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Everything posted by Rancor

  1. Rancor

    Again no word about loot respawn

    That is a different topic. They are talking about persistent items like, tents and persistent backpacks, where you can store loot. That has nothing to do with loot respawn, imho.. So did you actually read the update ? xD
  2. Hmm strange, as 0.35 was released i ran into that issue. I Got killed, pressed the respawn button, as the countdown ends, the game told me that i was dead. Changing Server didn't help So i could't repsawn.For me it is basiclly the same issue than in 0.34. Next day, i played on a hardcore server and got killed... same issue. As i switched back to regular, i could spawn... but after i got killed the issue was back. Since then i am playing on experimental. I never experienced this issue in 0.37 or further. Sorry for bad english i am not a native speaker ^^
  3. This issue was supposed to be fixed in 0.35 but it wasn't... it is still there. Go to a server, join it, die several times and you will not be able to respawn... it is totally reproduceable.
  4. Update Speed is currently awful.. but i dont bother. I am playing dayz epoch as long as SA is crappy
  5. Rancor

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    That is really really sad.....
  6. Rancor

    Authentification Timeout (Steam Down ?)

    They tried to apply 0.42 to stable.... and crashed steam ^^
  7. As long as we dont get an experimental update, we wont get one on stable.... Easy as that..
  8. Hmmm i dont think there will be an updated tommorow..... but we'll see....
  9. Can confirm that. It is really hard to find loot, if the server is already running 2 or 3 hours. I reached several towns in the land, all doors were open, no loot was in there. But actually loot respawn has no high priority, I Think the devs are working on other features.
  10. After 135h of playing the standalone, i decided to have a look at the mod. Unfortunately i cant find a regular server. They are all heavily modded. You have huge loadouts, 500+ vehicles and so on... an this suxx imo...
  11. Rancor

    Looking for regular server

    Thank you, but i am looking for a DAYZ MOD Server and no EPOCH. But i will try it when i play epoch Found a nice vanilla server., FR 34
  12. No fix for broken loot spawns, so miltary tents still dont spawn loot ( issue is know at least 2 month i think ), most of the civilian houses dont spawn loot, garages dont spawn loot, half of the red bar building doesnn't spawn loot anymore.... no loot respawn in genreal, no real infos about it, they only say soon.... i really dont get it... I know different people are working on different things... designers cant work on gamecode issues and so on... But why arent the programmers working on those issues? Really dont get... can someone explain ? On Feb Rocket said on Twitter @_SenChi__ just managed to fix why vehicle wrecks were not spawning loot! Awesome! #DayZDaily So it is alredy fixed, why isn t it in experimental?
  13. HMm really dont get it, they just didnt change any core mechanics? Why is there such a major step in version number. This version should be called 0.38.XXXXX.
  14. Anything intresting like loot respawn? hunting/cooking ? loot spawn fixed in houses, tents ?
  15. Dont think there will any patch today neither exp oder stable
  16. Stable will be the current experimental Version + some bug fixes. 0.42.XXXXX will be the experimental update
  17. I think there wont be a push to experimental today
  18. Ohh cool :) didnt know that
  19. Its a pitty that there are so less inforamtion about whats going on. Yesterday they said they are preparing an update for experimental branch. later that day they said, that they a solving a last issue bfore they update the exp branch. Today they said nothing I really love this game and the work so far, but thats a little bit annoying to me
  20. Just spottet this Version... Huge Step. Server is called Steamtest
  21. btw nice avatar :) up the irons ^^
  22. https://twitter.com/Hicks_206/ we are possibly getting it today