Well this is coming from the mind of a bandit, or well i use to be one the shoot on sight rule of a bandit comes from fear. bandits are mostly people who have been killed so many times that hey want revenge or they are to scared to trust any one. i know this cause once apon a time i use to do the same thing killing out of fear. so if you see someone and they have a gun and you are scared do not shoot. talk to them. try to make them put down there gun and try to help them. use the "dude put down your gun or i am gonna have to shoot" and then walk them threw it "open your gear and click on your gun and it drop, then back away and drop your secondary, then stand up so i can make sure you do not have one." Now this normaly works the two things you have to look out for are 1)when you leave they grab there gun track you and kill you. 2) is they pull out there axe while you are not looking and kill you. now the second one is more for teh mod but the first one goes for dayz stand alone and dayz mod. NOW REMEMBER PEOPLE BE A HERO TALK BEFOR YOU SHOOT!