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JiJi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by JiJi (DayZ)

  1. Questions asked (interview) were pretty lame :(
  2. Царь Аперитив -> Tsar Apéritif (it means "king of aperitif") Исидор логово -> Isidore's lair Ко́рсаков Ад -> Korsakoff's Hell Загория лучших Клуб -> Zagoria finest Club Лезвие Салун -> Razor Saloon "Кубики льда Спутник" -> "Ice cube Sputnik"
  3. JiJi (DayZ)

    <Name> killed by <Name>

    No thanks. (Useless since ingame profil name could not match with Steam ID).
  4. JiJi (DayZ)

    Vision/Player Visibility

    Why illustrate your post about lack of shining render with guy hidden in shadow , and unvarnished fork handle wood during cloudy/rainy day...?
  5. JiJi (DayZ)

    Three words. Land. Mine.

    Because if rare, you would not afford to "abandon" it anywhere on the ground : you would immediately scavenge & get its precious high-explosive and turn into IED, remote bomb, time bomb...
  6. What means "Blended body injuries" (part of Ragdoll slide) ? I don't understand the concept.
  7. JiJi (DayZ)

    Attachment(s) for the B95 (and things in the gamefiles)

    I'm afraid using objects as workaround for bipods would be quite difficult (if not impossible) to implement. But your attachments suggestions on Blaser B95 are quite relevant and well documented. :thumbsup: (My favourite is the stock pouch) PS : there is also a Aimpoint available (but require new model - doesn't match with current ingame model) :beans:
  8. JiJi (DayZ)

    Reporting server abuse

    About TOS abuses : "Hicks_206" - DayZ producer [ 19 March 2014 ] ...but so far no clue about this prestigious nominated nor how and when thing will take effect... How to contact and report him/her? (On-line form? Email adress? Pinned topic here? Native tribe smoke signals?). Yes I'm quite upset <_<
  9. JiJi (DayZ)

    Alarm traps

    It would imply issues too, I'm sure you already miss floating loot or on top of cabinet. Maybe because vicinity work on the same (X,Y) Z coord. It would be impossible -or bugged- to defuse if settled on a step. Also detection vicinity work as a perimeter around object/players (inner circles), it's perfect for little objects but not for 2 or 3 (or more) meters in lenght object. You could defuse it from that lenght away, or if coded differently only on its center (undefusable at each ends), both aren't good. And last but not least, just to set on a such tripwire would be awful (check "barbed wire" from DayZ mod) : Floating or distorted model according to terrain, would going throught walls, unable to rotate, etc...
  10. I'm pretty sure each surface type is attributed to a list of seamless ground textures (and footsteps sounds). I mean no defined square of global ground patchwork have entity, so if based on surface you couldn't have more artificial containers than surface type (4? 5? less?) for the whole map and everybody from almost anywhere could access at the same time. The obj_avail condition you mentionned couldn't act as a pool but as a random result (just like bushes berries actually I'm not comfortable with that).
  11. JiJi (DayZ)

    Zombies with loot

    :) It's the way it should be! "Prey" should fear "predators". And if currently we are not very afraid of them, at least confrontation should be avoid since nothing good will come out.
  12. I think I have understood the original idea relying on surfaceType function, but I thought that if I had to praise your suggestion briefly (like few others did before me), it might have seem I would please with the whole text you posted -including current examples- ...which is not the case as you now know. ;)
  13. JiJi (DayZ)

    Hardcore by default?

    I would like to have a checkbox "Hardcore servers" option in filter (server browser). And also one other "Regular servers" beside. Coming back to OP, should the first be ticked by default when launching game for the first time? ;)
  14. I don't like to be a wet blanket, especially with promising idea. But if you ask my opinion I cannot pretend every examples you suggest sounds good to me. Please excuse me in advance :( Relying on physic middleware (weekly report video), if you throw a stone at best (45°) I would say it may reach a dozen of meters - no further and so not great at all for distraction. Of course devs could works on an "athletic" throw animation for that purpose, and special shot range with it, and specific hit sounds audible range when (if!) stone hit other objects...but come on, all this for this? However, collecting stones for fire camp (if required), that is fine. Assuming you are a fresh spawn without melee weapon or firearm? (limited occurence so). Stabbing efficiently someone with a shard of glass is plausible with hollywood-action-movie scene : you would severly ripp palm of your hand while just going throught opponent layers of clothing. What if they code strike to make you bleed aswell? What if you wear gloves? Will gloves degrade?...Yes, but lot of work. Again, all this for this? :blink: I was even not aware we could grow veggies. I guess growing will be a quite complicated feature to design, let's wait to learn more about it. rhhh...I'm not a fan of ghillie, just like I'm not a fan of thermal scope or .50 semi automatic sniper rifle. "Too much" for me, I really dislike. But hey, it's just my opinion. I would not advise to eat any bugs or larvas. Some species produce "toxins" (which turn inedible for human digestive system). And calorie intake with a such reduced biomass probably will not even cover energy you spend to get it.
  15. JiJi (DayZ)

