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Everything posted by Elle

  1. yeah you just skipped all that about the other players being more obstacles etc etc. the bottom line is I paid for a game that incorporates 3pp and 1pp on the same server and offers a 1pp experience on separate servers - I did NOT pay for a 1pp shooter. I will be extraordinarily pissed off at having wasted my money if 3pp is removed, it's truly that simple. I have never asked for a refund for a game but if 3pp is completely removed I will. false advertising and all that - so it would pretty much be foolish for BIS to go there considering its been sold as both. I like playing apocalypse Barbie the game was sold with the capacity and it should retain that capacity or I want my money back and I would encourage everyone that feels this way to follow suit. the real question is why YOU feel the need to impose your play style on me when I have nothing to do with you at all? makes no sense whatsoever. and you are beginning to be very annoying with it. seriously you've still never answered this. as for plato - who cares the guys been dead a couple of millennia now and was required reading in high school over 30 years ago. he also has no bearing on my choice in games. I'm sorry if you don't feel the current SA holds up to your "vision" but in the end its not your vision that matters, its Dean Hall's. edit: oops I forgot to address the "MMORPG" what I bought is a hybred-MMO according to the description at steam and BIS. not sure where you pulled that from but whatever
  2. no and stop trying to force me to play with other players.
  3. well there ya go - the public has spoken.
  4. to the role playing aspect - if the other players are trying to take your gear why would you want to interact with them in the first place (see, your are a shooter so you don't get that part) and if I am not interacting with other players why do you care if I can see on the top shelf better than you can? 3pp facilitates this. also in my survival game I kill zombies (imagine that) and they are just so much easier to whack with an axe in 3pp. as for navigation, not yet but it should. I and many others simply can't spend hours and hours running across the landscape in 1pp (why I am not actually opposed to 4th wall by the way) - it causes real problems in the real world causing people to stop playing and go take their asprins or whatever they take for the headaches it causes, you also miss out on some really beautiful scenery when you spend all your time in 1pp, address these issues for navigation and I may consider navigating in 1pp (personally I don't think that's ever going to be possible with this engine) as to the rest we seem to have to reached a fairly easy impasse. so do you play a Barbie or a Ken? now you know what I spent my money on. be aware that I am no alone.
  5. go watch world war z - those critters are called zombies too and they are worse than our zombies - hrm come to think of it 28 days later was billed as a zombie flick, they were alive kinda like our zombies - its a general term, live with it.
  6. ok yeah I didn't really read all of that but I just have one question - would know me or my disposition if you were sitting next to me on the bus? didn't think so. can we just drop this stupidity now???
  7. the role playing aspect of zombie survival, you know, the part that doesn't have a lot to do with interaction with other players (2/3rds of the game by the way) - 3pp is an invaluable tool for looting those hard to reach top shelves and such, its also fantastic for overland navigation. I wouldn't recommend expecting a fair fight with another player on a 3pp server but since the game is not all PvP 3pp does have its uses. I should also note that I treat other players the same way I treat the zombies, just another dangerous obstacle I must overcome or circumvent in order to get the items I require to keep my little apocalypse Barbie alive. as a shooter, I am sure you have no use for the 3pp pov. as a survivor I have use for both. hrm maybe I am getting more from the game than you are. maybe you should reconsider your overall play style.
  8. omfg are we still defining what a zombie is or isn't?? we, the players call them zombies because we assume that's what the Z in DayZ stands for and its convenient for us - I can't say what it stands for one way or another - the creator of the game, you know that Dean Hall guy?? says they are infected people that are not dead - seems he quizzed his brother or some such who is some kinda medical type before he conceived of the whole infected scheme. apparently he was hoping for something that was at the very least plausible in the real world and this is what we have now. once and for all they are INFECTED people that are still ALIVE. gees just had this conversation on another thread... now can we return to the topic of their behavior?? please??? as to this... the only definition for the game that matters is Dean Hall's definition. his creation so his definition.
  9. on this we agree completely and honestly I wouldn't wish you gone from the game for second - it's the 1pp point of view that helps drive the mechanics of the "shooter" side of the game which in turn adds to the thrill of my personal survival in dayz... ya just never know who's gunnin for ya, keeps me on my toes.
  10. shhhhhh! I've actually met one but that's already posted in another thread ;)
  11. well I don't play it as a shooter now and never have so that's kinda out. and if you will read up-thread a bit where I discuss the economics of dayz with Weedz you might get a better idea of how and why dayz makes money. also if it only fills a niche its doomed from the onset - niche markets are inherently small and generally considered "flash in the pan" profit models, somehow I don't think dayz fits the niche model based on its already huge success and I can't imagine a large software firm like BIS supporting a niche model - they are in it for the money long-term. it is a sandbox simulation and that is hardly unique, this one just has zombies. oh and its pretty. zombies aren't real so... see ya
  12. ok so there are a couple of these threads but this was the first one I found. from the devtracker on pistol mags..... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182288-reddit-rocket2guns-on-suggestion-make-magazines-spawn-in-guns/
  13. Elle

