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Everything posted by Elle

  1. Elle

    Post your character! :D

    heh, spoken like someone who can't see past "I need to go kill someone". there's a shit load more to do than just killing other people. - I've never been on a killing rampage and I'm geared up like Godzilla.
  2. Elle

    This game needs a lever-action rifle!

    the Chinese make a crap ton of those....
  3. Elle


    that little amphibian .22 is pretty damn silent and its in the game now.
  4. Elle

    What is good about this game?

    and they spent it on arma 3...
  5. Elle

    What is good about this game?

    wow this thread just devolved into preschool....
  6. Elle

    Group System - no more shooting friends

    don't you loot and use the ingame map?? I have much stuff in my pants - some of its even useful
  7. Elle

    Spawned Naked And Alone In The North

    omfg yesterday before the update I was on experimental, starving to death and suffering massive blood loss - then I found my savior can opener and died within a minute... god I love this game :)
  8. we differ in that we don't cheat (as much) (ok that's probably not very true either way) - I don't know about changing the display name but the moderators and forum admins keep a close eye on things - you might just try askin one to change your name for ya.
  9. Elle

    Long Time Lurker!

    I have been many times over :p gosh that was funny :)
  10. Elle

    Group System - no more shooting friends

    I'm thinkin more character customization overall - gain that unique look without taking off your pants - might help somewhat but really I just want a better hairstyle and less cleft chin.
  11. Elle

    Long Time Lurker!

    so are whisky and cigarettes.... come to think of it where the hell is the whisky?? oh and cigarettes??
  12. Elle

    Long Time Lurker!

    hahah I almost spilled my whisky!
  13. aww the alpha not being nice to you??
  14. Elle

    What Do You Currently Prefer?

    DayZ SA of course, don't be silly. also why would I want to buy a whole game I won't play just to play a mod.
  15. Elle

    (Inventory item placement save)

    gee I just keep my inventory full of crap and when I need space for something I toss shit out. my stuff never gets rearranged.
  16. Elle

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    so joining the forum and making a total ass of yourself if how you deal with it??? pretty childish.
  17. I find a lot of em in the storage units, I even found a fire axe in one this morning, right after a server reset too... weird. edit: oh and the silver metal buildings with the blue doors on each end - I find a lot there too.
  18. Elle

    Sacred Ground

    I wish people would quit thinking this kind of shit needs to be enforced. be a better playa, live a lil longa
  19. Elle

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I gotta ask... did you join the fourm just to be a whiny bitch?
  20. pretty sure rain doesn't do anything but get you and your clothes wet at the moment - in the future it will cause you to get sick and contribute to the damage of your gear. you can also get wet by wading through a stream, pond or the surf.
  21. Elle

    Help !

    something about a global ban after buying SA and not being able to connect to servers...
  22. Elle

    What is good about this game?

    why yes that would be the one, its all a part of the creation process - this is an alpha test after all, and we the "players" have agreed to assist in this testing process, or did you skip that part of the huge warning when you were busy giving your money to steam, patience please as these things take time. all the bitchin about the "problems" in the "game" are just really getting old and annoying.
  23. yeah that tactical bacon gave me a good chuckle - of course I died due to starvation and blood loss 2 mins after finding a can opener so I still don't know what it looks like inside the can.
  24. Elle

    What is good about this game?

    funny things to say about a project that isn't quite a game yet... oh and everything you mentioned is being resolved in the current experimental build. was there anything else? edit for realistic expectations: we hope its all being resolved in the current exp build - most of it was in the last exp build.
  25. Elle

    Fall damage height

    I went to suicide off the hospital in berezino once and walked away from it with no damage... I had climb the ladder and jump again. of course the first time I landed on a fence, I was quite successful the second time.