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Everything posted by Elle

  1. Elle

    Turn off Bug noises

    heres a compromise, add a toggle for the ambient sounds but not the effects. that way you can turn off the birds, gates, weird guy whackin the barrel etc. but not the sounds of incoming zeds, gunshots and those sneaky lil footsteps. but you will be missing so much when the frogs are added oh and crickets, we have to have crickets for sure (cause I still aint sure). I would imagine a muffle would have to be included for the sneaky lil footsteps so as to not grant too much advantage to the person who toggles off ambient sounds. just a thought.
  2. Elle

    Zombie Ambush

    dude you get it on video I would definitely be interested in watchin it
  3. Elle

    Zombie Ambush

    I think they might spawn back in town close to their original spawn location. but it does sound like a lot of fun to try out. I'll see if I can log on with a friend tonight and give it a go. edit: I forgot to mention - I love science :) beans to you sir!
  4. Elle

    How do you get out of the super slow walk?

    try clicking your rmb, sometimes I do that on accident and with no weapon or with a melee weapon in hand she just walks
  5. I can see it now... 3 months with a character and no shampoo my lil girl will have wild hair and maybe even dreads... I can live with that as long as they are red dreads
  6. Elle

    New village

    oh you're quite welcome that place has the advantage of being just a lil north of a school, construction site, train station and some mondo storage units too. oh and no zeds as of yet. its also easy access to lopatino which has good loots as well but its got a fair share of zeds - I like to target practice out there sometimes.
  7. Elle


    I know right?? and we got here before the merge :p
  8. Elle


    oh roy you so secksi ;)
  9. Elle


    oh I've read it so many times on the forums "how to avoid being killed on sight? stay outta sight." that's a pretty easy concept as well as a pretty easy practice. KoS is a fact of life in the game.
  10. Elle

    New village

    yellow house with all the food if I am not mistaken. there is a new water pump at the unnamed town but this one has been here since I've been playing and town kinda surrounds it now http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#6.017.033
  11. hair!! I wanna change my hair color dammit. I want me some red. and some style too. the granny bun is getting annoyin. :)
  12. yeah usually I see my sleeve is torn and dirty when the aim animation plays and that prompts me to check the rest of my gear - it could be a graphics setting tho - I tend to run all that pretty high
  13. Elle

    New village

    yeah that's where I get water when I go there now - I found that when the town was only like 6 houses a couple o months ago - somehow I keep thinking this town also sits within the scope of the pump that's off the NW corner of NEAF but it doesn't, I bumped into that one again last weekend when I was stalking some guy I missed leaving the AF - I really need to practice leading my shots more, maybe take the mosin down to berezino and take pot shots at everything that moves....
  14. the look of your clothes does degrade with its condition - that's usually how I know I need to patch my jacket and pants - they start lookin all dirty and ripped up.
  15. Elle

    New village

    I think ya got em all and yes the place is an open treasure chest with only other players to get in the way your retrieving the prize - I've run thru it in the dark before and got myself lost so I logged in the next day with some daylight and was just astounded at what all is there, I never did find a water pump tho.
  16. I just love it when people join the forums just to make this kind of crap their first post...
  17. Elle

    New village

    there are a couple of towns that have had the little yellow house for at least the last month and the town in the picture is located here...http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#6.120.015 edit: referring to the aerial image that is....and pretty sure lumo1234 is correct on the map loc of the other one ;)
  18. Elle

    New village

    this village already exists - its north of NEAF
  19. Elle

    3D Preformance error

    I don't have that file at all. unless its in another directory.
  20. roger boss, sorry I posted before I saw this. oh and gratz on making moderator ;)
  21. people saying KoS is out of control and people saying we need some kind of identification method are 2 completely different things - you know - apples to oranges - I agree with the devs that this whole idea of identification is a bad idea - if you want to identify your friends then adopt a uniform of sorts from the items already in the game - it happens all the time - there is a group that only runs with red backpacks, they make nice vids. as for KoS - this is not the thread to even discuss it. I will say this on the subject however - KoS is now and forever part of the game, get used to it or go do something else. back on topic and to reiterate what the devs have already said: identification systems are a bad idea and have no place in SA. so stop pushing a stupid idea that will never happen. edit: furthermore if you have such incredible skills at "reading people like a book" then you don't need an identification system. why would you want a crutch??
  22. I mean seriously?? you resort to insult because you can't have what the devs have already stated will NEVER be in the game??? get over yourself and your idiotic self-importance - you are just another noob that can't take the heat in the game and you sir represent a tiny minority as evidenced by the overwhelming NO to this idiotic idea. I do so hope I find you ingame so I can just shoot you in the face with no dialog just so I can hunt down your new spawn and do it again... lather, rinse, repeat.
  23. Elle

    3D Preformance error

    I have this as well - OP were you able to fix this?
  24. Elle

    Sawed-off Shotgun to fit in Chest Holster

    woot! I know right? ;)
  25. OK jesus of the 1pp - you make me tired with your insipid need for me to play the game your way - the majority of the people that play the game are fine with it (excepting the obvious bugs) but you just can't seem to accept that - kinda like my dog can't seem to accept the fact its time to give up the bone and go to bed. I've even shown a willingness to reach a compromise with 3pp using 4th wall (what this thread is about) but you just keep at it trying to force me to see only your point of view and nothing else - I'm done. enjoy Dean's vison. for the record you don't have to be a dick to express your point of view.