    Turn off Bug noises

    I would agree you are most likely SOL however I can see them adding the option to adj volume for the ambient sounds in the future so it may not all be a loss for you, you will just have to sacrifice all those fun birds and gates and that funny someone hitting a barrel. I have heard crickets in the game near sunset and for a while afterwards. at least I hope they are game crickets... frogs would be cool - good idea :)
  14. in cherno with an axe, got myself a lil agro from a couple o zeds so I axed em. moved about 5 meters and had to axe the respawns, now I'm bleeding so I bandage and have to axe three more - ima dumbass... 50 meters later I killed em all with no probs and no more agro. what you say holds true with an axe for sure (well as long as you stay outta sight too).
  15. dude why do you think SA exists at all? if BIS couldn't turn a hefty profit on it I would still be considering if I wanted to buy a whole game I don't care about just to play a mod I can download for free and those are hard economic decisions to consider. welcome to the nature of the Business. as a side note: I am still torn over arma3 for the sake of breaking point (omg zombies!) but there is that whole other game I will never play.... of course there is altis life too (I mean cops?? really???) on topic: as I've said before I am not opposed to 4th wall as long as it works properly it doesn't interfere with my navigation or the awesome scenery that can only be had from 3pp but I do have concerns about its integration into the game engine overall. solve all its problems and I'm all in - I don't play it as an fps anyway.
  16. and oddly it does this just fine just the way it is - amazing no? but still, having more choices in a game instead of less choices in a game is always better - at least from where I'm sittin. that's why I will never advocate for the complete removal of 1pp from the game, even tho the minority of players are strict adherents to this controversial play style (just overlook the levity). on a serious note its rash popularity is a testament to what has been missing in the gaming industry for ages - the no rules sandbox with a good idea for interactive environment with eyebleed pretty scenery... or it could just be the zombies.
  17. hahah the sheer numbers, as you put it, are what pay the salaries of the people who are making the game - duh! - why do you want to hurt pocketbooks of the people who are making such a fine product that has such incredible mass appeal and TWO different play styles already built in. just stay the hell off of 3pp servers if its that important to you and if the 1pp servers die due to lack of participation I would have to say the paying masses, you know, those sheer numbers, will have spoken. don't be daft. stop trying to force your way on everyone else. simple.
  18. oh I am well aware of the economics of arma2 and how the mod increased its sales but you have to understand that the mod, which was free, served as an advertising agent for arma2 which was not free - I am one of those people that watched all the videos thinkin to myself "well isn't that cool" while shopping for something else that did not require me to buy some game I had no interest in just to play. then the announcement of SA came along and I was all in. I tinkered with the arma demos and whatnot but they just aren't my kinda game. the standalone must serve as its own advertising agent and sell itself to the masses, therefore the masses must be appeased in order to maintain sales and right now the masses like their 3pp. that ability alone was part of the reason I bought it. I have no love for 1pp only games - they give me headaches. I do however like the ability to switch between the two, cause sometimes ya have to see what yer doin and sometimes ya have to see where yer goin. I rather like having the ability of playing this as a PvE game and really like the fact that the environment is getting more difficult as development progresses - I don't play it as a shooter, I never have and I never will so that 4th wall mod would be great for something like private hives but likely hinder those of us who enjoy a casual stroll thru zombie apocalypse. now if were a bit smoother in its operation it wouldn't make any difference to have it running on 3pp so I am no entirely opposed to that but I am very opposed to the overall removal of 3pp. damn that there is just freaky creepy - I did see a lil indie game where you get to play as a fly but this^ is something else entirely :p
  19. Elle

    Turn off Bug noises

    just so I understand this correctly... you want the devs to take some precious time away from overall game development so they can add a toggle to let you turn the flies off. is that what I just read? on a side note: being an "uber-nerd PC gamer" one would think that you would already be aware that games representing realism in the outdoors are going to have appropriate outdoor ambient sounds so it might be more efficient to ask for the devs to make a toggle for ambient sounds overall. just sayin.
  20. the huge difference is the mod was free to own and standalone is not. in order for a commercial enterprise to be successful one must supply what the majority demands. simple econ 101. private hives will make a big difference in how we all approach the dayz experience I am sure. I completely agree with everything else in yer post there ;) nicely done.
  21. yeah my first real oops encounter with em was in a bunk room in a barracks building - too tight to swing the axe so I pulled the ole .45 and shot the SOB... his sister comes thru the wall behind me with her aunt and brother-in-law meanwhile the original has respawned and is coming through the other wall as I am steadily emptying one mag after another so I can manage to get a clear path to the door just terrified I've alerted every player on the server to my whereabouts and I would be shot runnin out. I was all bright green on all statuses when this all started but I was seeing hard greyscale when it was over. It took almost 20 mins a bag of rice and a few gallons of water to recover and I had to go find some more gear, seems I had shat my pants in all the commotion. so yeah I changed my methods after I changed my pants - I like the zeds a lot better now
  22. aww jack ya beat me to it - nice by the way ;)
  23. first off they are not dead they are infected living human beings that apparently can sprint and jump and in the game respawn - just like you but in a slightly different manner. secondly, these are just placeholder zombies, remember the A-word. thirdly if you had been following the devtracker you might be aware of server load problems with huge amounts of zombies, you do still want to be able to play right? I'll end it with that but it kinda looks like you wasted your money - oh and you can pass this on to the uninformed individual you quoted since you seem to admire his work so much.
  24. Elle

    WARNING: Do not kneel near Zombies.

    hrm I wonder if this is what happened to me the other day - I was dancing with a zed using my fire axe and couldn't get a hit to save my life (yeah I really said that) when the zed finally got a hit on me I was instantly dead. of course I was in cherno so it could have been a sniper...