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JiJi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by JiJi (DayZ)

  1. JiJi (DayZ)

    Dead Bodies Should Not Disappear

    Have you ever wondered why dead bodies disappear ? ... because of "performance", not by choice, so forget about it.
  2. JiJi (DayZ)

    Why we need real health/Hp Indicators

    Sir, This is your very first post, and this is the worst idea I ever read so far. :(
  3. JiJi (DayZ)

    Chernarus really needs a river.

    Boats first, only then Chernarus will really needs a river.
  4. JiJi (DayZ)

    Should walkie talkies have text chat?

    Maybe it's a sociological problem. Most of kids and even young adults cannot wait long time on a chair (waiting room, in bus or subway, etc) and not using their smartphone. Typing reading message, or just keep an eye on it. They do that to pass time, to keep their minds busy, nothing wrong because nothing else more usefull or entertaining to do when you have to wait. On a so-called "running simulator" you spend a lot of time to only run. The desire to make the game more alive to bring fun & social communications sounds legit. But this is Chernarus : a post-apocalyptic world. There is no relay antenna, no internet, and no magic way to hail a stranger far away. Quit your old geek-conservative habits for a while.
  5. JiJi (DayZ)

    Should walkie talkies have text chat?

    NO. - You already have text chat (with same range as direct voice chat). - Are you eager to be constantly spammed with childish chitchats & smiley ? It ruin immersion. - 2-meter band Walkie talkie are not Short Message Service GSM. What next? a pool for bandit/hero skin - because dayz mod >:(
  6. JiJi (DayZ)


    Just one is enough? How long do fireplace burn?
  7. JiJi (DayZ)


    Ash wood stick + rope For the hook I would suggest to bend and take off needle from syringe ...any idea for the bait?
  8. JiJi (DayZ)

    Vortek .50 Cal Black powder rifle

    Locked soon ? Don't worry, each or new will resume roles in the incoming thread "Hey! we need Maxim Gun!!"
  9. JiJi (DayZ)

    Zombies "realism"

    Talking about Zombie "realism", maybe DayZ will reward stealthness (avoid zombies confrontation) because it was never intended to get great fun by killing them(?) Annoying or not, when hordes will appear (and diseases), I bet it would be at least "challenging" to stay alive.
  10. JiJi (DayZ)

    Some RP items and 'minigames'

    Get high, get drunk,... what for? An eye-candy effect you would try to see for fun & curiosity, and only once (just like many other games)... that does not worth resources and time wasted to work on it (don't even mention extra animations work some would expect). Minigames, that's a different story. Rock,paper,scisor & cards (poker or else) sound good way to interact -and play- with other players. But as we already know KoS would derail this feature. :(
  11. JiJi (DayZ)

    Zombies "realism"

    "Military type" zombies are supposed to be thouger (but currently I don't really see any difference).
  12. JiJi (DayZ)

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    You guys rely on old DayZ mod's helicopters. But, for example : Aerokopter AK1-3 Sanka (Ukraine) I don't think that kind of light (mostly civilian use) helicopter would "master" the game.
  13. JiJi (DayZ)

    Sightly Disturbing

    No prudery censorship. Taking offence is limitless.
  14. JiJi (DayZ)


    As long as "passive skills" require severals hours play to get each, and die when player die. I agree. Because of "supply & demand" model, current players would rather die to save their gear (rare) than their life (infinite). Which is absurd.
  15. JiJi (DayZ)


    I support idea to have crows flying around dead bodies, but not circling above. Crows are not vultures (they cannot "glide" that way).
  16. JiJi (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    In my opinion just4me rely on masking frame from old hollywood movie used to represent goggle view. But I prefere the current one.
  17. JiJi (DayZ)

    Zombie AI...

    Indeed. Disappointment does not excuse deception, OP should change thread title now.
  18. JiJi (DayZ)

    Add the Bicycle

    I'm already wasting my time to reply to your non-constructive suggestion, that's already explained 100 times. At best use "search" forum function.
  19. JiJi (DayZ)

    Hunting Jacket and Riot Gear?

    @tatchell About the picture, you are focusing on these 2 persons. Why not on the 50 else, wearing common clothes? Keeping this camouflage/riot/military Vs civilian clothes loot ratio, and it should be fine.
  20. JiJi (DayZ)

    wind direction/speed feedback to the player

    Please no kestrel windmeter, never. This would not be suitable. - Take a handkerchief size cloth (a T-shirt rag). - Put some white ash (could be collected from incoming fireplace). - Fold rag border and make a knot, ash should be compacted (about a tablespoon volume occupied). - Tap the ball with just a finger : At each tap some ash particle will go throught cloth layer and since it is very light, wind will take it away showing you direction and strenght. This is a "trick" learnt by african tracker/hunter, they use it to check if they walk into the wind.
  21. JiJi (DayZ)

    Shoot whilst sitting?

    I dislike this kind of idea. It's like wishing a running on the spot animation to make believe you desync or server reset and tricks others players.
  22. JiJi (DayZ)

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    Why remove zombies now? If zombies had to been removed from the first days (because they were also broken), we would not have had : ...and all this would have been more work to do more time to spend after major zombie bugs fixed.
  23. JiJi (DayZ)

    Wishlist Handsigns

    Usefull hand signs : - "Come here" (invite to approach, and get in voice chat perimeter range). - "Go away" (like a warning shot, but don't waste ammo and won't aggro Z).
  24. JiJi (DayZ)


    Rat implemented, but not (yet) used in early access current game. http://youtu.be/CsTctdjp5uE#t=19m19s You could talk with sewer workers all around the world, rats are the same : Rats always flee humans (or big animals), whether starving or in group. They only attack when cornered - that is unlikely to happen on open space map. So I would rather see rats as food than threat.