

    no way to know that kind of thing yet, some servers seem to not be connected to the central hive and i think there is now way in the description to know which ones are connected and not just keep trying and when you find a server, stick to that one
  19. Estevacio

    Listening skills...

    not entirely true man!! i have had fuc#ers who talked to me friendly, and he was waiting for his friend to come by the strange thing is he had bullets in his sks, his friend had a revolver only i think i think he just wanted to make sure he could bring me down being both trying to he sounded friendly until both started shooting lol (and i did make it out of that alive, FNX is quite good when you want to spray bullets, ruined everything they had but backed out alive)
  20. Estevacio

    Listening skills...

    well mate, i have seen guys playing that they do the friendly stuff, and as soon as they have the upper hand, they shoot you in the face with no remorse(after talking to you, seeming friendly, cool guys) its just like that, douchesbags or nice people, you just need to roll the dice and be lucky
  21. Estevacio


    if it is internet related, try joining servers with fewer people or diferente servers, sometimes i join servers that have 10 people and have more lag than another one with 20, experimente a bit!! if it is graphics related, try tweaking in the vídeo options( disable clouds for exemple, lower graphic detail to médium or low) the game is still very far for being optimized so for now play with low specs!!
  22. Estevacio


    lag or fps mate?
  23. Estevacio

    3 Days

    Great eye on that apartment shot man!!!
  24. honestly, everyone has their moods on each day and play styles, there could be several player number servers, some with the maximum player count, others with low and others with the médium, everyone is happy then!!