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About cpthiner

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cpthiner

    Where to find Mosin clips?

    They allow you to reload by pressing R instead of going through your bags to find the ammo and drop it on your rifle.
  2. cpthiner

    Remove night-time for now, until it's fixed?

    I would say the problem is the lack of visual adjustment to the night. In life eventually we can see.. better in the dark. outlines of objects, stars and the moon begin having a bigger impact in what we can see. in the game, dark is dark forever. to say that the darkness is "realistic" is wrong, if you are running around in the dark <EDIT> outside </EDIT> for an hour, you're going to be able to make out objects. That said, some people like it, and there are day servers. We also need *someone* to play night to give some feedback.
  3. Another topic by someone who has no idea how development works.
  4. cpthiner

    Why random sound bytes/files?

    I cannot agree that these are placeholder sounds. When I am in a low pop server, I don't hear any of these sounds. Move to high pop, and they are constant. You know how you can hear all chat for an instance when you are logging in? that makes me think the sound leaks from your client to the server, then across all other clients. this link has to exist already for you to hear what players close to you are doing, I just don't think it is properly implemented yet. So when someone else is fighting a zombie far away, you hear the zombie, when they move their ammo. you hear it. etc. that is a rough guess, but there is no way they are placeholders.
  5. cpthiner

    Long Range on the SKS

    You could do it when the SKS was in experimental, it was removed when pushed to stable. As for how this happened I have no clue, it sounds like you just threw it on the ground and the server was slow, it didn't show up and you left. but that is a total guess. sorry for your loss :(
  6. cpthiner

    Computer specs and display configuration

    I have a 660 and get 30-40 fps using low/med settings. If you are looking to upgrade, I would not recommend a 660. It is a great card but will soon start showing its age in demanding games.