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About matty_mojo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Firstly the guy above (GWW) who says you shouldn't run in this game is on loony tunes planet, so does he walk the length of the map? Really? Anyway if you want to see what the problem is have a look at this 30 sec clip I took, I was running away from a gun fight that I was losing at the airfield (perhaps I should have walked away - I mean it is my own fault that I get rubber banding) - anyway - have a look, the game plays like this constantly and is at times unplayable and broken now - sighhhh! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hENj4CsA-C4&feature=youtu.be
  2. matty_mojo

    Today's Pending Update.

    No loot there? You are assuming that loot should be there. Well it shouldn't. If you want a guarantee of getting loot then you should petition the dayz development team to have micro transactions where you can just buy it.
  3. matty_mojo

    Today's Pending Update.

    The penalties should be harsher. I believe that teleporting players to random locations is the way to go if they server hop - but it may upset a lot of people. Last night I played for several hours run across the map, looting villages etc....never saw another persons, found a manky shotgun, no ammo, found my way to the airstrip and I kid you not in the 10 minutes I was there, 2 people spawned in the buildings right in front of me, then when they saw me exited straight out, another 2 spawned, one was an okay guy and he wandered off, the other shot me with his m4. And there you have the problem, being a "proper" player I now do not wish to go to military bases or airports for the "good stuff" as it is just too risky. The penalties should be much worse than a simple time delay. This game is either a survival game, or a p v p shooter - that in many respects "infestation" quickly degraded in to. In future I will shot on sight any server hoppers to high yield locations.