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About Reaven1911

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  1. BMRF is probably one of if not THE best private hive I've ever played, the admin and moderator team is amazing, hackers don't last for more then 20 minutes at most, and even then everyone gets restored. They have always kept up the original DayZ feel, with balanced donation perks, less then 160 vehicles at all times, no AKM Ghille suit and Coyote to spawn with, and they always listen to the community. Speaking of the community it always has a great player base, the annoying "420YOLOSWAG" side chat spammers that seem to fill most other private hives always end up getting banned for breaking the rules of side chat, same with mic spammers on side chat. Custom Helicopter loot tables and handy tools like !uptime and !admins, always help enhance the playing experience on BMRF.
  2. Reaven1911

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    No, I would play more, people saying that servers should offer both players, they do, but about 10 people is the most I've seen on a first person only server, so if someone wants to play 1st person they either play on a low pop server or put themselves at a huge disadvantage
  3. Reaven1911

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    "Weapons and items are now “entities”. This means they are more object oriented in structure, allowing weapon customization, degradation - the possibilities become endless. This is a major, huge, shift in engine architecture." o
  4. Reaven1911

    Build Rolling Update

    I think for the light thing, possibly in the stand alone there are portable generators? which have to be refueled using Jerry cans, and they power the lights on in that town, and more lights=less zombies, so its possible to make a town your base? of course just lights won't stop zombies form spawning you'll have to barricade houses, maybe build a wall around the town to get zombies to stop completely
  5. Reaven1911

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    Spire, I met him on my first day in dayz on I think UK22, he had an Ak Kobra, and we hunted deer stands near Bor
  6. On public servers? Yes On private hives? 90% of the time, No.
  7. Reaven1911

    Bai Heli Pilot

    Nice, I did the same on a heli in cherno with a mk 48 (which I looted from one of their gunners) to bad it was full and I still have negative humanity from it (I was a hero before I shot it down after I had -30k or something I'm down to -20k :\
  8. Reaven1911

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    well now I'm going to go sniper cherno and server hop to, all the cool kids are doing it. and how much people get pissy at killing is so funny, I love killing and I love fighting, with either my SVD camo or my MK 48
  9. Reaven1911

    Please suggest a server with bandits

    BMRF #2 Gameface HIV, SMB and a couple other clans are usually trotting around killing and what not, I'll stay with my small 2 man team but hey, people might find strength, or fun, in having 8 people in a bus with mk 48's
  10. Reaven1911

    Favorite DayZ map?

  11. Reaven1911

    Bandit Skin!

    1. this isn't a game 2. you never bought DayZ rocket could close this beta if he wanted to, you bought arma not dayz 3. quit feeling entitled, the textures are optional
  12. Reaven1911

    Why you kill unarmed players

    East coast camping ftw! Nah, NWAF sniping is the only sniping that is worth it, SVD and ghille on the NW got me about 80+ kills
  13. Reaven1911

    Poll: Which gun is best in which situation?

    SVD CAMO and Mk 48, both have a special relationship with me, the Mk 48 and me shot down a chopper and the SVD camo got me about 80+ kills, so I could never leave these 2
  14. Reaven1911

    we own namalsk !

    When you post killing people don't respond to anything, everyone on these forums whine if you shoot a pig, so just don't respond to anyone else, nice sniping if only you weren't using a really unbalanced gun :\
  15. Reaven1911

    how to trick carebears into a death trap

    I like hatcheting people until their guts come out like chunky mustard!