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Everything posted by MagneticToast

  1. MagneticToast

    Got hit by Bullet - wow, and now?

    I can't wait until item damage is fixed...
  2. MagneticToast

    Admins Shutting Servers Down When They Get Killed

    My buddy killed an admin once, and then he restarted the server. I'm glad though because he got a lucky shot off on me beforehand.
  3. Only if it is removed from both. I do not want any differences between the two except 3PP. I don't want to have to play a gimped mode because I think 3PP is cheap and garbage.
  4. MagneticToast

    Zombies needs to be primary objective for the devs!

    I really can't wait for zombies to have more of a role in the game. But the part where you spawn into the game and can get hit before you can do anything needs to go before that happens. I hate when servers crash, I try to get in, so the game makes me stand there and load in (which is cheap because I can see everything through walls and all) and i am being mauled by a zombie and can't move. You shouldn't be physically loaded in until you can move...and until then you should not be able to see anything.
  5. MagneticToast

    The grass problem

    I like rocket's idea, but I also would like to see a way to peek over tall grass when you are laying in it, or to be able to push it down. or even simply have it be transparent for the first few feet enough for you to see.
  6. MagneticToast

    How do I see a player's name?

    The fact that there are no name tags and death messages are a huge reason why I love this game.
  7. MagneticToast

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Hopefully the changes to hardcore will still allow a game mode where there is no difference other than no 3PP...I don't play "Hardcore" because I want the game to be life simulation. I play it because I think 3PP sucks.
  8. All great, except I don't see why melee isn't a priority over the medical system.
  9. MagneticToast

    Creaking sounds with doors

    I would like an option to open doors quickly, and loudly. and another option to open them slowly with less of a sound.
  10. MagneticToast

    Am I the only one looking forward to this?

    Pretty sure this is a joke because of heart attacks. I found it funny at least.
  11. I'd agree with you if you didn't have to eat in this game every 30 seconds or so.
  12. MagneticToast

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Unlimited sprinting is needed until there are some types of vehicles. Solodude, It is excessive. The game needs to have a good balance of realism and fun, which is how it felt it was going. Adding heart attacks start to slide it down a slope of ridiculousness. Heart attacks don't sound fun. There is such thing as too much. Are we going to add cavities into the game from drinking too much soda? To be quite fair, if heart attacks are meant to not happen randomly etc, other things need to be added/straightened out before they are implemented.
  13. MagneticToast

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Heart attacks in this game sound like a terrible, terrible idea. I don't want the game to go in that direction..
  14. MagneticToast

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    I think the heartattacks sound pretty dumb but other than that, good changelog. The game should have a good balance of realistic and fun. Adding things like heart attacks is just getting to be too much. What is next, having to press a button to blink? or to breathe? The only time you should have a heart attack is when you get infected by a zombie and it should create a small chance of it happening.
  15. MagneticToast

    Question about collecting items at a hidden place

    My favorite was yesterday I dropped a bag in a bush to go hunt a bandit and died. I made it back before the server reset to get it, but I couldn't pick the bag up. But you guessed it, the moment the game finally let me get close enough to the bag to get it, the server reset. Ha
  16. MagneticToast

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    I think that when you are prone in grass, you should either be able to push it down or it has a transparency to see through it so you can see what is in front of you. Going prone should be useful but instead just leaves you vulnerable...
  17. Fireaxe. It will probably always be the best...but especially now since ever other melee weapon is pretty much useless.
  18. MagneticToast

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I definitely want IEDs but no mortars or any of that crap.
  19. MagneticToast

    Blood on hands when searching a body that was shot

    Can't imagine how badly the game would run for me if I tried recording it, but I agree it would have been nice. Hopefully they'll add gunshot wounds like they had in the mod..I'd also like to see bloody hands/body parts but that doesn't mean bandit.
  20. MagneticToast

    A super rare weapon spawn idea

    I'm all for unique looking weapons spawning randomly, but not a gross gold desert eagle.
  21. MagneticToast

    Will they make any of the zombies faster than us?

    I hope they don't make them much faster if at all. Considering the stamina system will slow you down. No. Zombies strengths are in numbers not speed. They're not cheetahs. They shouldn't even run at all but in this game it is okay..but too much faster it will ruin it.
  22. MagneticToast

    Blood on hands when searching a body that was shot

    I had two bandit scum chasing me yesterday. I hid all of my stuff and then found a pen so I left a note on my body that pretty much said "You have really bad aim, I hid my stuff, you won't find it" I then ran back out so they could kill me, which took between them a total of about 10 shots (they were on a roof near berezino...and those aren't counting the shots that I avoided before I hid everything) When I heard him come up to my body to search it, I told him over VOIP to read the note and learn to aim. then I respawned nearby. I went back there immediately and I was right, they couldn't find the stuff I dropped and they were no where to be found.
  23. MagneticToast

    To the guy I KO'd twice in Elektro last night...

    All the time in the mod I wished there were melee. and now in the SA I really don't like punching at all.