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Everything posted by Elle

  1. Elle

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    sooo you got a little separated from your buddy when you come upon a mid sized squad so you take up positions behind two buildings separated by a gap thru which you are spotting the squad when you get spotted back. now gunfire erupts as you and your buddy attempt to secure a safe escape but suddenly things have gone quiet on your buddy's side and you glance over to discover he is out of ammo... your options are: attempt to cross the gap to provide ammo for your buddy or just toss the mag to him from your current position. good luck and have fun :)
  2. Elle

    Chernarus Map Easter Egg

    hehe I know about that thing (ifn its the thing ima thinkin) - there is one inside the errr....thing.... at vybor too ;)
  3. Elle

    few questions on starting out

    if you are on a server that shows its time as noon the sun should be due south (sunrise in the SE and sunset in the SW) so if you turn about 45 degrees to the right (while facing the sun) you should run right into NWAF. alternately you can run to grishino (if you can see that from the devils castle) and from the town center you can see the hangars of NWAF to the west across a long open field. the mil base south of there is in a little clump of trees at the base of a largish hill (kinda stands alone with a big rock on it), its kind of hard to see but once you are half-way there from NWAF you should be able to see the wall and the top of the camo building and get your bearings from that. as for the suppressor - its still non-functional so even if you use it, it will attract zeds and players. for zeds the fire axe is your best friend, for players its your choice (I have no preference as I don't shoot other players) but I tend to carry whatever firearm I manage to find as long as I can get ammo for it (except the SKS, too loud and too ugly). to find a compass search in the little super markets - that's where I seem to find em the most. a bit of loot advice... after you finish raiding the mil base south of NWAF head due west to pustoshka - there is a little super market and a few really good loot houses, some storage garages, plus 3 water pumps, the zeds are annoying but there are only like 5 maybe 6 that spawn there but they do respawn with pretty good view of the town so expect to use the fire axe a fair amount. I find it to be well worth the effort. oh and don't forget vybor is like an open treasure chest that seldom gets looted.
  4. Elle


    hahaha that's actually kind of awesome. I'd be worried about turning my back to that shadow ifn I was you.
  5. Elle

    How is Electro PvP now?

    what?!?! there used to be PvP in electro???
  6. Elle

    A Stretch for Cars but Maybe one Day?!?

    so that's pretty cool. would be funny to watch a buncha peeps in payday masks shooting it out over a minivan whose alarm is still goin crazy and draggin in zeds like ummm the apocalypse or something.
  7. Elle

    Sudden death

    I've been pegged in the head on the tower of the ATC at NEAF, at least that's as far as I can tell. I was up there takin my time, poking thru all the fancy military stuffs when I spy this cutesy lil some something or other out on the walkway. being dumb as I am, I stepped out on to the lil walkway there and I was dead. no gun shot, no flash o black and white, just plain ole black screen "you are dead". I learnt right then and there I need a ballistic helmet ifn I'm gonna do stuff that silly. just remember there are snipers everywhere (I should know better cause I are one) and some of em are pretty darn good.
  8. Elle

    Sudden death

    aliens.... no wait... alien zombies ;)
  9. Elle

    experimental test servers, stuff to be tested

    well seems to me that having everything in the hands of the players and having the players all over the map makes for some pretty good testing. bugs get reported all the time, just follow the bug tracker.
  10. Elle

    experimental test servers, stuff to be tested

    heh when the experimentals are running 40/40 for population all day everyday I assure you that all the gear is taken and all the locations are visited.
  11. Elle

    Mad Solnichniy spawns

    yeah would suggest to me that there were quite a few peeps up there at the same time doing this - as long as you were constantly spawning near the tower a small group could pull this off without too much time involved.
  12. Elle

    Mad Solnichniy spawns

    well it is a pretty common jumping off place so on a busy server I could see something like this happening - that said - it does all seem a bit staged cause that's a lot o stuff... I guess with a clan effort to dump and jump this could be done without too much trouble... I am so conflicted.
  13. Elle

    Zombie Tailors?

    cool this saves me from strapping that target to my character for the sake of science.
  14. you body will remain lootable for 10 mins if no one is around and 40 mins if someone is around (not sure how close they have to be) I have been able to find my body after an hour or so but it wasn't lootable at that point.
  15. Elle

    Unfair Situation in DayZ

    well they certainly lack originality but I guess there is no shortage of unimaginative idiots in the game. watched the full vid by the way.
  16. Elle

    Zombie Tailors?

    I have tossed 3 of them in favor of the assault vest - the word PRESS in big white letters just screams "shoot me!" but if I find another one I may run with it for a while to see how damage goes.
  17. Elle


    you reminded me of another location I have seen them but not in the last couple of weeks (not that I have been checking) in the upstairs room with the boxes of the restaurant/pub with all the doors already open (larger towns obviously) - its the room just to the left of the stairs - I have found at least 2 there.
  18. Elle

    I have finally found it!

    yeah this is all old news I have several screens of zeds on the roof of various locations from experimental when they first started respawning to just last week on stable. I don't bother posting them because there are enough of these pics. in fact my first screen was taken as soon as 42 rolled to experiment in the first 30 mins of the servers coming back up. OP I do give you props for creativity however.
  19. Elle

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I still don't see the problem... its a zombie game not CoD. fight the zombies.
  20. Elle


    I have found a couple in the red brick pub/café building too but that was before ver 42. can't recall seeing them there after 42 went stable tho. umm the yellow container thingy that is.... edited because I can't seem to get all the words in the first time.
  21. Elle

    Zombie Tailors?

    before ver 42 went to stable I was playing it on experimental and found a press vest that was badly damaged, no biggie, pockets are pockets. I got my self a lil too close to a zed a few days after that and like magic my badly damaged press was worn. I've read one other post to this effect. we may very well have tailors among the infected.
  22. oh I'm all the way up north so nwaf is a lot closer to me electro but I'll join and see what we can do
  23. oh now that's cold... funny... but cold :p
  24. well ifn ya loose all that there loot I'd be happy to accommodate with some o the shit I been totin around for a while. I have to rethink my play style and I am seriously thinking of supply runs for TMW lately so I need some space.
  25. damn Irish that's the most well planned event I've seen yet GJ man ;)