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JiJi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by JiJi (DayZ)

  1. JiJi (DayZ)


    I'm afraid it would be pointless to attempt Walkie-Talkie to surpass or match voice chat software (such TeamSpeak,Mumble,...) since those items are quite rare ingame and imply drawbacks : limited range 2km, speaking in it could also be heard around, and anyone on the right channel could listen coms. The idea is to find other uses Walkie-Talkie could do and voice chat software won't. Walkie-Talkie currently has 8 frequencies : 87.8 - 89.5 - 91.3 - 91.9 - 94.6 - 96.6 - 99.7 - 102.5 ATC towers (airstrips+airfield) should also have VHF/UHF radio materials, let's assume their devices still work (at least receiver speaker) and let's suppose all Chernarus ATC only use 102.5 frequency. You could use your Walkie-Talkie to announce yourself, frighten, reassure, negociate, with anyone possibly inside - even if they don't have Walkie-Talkie. Fire Stations could work with another frequency (for instance 99.7), * You'd better specify which station you require attention if severals within Walkie Talkie range. Hospitals could work another frequency, and new police stations with another one, etc... "Why dedicate and sacrifice Walkie-Talkie frequencies while simple ingame voice chat could work aswell?" - Due to limited voice range you actually have to go very close to be heard, and anyone inside listening you knows you're right next to him. It's dangerous! Walkie-Talkie allow to extend this range up to 2km. If lack of available frequencies (8) for usual practice between team member, I think it would not be too difficult to add few more (?)
  2. JiJi (DayZ)

    Help with Blood Test Kits spawn

    I so agree with all of you... ;)
  3. JiJi (DayZ)

    Scope realism

    Blur rely on post-process parameter, so if desactivated it would be worthless.
  4. I would be fine with random event through radio transmissions. However talkies are damn rare (not to mention range, frequency), and no one would camp around static radio emitter hours just for the hope to hear one. Russian langage ok, but no Star Trek universal translator for God shake! That's why voiced radio messages should not be prolix. Interco numbers (nadazero,unaone,bissotwo,etc) + name of cities (russian, don't worry it's quite understandable). I'm afraid you couldn't have both loot & lore system with that.
  5. JiJi (DayZ)

    100 Slot Server

    100 Slot server. Will it somehow tend to reduce price/slot in the futur (Vilayer, etc)? If not it's gonna be quite expensive...
  6. JiJi (DayZ)

    Overdose from Saline Bags

    I understand his point like : while very low blood level (unconscious state) someone replace all your lost blood by filling you with...water (physiological). It's an "abuse" as he wrote (not overdose of course).
  7. JiJi (DayZ)

    Blood Bag

    Oh, my bad :| Just found original topic @admin , feel free to merge & delete this topic
  8. JiJi (DayZ)

    Inventory system

    Too much variables and displayed stats would affect immersion I think : I have never wondered how mass/volume my pant pocket could take and I still wouldn't when apocalypse day will come. So I'm quite okay with the current inventory, as long as it doesn't allow to take helicopter motor... PS : Not sure but I think weight is globally take into account, as a naked fresh spawn you sprint a bit faster than a full geared one. (need to verify).
  9. JiJi (DayZ)

    Loudspeaker/Megaphone - To increace direct chat range

    Sound good idea, however 200m range is way too much IMHO. And devs could have issue because of OpenAL (occlusion/obstruction thing from ArmA sound engine I guess).
  10. JiJi (DayZ)

    Blood Test Kit

    Suggestion updated/edited (12 FEB) Last thread update, still related but since it moves on Blood bag topic I've started a new suggestion post about that.
  11. JiJi (DayZ)


    Because of reasons already discussed, and the amount of work required (anims/skeleton among other things) : There will be no child. Althought they could be "evoked" ...There are plenty of room we cannot access (door locked), It would not be too difficult to add sound emitter inside, playing muffled screams & cries, making us think they are barricaded behind with their parents or waiting for them.
  12. JiJi (DayZ)

    Women Clothes

    Chaos, madness... "Johnny Mad Dog" movie
  13. JiJi (DayZ)

    Blood Test Kit

    Thank you for your participation. Suggestion updated/edited (08 FEB)
  14. JiJi (DayZ)

    Zombie attack=everything ruined in backpack?

    You suffered an underestimated attack... the zombie claws!
  15. JiJi (DayZ)

    This game is a Military simulator

    Armed Assault (1,2,3) are military simulator. DayZ, not so much. edit : Max Planck first PS : Texan MREs ...in Chernarus ? :huh:
  16. JiJi (DayZ)

    Blood Test Kit

    Actually everyone rely on saline bag or food/water regen, and most people just don't pay attention to blood test kit found. :( It's a shame to leave that game content (transfusion) because too difficult to obtain/exploit, and also a shame to see opponent as only "potential stuff to loot on his dead body". PS : Multiple-use is an ingame trick to balance the fact a single small kit occupy one slot (consider it as a "stacks of").
  17. JiJi (DayZ)

    Neutral Trading Zones - NPC enforcers if possible

    Instead of a static (ground) base with dum NPCs, wich could be invaded and looted, or create ambush & trouble in the vicinity. Why not an unboardable little civilian cargo ship cruising out of bullet range (or providing safe moorage behind its hull). It would be a Player to AI barter, (or act as middleman step if Player to Player result wished) ArmA game engine family doesn't allow passenger to fire - unless if "gunner" position - , I don't think boats with turret are planned... so this weakness finally solve many security problems. Therefore Chernarus sea area would gain interest, while no land acreage sacrified for that market place. Sure, simple canoe aren't yet available, but later may be (?)
  18. A [bIS] tag would be welcome.