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Everything posted by Elle

  1. Elle

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    its a post process effect to simulate exhaustion - if it becomes too annoying you can disable post processing in your video settings and it will stay gone.
  2. Elle

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Funny you should ask. I have actually been working on this I didn't think it was really all that important but my head won't leave it alone. I'll write up what I have sometime today and get it posted before tomorrow. I'll do a brief summary here and if I get it all written I will open a thread and tell the whole story. So far its not pretty.
  3. Elle

    Lovely People out there...

    well it shows that you are by far more mature about your life and the way you approach things - as for my earlier statements - it doesn't make the words sting any less nor does it improve game play but only provides some perspective. I only actively interact with other players when I am a fresh spawn or playing experimental and that goes pretty much the way you would expect, some good some bad. on stable my interaction with others usually involves me watching with my scope. I almost never shoot (there was that time or two a couple of months ago tho...) and if they are being harassed by zeds I will often shoot the zeds and move on. I play to avoid other players and I seem to get more satisfaction from watching and not taking the shot. that's how I play friendly.
  4. Elle

    Lovely People out there...

    yer gonna have to be pretty damn sneaky :ph34r:..... OP something to consider is that DayZ is a global experience and there are vast cultural differences so it is highly likely that in whatever culture this person came from such threats are meaningless - where I come from however you make threats like that and the FBI comes and knocks on your door, which is in my opinion a bit of an over reach. words don't kill people, people kill people, and until any action is taken on the part of the aggressor those words remain just that - words. but as a qualifier, my culture is gun culture so people rarely act on their words for fear of loosing their lives.
  5. Elle

    Sorry you got shot...

    now that there is just funny ;)
  6. Elle

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I've noticed that you can also remove an item or place an item in the clothing that you just mended and it will update the status
  7. I can also confirm no loot in the feed shacks. searched about 10 of them yesterday and at least that many this morning all across the map and found them all empty.
  8. stable and experimental are on separate hives so its two distinct characters that cannot interact in any way. just curious how do you plan to deploy each version on a separate hard drive?
  9. Elle

    What if...

    wow, just wow. the reason I gave up men years ago. my father must have been the last gentleman because there is a distinct lack around here.
  10. Elle

    What if...

    seriously dude I am not the only woman that reads this forum. that was just vile and perhaps better shared with your brother as opposed to the rest of us. next time you have the "urge" resist. a lot. edit: I forgot to mention. if you think it might be offensive in the least don't post it.
  11. so the backpack tetris monster just ate a med kit, that'll teach me not to have everything arranged just so in the improvised leather backpack (this is what I get for having an empty space I guess). why oh why cant I just upgrade the "leather sack" to be a reasonable sized backpack anyways? improvised backpacks are just ugly (sorry art guys). on a lighter note, I logged out with an improvised bow loaded with improvised arrows in my hand and a mosin on my back and logged back on to happily find I was still holding the bow, yesterday morning I lost a longhorn pistol doing that. in all fairness it was an unintentional logout, really more of a crash sortta thing to be honest but yeah. anyone want a bow with some arrows and a shit load of chicken feathers? it only took two weeks to find a chicken... mmmm tasty. of course by the time I had everything to make the bow and arrows I was fully geared with other crap so I played with it for a bit - its not a skyrim bow so.... anyhow its free to a good to a good home, lemme know. performance was the bomb, very little out of place sounds and no real lag that I could tell. when I first logged on after the update I got hit with a restart so I was a little nervous to log in again but I did anyway then 2 hours later I realized I needed to go finish some laundry. heh I thought I had only been playing for an hour tops. gee thanks devs, now I am behind in my housework :p oh and great job! this shits better than soap operas that's for sure.
  12. Elle

    Religion in DayZ, is a god out there ?

    the book of job and the new testament are both books available in the game. as for the vestments, not yet if ever. I would love to have a nun's habit, I would carry bibles and a magnum. I would work to be famous for being heard to share the word or spread the lead till everyones dead, of course I would offer the choice. I would prefer not to shoot but how else to protect the sanctity of the church in the apocalypse? that would be just the kind of RP that might change my playstyle.
  13. Elle

    Suicide Option?

