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Everything posted by Elle

  1. "All lives are mundane, it only depends on how much you settle for." you should state this as your opinion as well. My life has never been mundane and satisfaction with reality is something that comes and goes over time. If your reality is permanently unsatisfactory then you really should look at changing your reality. You seem to have a very limited life experience.
  2. what no square dance?? I'm disappointed.
  3. precisely. its all fiction and it doesn't bother me in the least that other players can see around corners in 3pp, I can too so its all equal and its all fiction. I like 3pp for the ease of navigation as I rarely engage in combat - I didn't buy CoD. I don't play video games for the sake of "immersion" to begin with - I play them to enjoy the talent of the creators and the writers (if the game has a story) and to take a break from my housework. the only thing that actually provides "immersion" is real life so in reality I play video games to break the "immersion". as for the titles you have mentioned, I've never played them, not my type of game. I bought DayZ for the survival aspects and the zombies, not for some pretend "immersion" experience. it is in the end just another video game. I'm sorry you have a mundane life that needs spicing up, I don't, but I do enjoy a good game.
  4. umm the point was about immersion not realistic textures and environment - I agree its a very well done piece of art and I truly enjoy just running the countryside in the game to see the beautiful environment. I love the fact that I can read the little manufacture's stamp on some of the items I carry. all of these things are very well done but in the end immersion is broken the second I see the actual fiction that it is and that tends to happen most when I encounter the completely fictional zed. I love the game but I'm an eyecandy whore and I couldn't give a shit about supposed immersion. as for what the game is about.... its a sandbox, its about whatever I want it to be about. edit: so I just re-read my post and as I had suspected I never called anything unrealistic - even tho the zeds are - maybe you should read it again too.
  5. interesting considering that the majority of the community plays 3pp. why do you think that is? another question is why do you want to piss off the majority of the community?? and yet another question is why in the hell do you think you know more than I do about how I want to play MY games??? it has been stated repeatedly that there are HC servers for 1pp only gameplay, I know because I play on em. I also play on the 3pp servers after the HC gives me a raging headache from trying to navigate the high grass. seriously if you have a problem with 3pp play, stay the hell off the 3pp servers but for the love of god stop trying to force your playstyle on everyone else, its just a bit Nazi-ish. as for immersion... I didn't buy the game because "omg its so real..." its a fictional apocalypse, key point being fictional - there is no true immersion in fiction and every zed I see reminds me of that - kinda blows the immersion.
  6. Elle

    The friends list in server search

    except I am not a member of any steam group unless I have somehow been added without my knowledge. edit: just checked the group tab and it is indeed empty
  7. hahah so it is! I really need to check the banner before I reply ;) thanks!
  8. Elle

    The friends list in server search

    I've noticed that as well - I was looking for the server that my friend was on the other day and it showed that I had 4 friends on one server and one friend on another, he was the only friend I had on at the time and I only have 3 friends that play.
  9. well I have to assume that since you are asking about the player/channel part of the map you know how to open it so that's taken care of... as for what that does, its anyone's guess, I have spent quite a lot of time myself messing with it and it doesn't seem to do anything - yet. it's possible that more functionality will be added at some point but I don't think the map does much but allow you to put notes on it which reset once your game session ends. other than that its a really nice and detailed map, I have a complete one on my stable regular char. oh and I have found that the new police stations spawn them quite often. in the end however, you will get to know the real estate well enough that having a map just takes up inventory space.
  10. Elle


    probably not the best life but it's my understanding that they still make zombies in Haiti.
  11. Elle

    Day z Rap Battle lol

    not a big rap fan but that there is just funny. well done gents!
  12. Elle


    funny, I was in Haiti a couple of decades ago and met a voodoo zombie, he walk the grounds of the hotel where we stayed and was quite harmless he was also quite mindless. one of the hotel employees informed me that at some time in his past he had crossed a voodoo priestess and she subsequently poisoned him to very near death and had him dug up a couple of days after his funeral. he was in many ways a typical slow moving Romero style zombie but he was still alive and not hell bent on eating brains, he looked very nearly dead all the time despite the fact that the hotel cared for him. oh he smoked too, one of the drivers at the hotel says "yeah just put a cigarette in his mouth and light it..." so I did. very creepy. anyway voodoo zombies are just poisoned people that have had their brain burned out with some toxin but they are quite alive.
  13. Elle


    open your Steam client and click on "store" type "dayz" in the search bar
  14. Elle


    burying the victims...
  15. Elle

    An update for player interaction

    damn I was so caught in my passion that I forgot to mention that I don't have any problems with tossin someone in the trunk or draggin em around after they have been legitimately subdued. picking up wounded people or dead bodies is not out of the question either as they both have merits for different reasons. so 2 outta 3 aint bad... or something like that.
  16. Elle

    An update for player interaction

    well you have my unequivocal 'No Thankyou!"
  17. Elle

    An update for player interaction

    well I've had a change of heart, since you will continue to push this, I'm gonna skip the paranoia and just jump right to KoS, in fact I think I'll start tonight and I will make sure they all know who to thank for their abruptly ended lives. now don't get me wrong, I'll also make sure to tell em who pulled the trigger, we can just call it a psychotic rampage of disagreement, yeah I like that. congrats you've just made your first KoSer. you haven't been playing this very long have you?
  18. Elle

    Survivors, your destination?

    interesting, your options are obviously based on your play style and apparent limited exposure overall as there are no options related to my personal play style. in the end I am with mako on this one, I wouldn't tell you even if you represented my options. good luck with you poll.
  19. OK so when private hives become a possibility - do what the hell you want - until then don't put this crap in the game.
  20. Elle

    An update for player interaction

    well after 508 hours I damn well better know - trust me it aint that easy unless you've got your volume cranked to the max, struggling is already in game and I kid you not if they implement anything close to "sneak up and take hostage" I will gun down every sumbitch I see. your idea will very much increase suspicion and by extension KoS, which for some reason everyone thinks is horrible already. so you go ahead and push your idea all you want but don't go cryin when you get caught tryin and I kill your dumb ass.
  21. Elle

    An update for player interaction

    ummm yeah... if your good, you don't need to sneak up on someone to take them hostage. see how that works?? seriously do you know ridiculously easy it is to sneak up on someone???
  22. I very likely will.... particularly all those people that say there are only two things to do after you gear up. whatever happened to explore the map? find some weird statue in the woods? find pristine everything? go see the debug plains? understand the mystery of green mountain? recon and loot every building in zelenogorsk? omfg I almost forgot... survive long enough to get hungry and thirsty again? damn there are endless things to do that have nothing to do with CoD.
  23. Elle

    An update for player interaction

    oh heres an idea... how about when you sneak up behind someone you have to hit em with a melee weapon or shoot em with a gun, you know, kinda like ya have to do now, and face the consequences if you fail. stop making suggestions that encourage me to want to kill you as soon as I see you.