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Everything posted by Elle

  1. man that's awesomely funny ;) I hate it when I bes creepin around at some base or other lookin for that special some-something when my itchy index finger twitches ever so slightly and BOOM! I can't count the number of times I have nearly peed myself over that... I tend rush my loot jobs after that happens too.
  2. oh I was like OMFG this is gonna take forever... gosh now I feel old and can't understand why everyone wants a car or heli to get around.
  3. Elle

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    if you enable the Steam overlay while ingame you can capture screenshots by pressing the key for that - pretty sure default key is F12 - that what I use. oh and you don't actually have to bring up the overlay so that's not a problem.
  4. Elle

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    sooo I guess a lil PvE got in the way of your PvP? I mean it is zombie apocalypse afterall.
  5. sadly I'm getting there all too quickly - I do hope they plan to extend the map farther north and west into the current debug plains at some point at least. I already know the real estate to the north where current expansion is planned so that will end up with me running country I already know to a new town/facility that I don't know but will after one visit. one would think you could still get lost in over 200 sq km of land - who knew it was so small in the end?
  6. Elle

    What's your Favorite Weapon right now?

    M4 at the moment for a breach weapon and of course the fireaxe for zeds however once I get rid of this M4 it will be FNX for breach, Mosin w/ LRS for reach and of course fireaxe for zeds. hrm looks like fireaxe gets it.
  7. PSA! I just checked the dayzdb map and it has been updated - the new areas seem to be there but without their names - all the buildings are there tho.
  8. yeah I still use it just to be sure of where I am going but its usually not required if I find a town - been to em all now so once I find one I get bearings really fast and head out on my way. would be nice if a play map expansion could happen, say something like namalsk but close enough to swim to or steal a boat to.... a girl can dream I guess.
  9. a dedicated map slot would rock - I find the map to be very useful and I don't burn valuable CPU driving that powerhog flash map. if you read the map description it states that it is a tourist map of the area which is the reason they are in pieces (not cut up by someone as you assume) they also come in quarter sections and halves, not 1/8th sections as you have suggested. hunting for maps is fun and gives you something to do besides shooting at your fellow survivors.
  10. oh yeah I forgot about that building - the red one with 2 rooms upstairs to the right they spawn in the first room on the shelf mostly I just find books there tho. also check the supermarkets I have found at least one piece in one of those but I have found a lot in the shops with the metal thing over the front window, check both the one with the hole ripped in the metal and the one with the solid metal (should be small double doors to the right of the covered window)
  11. no you can use the instructions posted above to hotkey any piece of the map.
  12. as a bit of useful advice when using a map make sure you are in a safe place as you will be unable to respond to the game while the map is open and for a second or two after you close it, to use the map, drag it to the hotbar and press the corresponding number key to open it and press that number key again to close it. the map will not show your current location but you can double click on it to make notes that are active for your current game session. the detail is good with some things like bus stations marked and town names. happy map hunting.
  13. I have managed over time to find a north and south half in zelenogorsk, some in the shops and some in the upstairs rooms but lately I have found em in polices stations that are everywhere now
  14. yeah you loot em in pieces some are halves and some are quarters and put them together to make a whole - I now have a whole map on regular and HC
  15. the ingame map does, try that one.
  16. Elle

    Proper Forest!

    is it? damn I was hoping to give that one a go just for the awesome forest. that's incredible scenery. reeeeely creepy story tho.
  17. Elle

    blur when breathing heavy

    haha yeah I forgot about that ;)
  18. yup happened to me on experimental last week I had just whacked 4 with my axe drew agro from a single and we danced for a bit cause I couldn't hit her for shit then she jumped and I was dead - now I was full health all three bars bright green and she hadn't even hit yet till the jump - I had assumed maybe a sniper but no one ever came to claim my choice gear soooo I got one shotted by a zed. now we know. zeds are effin dangerous.
  19. Elle

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    likewise - and that was with all the crap I forgot to turn off runnin the background.
  20. Elle

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    fun times fun times. NEAF is a serious tempter too cause there aint a lot of cover and you can see whats comin and goin pretty easily - that does have a flip side tho.
  21. Elle

    Turn off Bug noises

    that would rock :p
  22. Elle

    blur when breathing heavy

    disable post processing I believe.
  23. Elle

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    so I guess not too many people actually play the game as a survivor. I've got 510 hours now and I have killed one person (came at me with a knife on day one) and shot at two others. the first person I ever shot at was a legitimate attempt at more gear so I guess that amounts to banditry (I lost that fight to his axe when I ran outta ammo, lesson learned) and the other one was prowling around at NEAF so I tossed a couple down range as discouragement (never saw him again). I've spoken to about a dozen people with mixed results and been shot at a few more times than that, again with mixed results. I play the game around the edges of where all the hubbub happens and observe what people do. I've seen some horrible things in my travels across the map and I've been witness to interesting, possibly helpful things as well. to me the point of the game is to keep my lil girl alive and healthy and I have found the best way to do that is to avoid as much player interaction as possible. I am perfectly happy to creep thru a town behind someone else and pick up the things they leave behind. I am alive and I have a clear conscience. I am not a bandit.
  24. Elle

    DayZ - Punishment for BOTs-Truffl3s

    dammit - after this I couldn't help but watch that - now I can't unwatch that... oh well a few beers from now it matter anymore I guess edited fer spellin
  25. Elle

    Zombie Ambush

    yeah my stable regular char is loaded with some gear I've been holding for my son but I'm seriously thinkin about just droppin it off at the nearest police station cause I have no idea when the boy will take a mind to load the game and we can play. as for the gear, I can just imagine the eye bulge of the unsuspecting passerby finding a pristine, fully kitted M4 and 5 full 60 mags with an extra stack of 60 to keep it interesting (I have to change my play style to accommodate the new zed behavior and the M4 was my carry wep) oh and a pristine compass (not that anyone really uses those after the first week of playing anyways). I used to have an ACOG but I dropped that M4 on accident one day so its got one o those red dots.