    if you spawned in a forest and you have a shirt you can tear up your shirt for rags then search the forest floor for sticks to make a splint. apply said splint and be on your way. should take 10 mins tops and that's stretching it. if you have no rags or items to make rags you could be in for an extended wait. there is always the option to request a medic or someone else from the forum to come and fix you up, be it meds to get you going or an axe to start you over. as a rule you should ALWAYS have something to make rags, that's just good planning.
  14. Elle

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    but you have already been told its not a bug and that it is a misconfiguration, in fact you used it in a quote in your response to this post... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/209353-experimental-branch-049-discussion/?p=2111226
  15. Elle

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    so hasn't it been mentioned somewhere else that the kicks for using side chat are just a misconfiguration of software somewhere and by no means a punishment for not using the mic? and if that's the case isn't this whole thread a bit pointless?
  16. Elle

    Dear Dolina Survivor....

    so all I can say is I don't understand the "I just killed some guy" posts at all. enlightenment on the mindset would be most welcome.
  17. Elle

    Hardware Question - Where's My Bottleneck?

    the game is a monster for CPU usage and windows has a really bad habit of parking CPU cores to save power. give this a read http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/28cla2/dayz_sa_frame_optimization_launch_options_fov/ and do some research on core parking or CPU parking. the reddit link has some .cfg changes you can make to improve your performance outside of the ingame video settings. by the way Max is correct on the amount of ram you have - I would invest in a 64bit OS upgrade so as to utilize all of your hardware.
  18. Elle

    Looking for a specific person in DayZ

    I agree, I have seen this mentioned a couple of times and I even mentioned it once myself in another unrelated thread. What was suggested to me in the other thread was a whole topic on the subject of "missed connections". It would be nice to be able to be able to easily find someone either for the sake of offering a personal thanks for some good deed or a rebuke for bad behavior (keeping it civil of course). Who knows.... it could turn into "DayZ dating" or "Pistols at dawn".
  19. That server restart was very unfortunate. Your goods were still there when I managed to find the server again, I completed your backpack and placed your items inside so they would attract much less attention. The backpack is behind the bush you chopped for sticks (now respawned), I did verify that it is accessible but if for some reason you cannot pick it up just chop down the bush again and it should be plainly visible. Oh and I did find a nice fire axe on the way to look for the one you dropped so I have left town for an extended camping trip. Good luck on your travels fair stranger, Elle, Collector of all things pristine. PS: As has been mentioned before, a pinned Topic for "missed connections" is an excellent idea.
  20. thanks guys. I work hard for my gear and I assume others do too so it was a shame that the server restarted right after he dropped it all to craft the backpack. it was the least I could do for another friendly. indeed and I agree competely but a pinned topic might happen quicker than a whole forum section. but ya never know.
  21. Elle

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    hehe yeah this might be something that would have me people hunting to acquire if I end up unable to find it otherwise.
  22. Elle

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    hrm my late stepfather carried one of these in WWII and according to him the ping was not a problem with having your position given away, in fact your position was generally known by the enemy but you were under/behind cover when the small skirmishes would break out. he and his brothers in arms used the ping as bait to lure the enemy that had not yet gotten wise to the tactic of pinging an empty clip on someone's helmet. he said it much like this... ping! they peek, you shoot. of course the tactic faded as the enemy got used to it. its funny that people would think the ping would give away your position considering the ping only occurred when the clip was ejected (or when baiting the enemy), meaning that you were already firing your weapon (like that don't give away your position) when it happened. the M1 Garand is a dream to fire and I would love to tote one of these around chernarus.
  23. Elle

    How do you deal with zombies?

    in whatever is the quietest and safest manner. sometimes its an axe to head and sometimes its a round or two from whatever firearm I may be carrying and sometimes its my fists in a frustrating toe to toe. I will note that occasionally I just run and when I run I usually aim to have the zed suicide over a hill or get distracted with some local wildlife. mostly I decide how to deal with them depending on where we are on the map and how many of them I have to deal with.
  24. strongly resisting the urge to insult you off the internet for even suggesting such a nasty thing - if you wanna shove stuff up your butt go do in your own home but don't ever EVER suggest such atrocities be added to a game, particularly a game that I paid for. sickos everywhere I swear.