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Everything posted by dethsupport

  1. dethsupport

    144Hours found my first mosin + LRS

    I have never found a LRS in 154 hrs. Saying friendly nowadays means "shoot me and I wont shoot back"
  2. dethsupport

    Can we haz this?

    The new and improved M4
  3. dethsupport

    Can we haz this?

    Craft it with beans, make a chili dog. Upon consuming it ruins your pants and everything in them. Removing your pants results in your skivvies being brown instead of white.
  4. dethsupport


    I knew I had read that we were immune somewhere, I just don't remember where I read it.
  5. Exploit? They killed and robbed you I see no exploit. Just keep trying different servers, don't keep logging the same one.
  6. dethsupport

    Casual Minigames

    He suggested professions i.e. I'm a medic, I have lower risk of giving you an infection with an IV; you're a mechanic you can fix the engine. He did not suggested training or leveling up skills.
  7. dethsupport

    Casual Minigames

    The only mini-games I approve of are those involving decks of cards with people for beans, bullets and bandages. Or games winner take all games of chance where someone dies and someone else walks away rich.
  8. dethsupport

    killing a bandit

    double post
  9. dethsupport

    killing a bandit

    I don't see the difference. What a bad bandit, he deserved to die for not checking his six or finishing what he started.
  10. dethsupport

    Great Game

    It always sucks but at least you're not raging.
  11. dethsupport

    Russian Roulette

    Good luck to you them. I cannot stress this enough - You absolutely must shower the winner with gifts that are useful - they earned it through luck.
  12. dethsupport

    Russian Roulette

    That's not really Russian Roulette, that's more like playing Hot Potato with a grenade (which by the way is another amazing suggestion for a "mini-game").
  13. dethsupport

    Having babies

    You don't need to be faster than the zombies, just faster than your kids.
  14. dethsupport

    Having babies

    It has already been stated that there will be no children of any kind as npcs in the game. Players on the other hand...
  15. dethsupport

    Casual Minigames

    fixing engines and cars? yep. skyrim lockpicking? yep. EDIT As a matter of fact you were the last person to post in it. The only difference is yours has pictures.
  16. dethsupport

    Casual Minigames

    He probably wasn't flaming - probably just hated the skyrim lockpicking system. probably.
  17. dethsupport

    Casual Minigames

    Already been suggested.
  18. dethsupport

    I've got it. The reason bandits wear military gear!

    I am naked with a rifle lying on top of rocks and the white of my skivvies blends in like a boss. Gearing will only make you disappointed at your loss.
  19. dethsupport

    Pants constantly ruined..

    Maybe stop and use an outhouse or a downed tree once in a while. All them cans of food are gonna give you shits on par with MREs
  20. dethsupport


    I would be all for a deck of cards where you can sit around with people and play poker for bullets or cans of food. The main mini-game I want is russian roulette. Chamber a single 357 round, spin the barrel - hilarity ensues, and one person is walking away richer.
  21. dethsupport

    Sprinting while shooting handgun

    I say you should be able to but you're pumping your arms normally so all your shots go directly in the dirt and maybe you screw up and shoot yourself in the leg.
  22. dethsupport

    Why can't i FIST!

    I have never played the mod but you can't fist in the mod? Gamebreaking bs right there.
  23. dethsupport

    F*8k your car I got a horse outside

    Duh, I lift cans of tuna.
  24. dethsupport

    Easter Egg!

    He looks pretty twisted. A zombie santa claus that is too fat to get out of the chimney to nom you.
  25. dethsupport

    Un-poisoning yourself

    Vomiting has worked - twice for me. I don't know why it didn't for you.