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Everything posted by TrueGiga

  1. TrueGiga

    ( WIP ) New map for DayZ-SA

    Working to get this finished and make it a complete Mod with my new map! I hope you like the progress so far videos, and images linked on the workshop page but you can also Subscribe to the Mod and access it using COM I currently am not far into development so I haven't set spawns, mission scripts nada! hopefully, you guys get to run around in it and can give me your feedback! Thanks, Gang! Cya soon. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1658337558
  2. I have been working low Key on a Project I hope you enjoy this Map I created for High-level PVP fighting in DayZ I finally got the modding tools I been waiting for Here is the first sample of the work you can expect from me! please like and comment! Thanks
  3. TrueGiga

    Kimber vs 911 model

    why cause your king bean and what you say go's? get over your self.
  4. TrueGiga

    Kimber vs 911 model

  5. TrueGiga

    DayZ wallpaper i Created

    As in all community's i join i like to give back here is something i made Hope you enjoy it
  6. Beast and 50Gigz Go into a Server to test a new Video software so we can Record our Games and find some one els in the server We Speak out... FRIENDLY He says ok... but then shoots and Kills 50Gigs at this Point Beast Take's cover to reload M4 Once Beast has a Clear shot he takes it and Kills the KOS'er The Guy is not done he respawns and this time Brings 2 more of his Clan's Members 50Gigs Make it Back to help Beast only to get shot Trying to Close Door... DAMN DOOR GLITCH! DAMN YOU... The rest of the Video will show BOTs-BEASTMODE in Action Representing for Band of Thugs in a Major Way Hope you enjoy this Footage HOORAH! BOTs Group on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BOTs-Dayz
  7. We don't shoot new spawns and un armed players all others are up to there actions on how the react to our encounter. we noticed many kill on sights happen because the person seems hostile running with gun in hand and checking every corner looking for a fight. we disapprove of snipers on hilltops or covered well away from any view of un suspecting players it's a weak tactic that takes no skill to accomplish if your one of them please take it as a disrespect to you. cause we don't like you and i am sure thousands of others will agree Warning to new spawns if you come across a hostile player don't take his abuse run away or log off don't let others actions effect your game play we already have too many sour grapes that have become Camping tree sleeping snipers on hilltops that kill new spawn. don't let others ruin your game. Also any abuse on forums should be a direct reflection of how you are in Game. keep note! Friends of Day-Z BOTz
  8. TrueGiga

    KOS Clan called MR. get's Butt Kicked by BOTs

    as i said once i would say it every other time Good for you! Thanks
  9. TrueGiga

    KOS Clan called MR. get's Butt Kicked by BOTs

    sucks for you! i enjoy it very much! thank you.
  10. TrueGiga

    KOS Clan called MR. get's Butt Kicked by BOTs

    OMG Imagine that a guy that plays a video game online with a group of friends posting on the forums of that specific game sharing content of that very game WE ALL PLAY i can't understand the logic !
  11. TrueGiga

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    DayZ is not a run and gun game friend..
  12. TrueGiga

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    Jason sniper vs snipers you might have a valid point. but in Day-Z i must say it is not a fair deal.
  13. TrueGiga

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    no we have not but it's a point we had to make on this post cause its a part of engagement we don't approve of that is all
  14. TrueGiga

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    no we have not but we get so many new spawns telling us about how they just got killed next to a hill watch out!
  15. TrueGiga

    DayZ - Punishment for BOTs-Truffl3s

    our team shows Honor and Respect for our team members and will Take our due Punishment for a Team KILL as BOTs-Truffl3s Shown here in this video after team kill on BOTs-Kala visit our steam group here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BOTs-Dayz
  16. TrueGiga

    DayZ - Punishment for BOTs-Truffl3s

    Thanks Kichilron!
  17. TrueGiga

    DayZ - Punishment for BOTs-Truffl3s

    says the guy that sucks so hard at DayZ he can only take out his frustration on the forums LOL
  18. TrueGiga

    DayZ - Punishment for BOTs-Truffl3s

    He cant stand to see others having fun among friends...... he might be one of those guys that sits for hours behind trees picking off new spawns and thinks hes so........good...... lol
  19. TrueGiga

    DayZ - Punishment for BOTs-Truffl3s

    Here is a guy that is so Uber forum cool that he even thinks some one cares? imagine that LOL
  20. TrueGiga


    So we had a member that was going to fall out if he did not get any blood in him... we wanted to try and save him so one of us took Blood and gave it too him at first seemed as it was working till he fell face first... = ( things might of turned out different if we just had a blood testing kit... add our steam group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BOTs-Dayz
  21. TrueGiga


    We started taking our own Blood at start of game! It WORKS!!!
  22. TrueGiga

    Do you want a Bike now!

    might need some new legs i walk so much?
  23. TrueGiga


    yes we are going to make it a habit to gather at least two blood test's before we head out on adventures next time lol
  24. TrueGiga

    KOS Clan called MR. get's Butt Kicked by BOTs

    not bad after only the second try some in here still don't get it = /
  25. TrueGiga


    at this moment we were out away from all towns and shores so it was a bad situation for sure. no searching available for us..