    Very simple fix for Ghosting and Hopping

    It was my first thought to teleport, but I realized it could send and stuck players throught sea,wall (glitch),tree,etc... and it would be a too wide punishing system. Especially since anti combat logout require to keep your avatar vulnerable for 30 seconds. I mean it make really sense to hide in a house to disconnect, and there are many of them in your area that does not have any strategic value for hopping and ghosting. IMHO it would be too prejudicial for all players (including the fair ones).
  16. JiJi (DayZ)

    Alarm traps

    >:( I really dislike trip wire. Due to animation/collision it would be a pain to successfully vault over even if clearly noticed. Broken glass would only work on concrete/hard ground. It's just sound like a gift feature for lone sniper camping in the same building for hours... I would be more in environmental "alarm trap" that players cannot handle : you are in a forest and about twenty meters behind you hear flaps birds sound flying away...or you are outside of the forest and about 100m ahead you see birds suddenly flying off canopy. Was it a wild boar, a zombie, or another survivor ? It may vanish the surprise but not mystery.
  17. JiJi (DayZ)

    Change to stacked items/ammo piles

    Instead of calculate general quality, I would suggest to display the better + the worst items conditions present in this stack. No matter if more of the first or last, and not considering middle conditions. So, about your example : Stack of Rags = [Rag (Pristine), Rag (Worn), Rag (Ruined)] , it would display "from pristine to ruined" information. Since it might be too much text to add on an icon inventory I would suggest code color to replace text : ■■ OR if you still prefere global quality information otherwise it would "spoil" better&worst stack items conditions (we are not supposed to know just at a glance in inventory). I have an idea - a bit more complex. Let's define RGB (Red | Green | Blue) values. For your example we have 3 items : Stack of Rags = [Rag (Pristine), Rag (Worn), Rag (Ruined)] Pristine is 0 | 255 | 0 Worn is 150 | 255 | 0 Red is 255 | 0 | 0 Mix all (0+150+255)/3 | (255+255+0)/3 | (0+0+0)/3 RGB is 135 | 170 | 0 --> :) It could seems a laborius process to collect and calculate 30 or more stack items at each refresh status to just display color, but for a (client) computer it's a piece of cake. Good, not everything ok, but neither not (only) "one of the items". "Severals", fine for bullet stack/sealed box. About various stack/slot sizes, I'm still not convincing. Over max stack size exploit could be fixed without need of problematic features added, and since I don't know how tracer rounds will work/mix I'm not going to speak on that.
  18. JiJi (DayZ)

    Are abusive servers really being taken seriously?

    It is NOT normal that simple customers have to monitor, to prove abuse, to find and contact and complain to GSP and follow-up. In order to have Bohemia Interactive Studio© terms and rules respected. This is not our job. BIS is not an indie studio that could not even hire a student at part-time work for this task. >:(
  19. JiJi (DayZ)

    Very simple fix for Ghosting and Hopping

    You want a simple fix for hopping? OK : Code circumference zone at sensible spawn loot points. Anyone login in these areas instantely vomit... because of...hmm...radioactivity? Hell! I don't know why they have to puke but who care how realist about that since hoppers are in pratice teleport traveler throught parallel worlds. So they vomit, and then nothing else - it's not a big deal for once but would be if reiterate : loosing water/food affect health. A wise hopper would carry provisions, that occupy some space in inventory, space that couldn't be filled with miltary loot.
  20. JiJi (DayZ)

    Stuffing Rags in Mouth of Handcuffed Player

    What is the point (gameplay mechanics)? If you want a captive to not interact with his mates, they will anyway with TeamSpeak,Skype,Mubble,etc - it won't work (and promote use of third chat soft). If you don't want a captive to be heard by others players, just tell him to stay quiet. He already complied much more by letting you handcuffing him. Torturing stuff already discussed and you're quite aware about it... <_< again please use proper thread.
  21. JiJi (DayZ)

    Extended Torture for Evil Needs

    I've reacted to original post, if I would react to another matter I would (and did) on proper topic. Please check aknar link.
  22. JiJi (DayZ)

    Blood bags in hospitals

    I'm afraid not.
  23. JiJi (DayZ)

    Change to stacked items/ammo piles

    According to average quality you suggested, a such stack would be labeled "Mostly ..."? I cannot beleive one rag would turn bulletproof or zombieproof to suffer all damage and save the remaining stack. Not realistic. ...in fact currently it works that way with bullets stack : It is an exploit not yet fixed, so I would disapprove to bring it up to standards for all stackable items. What is it supposed to solve? What is wrong with current 30 rounds stack = 1 slot ? Simplest, more flexible, and already working ingame.
  24. JiJi (DayZ)

    Extended Torture for Evil Needs

    Cathartic thing yes. -- About OP suggestions and gameplay mechanics, every player would rather choose permadeath (suicide) than playing with permanent handicap. So no fear expected, useless.
  25. JiJi (DayZ)

    nvm then

    No thanks, it would kill a part of the game (mistrust, observation, diplomatic approach, etc...)