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Everything posted by MagneticToast

  1. Stopped playing a while ago because of ridiculous zigzagging and superhuman speed, has it been fixed yet?
  2. MagneticToast

    Has player speed been slowed down to realistic levels now?

    Yeah, really dude. People can have different opinions of when/why a game isn't fun - and that is a big reason to me.
  3. MagneticToast

    Has player speed been slowed down to realistic levels now?

    Thanks for the responses! Looks like I'll be waiting a few more patches before I dive back in. Thanks again
  4. MagneticToast

    Rolling server locks (feel free to tailor title)

    Yeah no thanks. There are already too few first person servers. If I die from a bandit on one, glitch through the floor and die on another, and die of starvation on another, that pretty much means I can't play anymore. Nah.
  5. MagneticToast

    I like to aggravate Bandits.

    I miss in the mod how you couldn't log out if there was a player near by.
  6. MagneticToast

    Has a lack of UI actually decreased immersion in DayZ?

    I honestly miss the icons from the mod. It makes sense that they were there, because it was what you were "feeling" There are some things you just can't take away for the sake of "realism" because a game will never be truly realistic. Ever.
  7. MagneticToast

    What has been your biggest "I'm done" moment?

    The inconsistent gunplay and ridiculous player movement speed
  8. MagneticToast

    Balze 95 is garbage

    Ah ok, you're one of those. Carry on.
  9. MagneticToast

    Balze 95 is garbage

    What if I told you that that was my opinion and that to me it really brings the game down.
  10. MagneticToast

    Balze 95 is garbage

    The gun play in this game needs some serious fixing and attention. This stuff happens way too often
  11. MagneticToast

    How many hits?

    Same thing goes for bullets too. Sometimes I will shoot a guy 5 times and he puts me down in 1 shot even though I am healthy. Makes no sense
  12. MagneticToast

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    One of the houses can't be entered by walking, you have to crawl in and out. Still getting stuck on zombie/player bodies and my game crashes every time I leave a server and when I reload the game, I get stuck in a loop trying to get into the server browser and it sends me back to the main menu
  13. I seriously do not get and never will get the people who think this game needs to be realistic and want all of these ridiculous realistic changes yet only play the game peeking over walls and around corners in 3rd person. It ruins the game.
  14. MagneticToast

    Hopes for 0.50 stable

    Hoping player speeds are reduced. I reinstalled yesterday just to give it another shot and I just can't play it. The fast player speed + broken melee = someone coming up and knocking you out in one hit. Why is someone who is 30 feet away and unarmed more dangerous than someone with a shotgun
  15. MagneticToast

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    For some reason in this game female characters groan about pain far more frequently...and they also breathe heavier after running. I had a glitch where I kept spawning as a woman and it was so. damn. irritating.
  16. MagneticToast

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    But dat realizzzzm.
  17. MagneticToast

    What happened with the Yellow Chain?

    I really hate that they are gone for the sole fact that when a server goes down, you don't know for the longest time. Why does it take so long to tell you?
  18. MagneticToast

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    But people still do that... You know what would stop that? Random loot spawns.
  19. MagneticToast

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Then it is inconsistent. Because I had hypothermia while running around with a coat, hat, hunting pants, military boots, a bag and a raincoat (because it was raining) shouldn't happen.
  20. MagneticToast

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    It is so extreme ATM that it is not even fun. The game wants to be "realistic" in some ways but ends up being the complete opposite, like with the weather and running and movement speeds.
  21. MagneticToast

    Vybor spawns?

    I don't see why it hasn't been hotfixed yet. How hard is it to remove the spawn?
  22. MagneticToast

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    It is the same logic of high value weapons still spawning at the airstrip. If this really were a zombie apocalypse those weapons would have been cleared out long ago.
  23. MagneticToast

    What to say when you encounter a french player in DayZ.

    The language I speak is the sound of my gun blowing them to pieces, which is universal language :)
  24. MagneticToast

    How do You Keep Yourself Busy While Travelling?

    I have run bound to W(x2) and I just put a quarter in the keyboard.
  25. MagneticToast

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Have not seen any persistence what so ever. Weird bug when using RMB to zoom, it decided to glitch out and zoom in and out constantly, especially when you have a scoped weapon. I think there is too much text in the game now. At least move character messages to the bottom right side, since server messages and battleeye never shut up