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About Disodium

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  1. Disodium

    Razor Wire!

    You can 'step' over it with V.. But personally I would like to see a decay put on it or allow anyone to be able to dismantle it, but make the timer for it being dismantled slow. This way if it is spammed around at least people without special items can still remove it if its placed in stupid places.
  2. Disodium

    Servers, lack of

    Just play on sub 200 yank servers, I play with a few different groups and we have little to no issues doing this. With how packed the Aussie servers are its damn hard getting into an Aussie server with 4-6 players together without having to wait a decent amount of time.
  3. Disodium


    It's an alpha, crap happens! Suck it up, report it and move on.. The whole point of us playing at present is to test the hell out of this mod so that Rocket can find, adjust, change and fix problems that can do and WILL happen. You will die unfairly. You will loose all your stuff. You will get face raped by GTFO bugs. This is all part of 'testing' any game. Reverts don't fix problems, it does how ever stop progress. Moving forward bugs will get ironed out, balance will be found, people need patience. Report the issues and move on. If you get screwed over by a bugged out build, stop playing for a while, Rocket patches really quick! But help by reporting the issues you find, crying for reverts etc is not the solution. Rolling back to a working build does not help things either.
  4. Disodium


    WHAT? Bigfoot is in the game??!?!?! Has to be true, a purple mentioned it!!! I'm going squatch hunting! *Portions of this post may of ignored some or all of the context of the message it was derived from.
  5. Disodium

    why do I lose blood?

    Really REALLY badass mosquito's, find some insect replant. In russia mosquito's squash you.... Cheers for the tip RE the zombie hits, this has happened to me once.
  6. Disodium

    ALT-F4 or just plain DC'ing....cheating?

    DC'ing to save yourself? It is cheating, regardless of the scenario. It is denying an unfortunate chain of events that just unfolded, as crappy as it is, it is still cheating because you 'should' of died but by using the clients mechanics you rip yourself out of that situation and away from danger. May as well just type IDDQD to turn on God Mode and be done with it, it is death avoidance and no different.. except in god mode you might still be able to shoot.. DC'ing to join another server to relocate to a 'better' position? That is teleporting, it is exploiting a mechanic designed to allow people to carry their characters across to other servers to make it easier to not only play with friends/groups when the servers max out but also to create an element of persistence. There is not devices that allow this type of action, thus it is an exploit. Running inside a building with a train of zombies 'could' also be called 'cheating' or 'exploiting the AI' because of the unfortunate AI when the zombie gets inside. It is not as serious as the other issues above, because generally it does not impact directly on other players, unless someone knows their is another person inside the building and just wants to bring a horde in to swamp them. From what i also read, it is unlikely this behavior will change as its a hard coded AI thing. I do also agree with statements above from others who say, positioning your self to bottleneck your enemy is a logical strategy and a viable action in such a situation. My 2c
  7. He loved you guys all so bad he got banned! I wondered this my self, thanks to those who answered.
  8. Disodium

    What ARMA 2 do I need?

    Have to agree, the stickiness on these forums is excessive. It is bad enough the average user will not look at 1-3 stickies, let a lone 12 of them. Some people just want a quick answer, as painful as it is to read the same question over and over again, the best solution is to ignore them and let someone else who can be bothered respond, this not only makes that person walk away with a positive experience but also makes the community as a whole look better than seeing posts with 'negative' replies. It's an age old problem with any forum you go on, some people just want to be spoon fed. It is not going to change and no amount of directing people to search or look at stickies is going to stop that. The only thing I have seen come close is on one forum when you make a new post it asks you the subject, and then when you enter that it will search the forum for possible answers and provide links and an option to continue and create new post.
  9. Disodium

    Das boot - I mean teh boat

    I saw a video of some guys who fixed up a boat on Youtube and wondered the same thing. It is saddening to hear you can not walk on the deck, from what I can see you cannot even attack from the boat either? From what I can tell, when you log out the vehicle remains on the server, so I can envisage the ocean having scattered boats from people who have logged out on them haha.. Hopefully we will see all the boats available later: http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-co-vehicles/a-2-co-ships-and-boats_en.html IMO though the PBX should be found, repaired and then be able to be upgraded with more parts to turn it into a RHIB.. i.e you need to find the gun(which could also be used with a mounting bracket on he back of say the Ute), seats etc.
  10. Disodium

    What ARMA 2 do I need?

    From what I have read and experienced, just get the Combined Operations variant from Steam and save your self troubles. Linky: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4638/ You can apparently get it working with just Operation Arrowhead + the Free version of Arma II but I have also heard people running into even more complications with that method.
  11. Disodium

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    I am new to this mod and have only played at night thus far.. It is nice though how they have allowed for different time zoned servers, so should we wish to play day time, it is easy enough to do so by just connecting to a server that regionally located in an area where the sun is up! I should note, I am an Aussie who plays US servers because the AUS ones are a crap fight to get into, and when you do you generally spend 10 mins just trying to get in or when you do, you are frozen or something glitches out.